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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Migrant Integration Cockpits and Dashboards

Descripción del proyecto

Solución para la integración de migrantes

El crecimiento de los flujos migratorios en Europa ha aumentado las necesidades de investigación e información por parte de las administraciones públicas, la sociedad y los migrantes. El proyecto MICADO, financiado con fondos europeos, ha creado una solución relevante para contribuir a la integración de los migrantes y la ha puesto a prueba en Amberes, Bolonia, Hamburgo y Madrid. La solución aprovecha datos existentes y nuevos para diseñar servicios digitales destinados a administraciones públicas, sociedad civil implicada, migrantes y refugiados. El proyecto generará valor añadido proporcionando información y servicios adaptables mediante paneles de control y tableros de mando, recopilando datos obtenidos por migrantes y auxiliares y generando conocimiento operativo estratégico mediante el análisis y la visualización de los datos. MICADO también facilitará la comunicación directa y el intercambio de datos entre las partes interesadas y las instituciones implicadas.


"In ""MICADO: Migrant Integration Cockpits and Dashboards"", experts from public administration, migration research, and IT create an EU-wide applicable business intelligence solution in support of migrant integration, and pilot it in Antwerp, Bologna, Hamburg, and Madrid. The solution leverages existing and new data to design attractive digital services for three user groups: 1) public authorities for labour, health, education and housing, 2) engaged civic society, and 3) migrants and refugees. Added value is generated by a) delivery of customized information and services via user-centric interfaces (dashboards, cockpits); b) gathering of data consensually provided by migrants and helpers in their cockpits; c) creation of strategic operational knowledge through data analysis and visualisation; and d) direct communication and data exchange between involved stakeholders and institutions. Key technical innovations are chatbot language interfaces and automatic translation services for the migrants' cockpit, which facilitate access to integration services, communication with authorities, and data acquisition. Besides the technical solution, MICADO creates in local co-design sessions a universal service package, e.g. location and activity mapping, personal profiling, or matchmaking for mentors, jobs, education, etc. The workplan ensures extensive demand analysis and co-creation with user groups in the pilot locations. This identifies common challenges for the concept convergence phase, which produces the requirements for technical design and development. A resulting “universal” MICADO solution has monitored pilot implementations in the four cities, results of which are fed back into final iterations of technical development of the project partners. In the final project phase, co-development activities with local communities and institutions ensure uptake and local adaptation of the basic MICADO solution, and initiate context-specific modifications."

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Régimen de financiación

IA - Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 661 875,00
20457 Hamburg

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Hamburg Hamburg Hamburg
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 661 875,00

Participantes (16)