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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Technological inequality – understanding the relation between recent technological innovations and social inequalities

CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.

Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .


Report: systems and requirements

Report on the relationship between initial education systems and development of skills requirements

Report: governments affected

Research report with a compendium on estimates of which localnational governments will be most affected

Data Management Plan: to be updated in month 12, 24, 36

Develop a central data management plan Together with the consortium partners and the research data management department at Maastricht University data management plan will be elaborated to safely store the data during and after the project

Report: UBI policy review

Report systematically reviewing experimental studies on the consequences of the introduction of a conditional participation income and unconditional basic income

Paper: numeracy and problem solving skills

Scientific paper on crossnational variation in the strength of the causal relationship between informalnonformal learning and numeracyproblemsolving skills

Report: changing education systems

Report on changes of educational attainment and skills requirement across EU countries

Report: changes in education systems

Report on relevant changes in European education systems

Policy brief 1: on consequences of technological innovations for various European labour markets

Policy brief on consequences of technological innovations for various European labour markets, using the CEDEFOP forecasting models as a baseline

Report: technological innovations effect labor markets

Research report on the extent to which technological innovations affect labour markets in European countries

Management structure

Establishment of management infrastructure at ROA / Maastricht University

Policy brief 3:on the role of education systems play in reducing technological inequalities and preparing children and workers for the labour market

Policy brief on the role of education systems play in reducing technological inequalities and preparing children and workers for the labour market

Paper: state-of-the-art

Paper defining the stateoftheart combining quantitative analyses of timeseries data and the main qualitative and historical data from the literature review for publication in an international academic journal

Report: adult education

Report on individual and workrelated factors of participation in adult education and training

Paper and report: Class

Scientific paper and report on the importance of class credentials and cognitive and noncognitive skills for educational and early labour market careers

Report: Dutch UBI experiments

Research report on the effects of the Dutch field experiments assessing the effect of participation and basic income participation into paid work health and wellbeing

Quality Assessment Plan

Project quality and assessment plan (ATC) This will be a document detailing the quality and assessment procedures that will be followed during the course of the project, along with the templates to be used for all project documents and deliverables.

Policy brief 2: including policy recommendations and description of good practices in the introduction of basic income schemes

Policy brief including policy recommendations and description of good practices in the introduction of basic income schemes

Report: scenario studies

Research report on plausible scenarios for technology adaptation

Policy brief 4: on the impact of a robot-tax

Policy brief on the impact of a robottax

Paper: labor market impact

Research paper on the extent to which automation affects local labour markets

Paper: effects on public finances

Scientific paper on consequences of automation for public finances including empirical analyses of the extent to which countries public finances are affected most

Report: history and making an comparison of the impact of past and future technological changes on the labour markjet

Report covering the literature review on the relationship between past technological changes and labour market inequalities and relating these relationships to the forecasted impact of the current and future changes in technological change on the labour market

Paper and report: labour market inequalities

Research paper and report on labour market inequalities of different atrisk groups as well as of groups with different types of skills

Report: class and inequality

Research report on social mobility and changes in the class structure

Open data repository

TECHNEQUALITY participates in the open data pilot Whenever laws and contracts permit for each report or publication anonymized data are deposited in a research data repository and take measures to make it possible for third parties to access mine exploit reproduce and disseminate if possible free of charge for any user the following the data including associated metadata needed to validate the results presented in scientific publications as soon as possible other data including associated metadata as specified and within the deadlines laid down in the data management plan provide information via the repository about tools and instruments at the disposal of the beneficiaries and necessary for validating the results and where possible provide the tools and instruments themselves The repository is a deliverable of this project Deliverable 810


D8.4 Online publication of the web site and social media structure The web site will be published online in order to make the project visible and the social media structure will be installed. ROA DEC PU M3

Closing conference

Summarizing the main results in a closing conference

Policy-maker meetings

Two policy meetings for highlevel policy makers and stakeholders

Data: automation risks

Database with country-specific automation risk assessments for occupations

Workshops UBI

Two workshops and one international conference bringing together researchers that are currently conducting field experiments on basic income and participation income schemes

Data: automation and public finances

Comprehensive dataset on automation adaptation and public finances

Data: education systems

Database with indicators of educational systems


Fit für die digitale Arbeitswelt. Weiterbildung gering Qualifizierter scheitert an Strukturen am Arbeitsplatz

Auteurs: Carla Hornberg, Jan Paul Heisig, Heike Solga
Publié dans: WZB-Mitteilungen, Numéro 171, 2021, Page(s) 44-47, ISSN 0174-3120
Éditeur: WZB

Zu wenig Zeit, zu wenig Platz. In der Krise viele Hindernisse für Weiterbildung

Auteurs: Sascha dos Santos, Martin Ehlert, Carla Hornberg, Felix Scholl, Heike Solga
Publié dans: WZB-Mitteilungen, Numéro 168, 2020, Page(s) 63-65, ISSN 0174-3120
Éditeur: WZB

Perspectieven voor interventies in de bijstand

Auteurs: Ruud Muffels
Publié dans: Tijdschrift voor arbeidsvraagstukken, Numéro Volume 37, issue 3, 2021, Page(s) Volume 37, issue 3, ISSN 0169-2216
Éditeur: Amsterdam University Press
DOI: 10.5117/tva2021.3.007.edze

No Future, No Training? Explaining Cross-national Variation in the Effect of Job Tasks On Training Participation

Auteurs: Martin Ehlert
Publié dans: KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, Numéro 72, 2020, Page(s) 483-510, ISSN 0023-2653
Éditeur: V S - Verlag fur Sozialwissenschaften
DOI: 10.1007/s11577-020-00676-1

Skills at work in Liberal and Coordinated Market Economies. A tasks-level assessment of job discretion and satisfaction

Auteurs: S. Minardi, C. Hornberg, P. Barbieri, H. Solga
Publié dans: LIW Working paper series, Numéro 2/2021, 2021
Éditeur: University of Trento

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