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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Building Resilience Against Violent Extremism and Polarisation

Descrizione del progetto

Esplorare il potenziale di risposta della resilienza

Negli ultimi anni, l’Europa si è polarizzata in modo crescente. Uno dei primi passi per costruire comunità più resilienti è quello di apprendere dalle politiche e dai programmi sinora attuati al fine di contrastare l’estremismo violento. Il progetto BRaVE, finanziato dall’UE, organizzerà le conoscenze esistenti e valuterà l’impatto esercitato dalle politiche e dalle pratiche nella prevenzione delle ideologie estreme e della polarizzazione all’interno delle società europee. Sulla base dei risultati ottenuti, il consorzio di esperti provenienti da università e organizzazioni della società civile di tutta Europa elaborerà una serie di indicatori per misurare la polarizzazione. L’attenzione verrà concentrata sui fattori che forniscono un terreno fertile per la crescita dell’estremismo e della polarizzazione: fattori storici e culturali, disuguaglianze socioeconomiche concrete e percepite e discorsi mediatici.


Far Right and Islamist groups seeking to recruit people to their particular political cause promote ‘black and white’ ideologies that lead to polarization, hatred, intolerance and violence. Often cherry-picking from religious doctrines, they rely on superficial understanding and interpretation of such doctrines. The activities of such groups can lead to disruption of social cohesion, diminished civic capacity, social tensions, hate speech, intolerance, discrimination and even violence. This project builds on existing knowledge and policy experience with a view of developing better analytical and policy tools for the design of more efficient resilience policies that counteract polarization and prevent violent extremism. The project starts with a critical reading of existing scholarly literature and with a critical mapping of existing policy approaches to develop a preliminary impact assessment of these approaches. It continues with a further survey of good practices in counteracting polarization and violent extremism and builds an integrated database of such practices. The project develops a Resilience Hub that engages with three types of factors that can promote or mitigate polarization and violent extremism in society: notably historical and cultural factors; socio-economic conditions; the role of the social media and networking. We develop stakeholder workshops in relation to these three sets of factors that affect radicalization in society, and follow up with digital forums with the participation of a large number of stakeholders. Each stakeholder dialogue builds a tool of resilience in their field: notably inter-faith education training for secondary school teachers; a proposal for a basic income policy that mitigates socio-economic inequalities; a guide to responsible social media design. The Resilience Hub further develops a Resilience Fair where arts-based community interventions to stop polarization and build resilience will be presented

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

CSA - Coordination and support action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 423 000,00
50014 Fiesole

Mostra sulla mappa

Centro (IT) Toscana Firenze
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 423 000,00

Partecipanti (6)