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Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2023-04-17

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Discover OSCOVIDA, the PaNOSC Open Science COVID Analysis platform, tracking data about COVID19 worldwide

OSCOVIDA, the Open Science COVID Analysis website is now online at!

OSCOVIDA, the Open Science COVID Analysis website is now online at! The platform collects and shows analysis plots of COVID19 cases and deaths to better understand the time development of the pandemic and measures taken in all countries worldwide. Watch the video interview with prof. Hans Fangohr about OSCOVIDA here: For each country, a standard set of analysis plots is provided: - The accumulated cases of reported cases and deaths as function of time - The daily changes in infection cases and deaths - The growth factors (i.e. the ratio of new cases, or deaths, today relative to new cases, or deaths, yesterday) and -the reproduction number R - Doubling times of cases and deaths - Comparison of daily new cases with other countries - Comparison of daily new deaths with other countries The code can be used to extend the analysis, to share it and further contribute to the development of the tool, or for your own purposes. Ideas, suggestions and error reports are also welcome, through the feedback issue tracker on Github: The site has been developed using the partners’ knowledge and expertise in the field of data analysis. It showcases technology – that is used and developed in PaNOSC for the analysis of Photon and Neutron data science – in the context of the COVID19 situation, and can be used by citizens and policy makers worldwide to better understand the unprecedented pandemic. The figures shown are computed in Jupyter notebooks and then exported to HTML to be readable on the World Wide Web. For all figures a link is provided that allows to execute the notebook that has created the figures in a cloud-based compute environment using the Binder project. In this way, the figures can immediately be reproduced, and the analysis code modified and extended, thus making re-use of the work very straightforward. The site demonstrates the power of open science and value of remote data analysis to extract meaning from data (here by using the Jupyter Notebook and Binder service). As part of PaNOSC and EOSC, a European Binder instance is under development. The OSCOVIDA initiative is led by Prof. Hans Fangohr, head of data analysis at European XFEL and leader of PaNOSC Work Package 4 – Data Analysis services - in collaboration with data analysis experts working within the PaNOSC partners. Acknowledgements: - European XFEL, Germany - - University of Southampton, United Kingdom - - Johns Hopkins University provides data for countries - - Robert Koch Institute provides data for within Germany - - Open source and scientific computing community for the data tools - Github for hosting repository and html files - - Project Jupyter for the Notebook and Binder service -

Słowa kluczowe

EOSC, PaNOSC, open data, data analysis, Jupyter notebook, COVID19, Citizen science, open science, OSCOVIDA

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