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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Reshaping Attention and Inclusion Strategies for Distinctively vulnerable people among the forcibly displaced

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - RAISD (Reshaping Attention and Inclusion Strategies for Distinctively vulnerable people among the forcibly displaced)

Berichtszeitraum: 2020-02-01 bis 2022-06-30

RAISD addresses the need for effective strategies for the attention and inclusion of distinctively Vulnerable Groups among Forcibly Displaced People (FDP). Forced displacement due to wars, armed conflicts, terrorism and persecution of minorities with diverse ethnic, religious, sexual orientation background, and most recently even climate change, are generating a constantly growing number of people fleeing from their homes, some heading abroad, others to internal displacement. Today, the number of FDP around the world is more than 89,3 million persons, including refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced persons.

Among the most vulnerable (such as single women with small children, old people, disabled persons, etc.) that flee from their homes, the difficulties, dangers and suffering during the transit and arrival to hosting countries become more severe. However, it is the context that makes people vulnerable. Most of the current assistance programs and strategies are too general and lack a personalized view of the most vulnerable publics. They tend to be reactive, partial and disregard some groups.

RAISD project’s overall objective is to identify these groups, their specific challenges and needs, to be able to discover and provide Tailored Attention and Inclusion Strategies (TAIS) for them. The main working hypothesis in the project is that effective and appropriate strategies of attention and inclusion to Vulnerable Groups of Forcibly Displaced Persons need to be tailored to their specific Vulnerability Context.

Seven locally based Action Research Units (ARUs) were the key drivers of research work and part of the main sources of information (Spain, Italy, Finland, Hungary, Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon). The ARUs are represented by all types of stakeholders, following the principle of Quintuple Helix used in Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). This approach includes stakeholders from civil society (including displaced people), academy, education, businesses and policy makers.

The triangular research method, that combines RRI principles, action research techniques and socio-ecological models, is highly collaborative and co-creative and therefore allows that FDP take an active first-hand role, not only to record their experiences, but also in the design of the project’s work plan and to evaluate outcomes. RRI frames the project, being visible in the co-creation of the R&I activities, the transversal application of gender perspective as well as the ethics of the project, among others.
RAISD has provided an evidence-based methodology for the development of Tailored Attention and Inclusion Strategies (TAIS) as well as a TAIS evaluation framework based on actor-oriented criteria. Existing Forcibly Displaced People (FDP) attention and inclusion good practices have been identified in EU and Middle Eastern countries, along with a detailed description of how 8 pilots of TAIS were designed, implemented, and evaluated by the ARUs.

A novel, operational definition of the Vulnerability Context (VC) based on the socio-ecological levels has been developed and can be applied to different contexts. In addition, a catalogue of vulnerability context that offers a contextual analysis of the vulnerabilities of FDP has been elaborated.

RAISD partners, Advisory Board and ARU members have collaborative worked on recommendations to actors for the effective development and implementation of TAIS, which has also led to recommendations on the uptake of the TAIS-oriented approach for other initiatives that work in forced migration (e.g policy recommendations for work laws and educational procedures).

Another innovative result of RAISD is the design and implementation of the Collaborative Research and Innovation Online Software (CRIOS) platform that includes two tools oriented to the project’s methodology and topics: a Collaborative Workspace - CoP and an Analysis Suite - AS. CRIOS is also intended to support the works in the observatory.

The RAISD observatory was created in 2021 and has already developed its first international event, Research for Change online conference for Young Researchers. The objectives, corporate identity, and strategic plans for the observatory were presented at the Final Conference in Palermo (Italy) and external stakeholders engaged in forced migration have been invited to participate, including all ARU members that have been part of the 7 Action Research Units (ARUs) set up by the project.

As part of its communication and dissemination plan, RAISD project has produced a documentary film called “Mirages”. This documentary, which aims to raise awareness about the problems of vulnerable groups of FDP, has been invited to participate in 4 festivals and has been awarded 2 prizes by June 2022.

RAISD project has proved to be of high interest in all geographical project areas since the Consortium has reached an estimated total audience of 3,387,177 people by promoting or participating in 375 activities during the lifetime of the project.
Above all, the project has contributed to empower some of the most vulnerable publics among forcibly displaced persons, facilitating innovative and tailored strategies for their attention and inclusion within European and Middle Eastern countries, both in transit and hosting societies. Apart from this societal impact, related with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the project has impacted local (and glocal) policy makers as they can consult recommendations for improved attention and inclusion policies of FDP and they have the chance to revise the current attention systems. Civil society organizations that work with forcibly displaced persons can benefit from new, Tailored Attention and Inclusion Strategies (TAIS) that have been tested in the context of 7 transit/host countries and contrasted with the specific needs and challenges of the beneficiaries and then adjusted again. The TAIS can be implemented according to the focus of each organization and adjusted to new needs. These examples may further inspire and foster the design of totally new and innovative approaches to attend forcible displaced persons, especially the most vulnerable of them, after the end of the project.

In precise terms (quoting themes from the call topic, Migration-08-2018), the project has: a) identified solutions for protracted displacement situations providing a catalogue of Tailored Attention and Inclusion Strategies; b) worked within the framework of EU Partnerships, UN and EU migration and refugee compacts gathering information from both EU and Middle East countries; c) mapped the dynamics of interaction between the displaced and the host community developing a novel concept for Vulnerability Context; d) brought it to the attention of policy makers offering them recommendations; e) enhanced policy responses to integration needs offering new attention and integrations strategies and multi-actor criteria for their evaluation.

The observatory takes this legacy of the project, becoming the key element for the sustainability of RAISD results, collaborations, outcomes, and innovative ideas. The observatory activity, combined with the advanced tools and networking opportunities that provide the CRIOS platform, will allow interested stakeholders continue working in this research and its dissemination and adoption.
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Project Partners
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Project Partners KOM
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