Grünes Licht für ein Bremssystem für Elektrofahrräder
Während der Markt für Elektrofahrräder weiter wächst, sind die Sicherheitsbedenken groß. Obwohl die Technologie des Antiblockiersystems (ABS) in Autos und Motorrädern weit verbreitet ist, stellt ihre Integration in Elektrofahrräder eine besondere Herausforderung in Bezug auf Tragbarkeit, Integration, Gewicht und Energieverbrauch dar. Unbeirrt davon hat das bahnbrechende europäische KMU BluBrake den BB6S Active entwickelt, das leichteste ABS für Elektrofahrräder. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt BB6S Active zielt darauf ab, dieses innovative, auf verschiedenen Straßenbelägen rigoros getestete Produkt zum Sicherheitsstandard für hochwertige Elektrofahrräder zu machen. Mit hohen Verkaufsprognosen und der Unterstützung von wichtigen Industriepartnern wird BluBrake mit BB6S Active die Sicherheit von Elektrofahrrädern neu definieren.
We are BluBrake and represent a high-tech European SME specialized in active braking control in two wheeled vehicles. We have a clear mission: we aim to increase safety and riding experience for cyclists and become a worldwide reference technology provider of ABS technology in the electric bike industry.
Nowadays, ABS technology is widely spread in car and motorbike market: the shift of this technology to electric bike market requires great efforts in terms of portability and integration and foresees more criticalities in terms of system weight and energy consumption compared to the motorbike market. Nevertheless, the ABS has the potential to become a safety standard equipment in premium electric bike market, as confirmed by the ultra-high willingness to spend from target customers.
To respond to this market demand, we have developed BB6S Active, the lightest ABS system for electric bikes. The performances of the prototypal system has been verified and tested on several real road surfaces (such as dry and wet asphalt, gravel, off-road, wet conditions) in operational environment (TRL7). We can rely on the support of high-level partnerships with braking system manufacturers that have successfully integrated our ABS system in their products.
BB6S Active product specifications are defined to be disruptive against the potential benchmark product: the ABS for e-bikes produced by Robert Bosch GmbH that will enter the market in Q4 2018
BB6S Active is the BluBrake pivotal entrepreneurial initiative, expected to boost magnitude of the SME business. The investment needed to industrialize the BB6S Active system and reach TRL9 is 3,25M€.
TAM: e-bike market in EU, US, Canada, Japan and Australia (sales projections = 4,2M of e-bikes in 2022)
BB6S Active targets the premium e-bike segment = 40% of the reference market
BB6S Active sales forecast: We plan to sell + 250k units in 3,3 years (Q4 2019-2022) by reaching the 8,6% of market penetration and 24M€ of revenues in 2022.
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20122 Milano
Die Organisation definierte sich zum Zeitpunkt der Unterzeichnung der Finanzhilfevereinbarung selbst als KMU (Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen).