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Photon and Neutron Open Science Cloud


Scientific advances
Watch the interview with Erik Knudsen on the McStas python interface McStasScript for X-ray telescope simulations (with DEMO).
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17 Marca 2021

New products and technologies
Interview with Ibrahim Dawod on the use of SimEx and Gromacs for bioimaging theoretical simulations
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9 Marca 2021

Scientific advances
Interview with Juncheng E on the photon experiment simulation environment SIMEX (with DEMO)
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23 Lutego 2021

New products and technologies
Interview with Mads Bertelsen on performing McStas simulations with McStasScript (with DEMO)
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6 Stycznia 2021

Scientific advances
Interview with CERIC user, Dr. Elisa Bergami, on the benefits of Open Science for the Environmental Sciences
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18 Grudnia 2020

Online the PaNOSC brochure on the project’s progress and main achievements
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28 Listopada 2020

Policy making and guidelines
Photon and Neutron EOSC Symposium and PaNOSC & ExPaNDS Annual Meeting: an Overview
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25 Listopada 2020

Hungarian contribution to PaNOSC OSCOVIDA allows following COVID-19 pandemic in the country at county level
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6 Lipca 2020

New products and technologies
Discover OSCOVIDA, the PaNOSC Open Science COVID Analysis platform, tracking data about COVID19 worldwide
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27 Maja 2020

Policy making and guidelines
PaNOSC updates research data policy framework to be FAIR
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26 Maja 2020

New products and technologies
OpenPMD standard for simulation data (and metadata) further developed in PaNOSC WP5
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18 Grudnia 2019

New products and technologies
Report published on current technical elements of data analysis at PaNOSC partner sites
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18 Grudnia 2019

Scientific advances
First PaNOSC publication released at ICALEPCS19
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25 Listopada 2019

Scientific advances
Video interview with Dr. Alessa Gambardella on the advantages the EOSC could bring to researchers in the field of cultural heritage
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25 Listopada 2019

Scientific advances
Another milestone reached with the 1st PaNOSC annual meeting
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25 Listopada 2019

Material from the PaNOSC Jupyter workshop at ICALEPCS 2019 now online
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8 Października 2019

Reproducible science discussed at the Jupyter for Science workshop
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10 Września 2019

Kick-off meeting of PaNOSC WP4 hosted at EuXFEL
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7 Września 2019

The ESRF welcomed the 1st OASYS School
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26 Lipca 2019

Closer links between PaNOSC and ExPaNDS established at the LEAPS-IT meeting
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26 Lipca 2019

PaNOSC WP3 kicked off at the European Spallation Source
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26 Lipca 2019