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CLEARING HOUSE - Collaborative Learning in Research, Information-sharing and Governance on How Urban tree-based solutions support Sino-European urban futures

Description du projet

Planter des arbres pour améliorer la viabilité des villes

Les arbres apportent de l’ombre, font baisser la température, les précipitations et le vent, et fournissent de la nourriture et du fourrage aux animaux. Planter des arbres dans les villes est essentiel pour leur résilience, mais de nombreuses zones manquent d’infrastructures vertes appropriées. Le projet CLEARING HOUSE, financé par l’UE, avec des partenaires en Chine et en Europe, examinera le rôle des forêts urbaines en tant que solutions fondées sur la nature (FU-SfN), qui fait référence à toutes les mesures prises par une ville pour relever les défis du développement durable urbain en plantant et en gérant des arbres. Il fournira des données concrètes et des outils pour atteindre le plein potentiel des FU-SfN. Son objectif consiste à aider les planificateurs urbains, les entreprises et la société civile à mettre en œuvre des FU-SfN.


Trees and forests are a proven nature-based solution that contribute to sustainable urban development. Their potential for delivering ecosystem services, enhancing biodiversity and contributing to the wellbeing of urban societies is often underestimated and underused. CLEARING HOUSE provides evidence and tools that facilitate mobilising the full potential of urban forests as nature-based solutions (UF-NBS) for rehabilitating, reconnecting and restoring urban ecosystems. UF-NBS comprise every measure a city can take to address urban development challenges by deploying tree-based ecosystems.

CLEARING HOUSE will review existing knowledge and will collect new data from large scale analyses (WP1), and evidence emerging from the comparative analysis of ten case studies in Europe and China (WP2), including a citizen science approach. Knowledge will relate to the social, economic and policy drivers of UF-NBS, their design and implementation, and their impacts on urban ecosystem and human wellbeing across continents. CLEARING HOUSE implements a co-design approach early in the project to ensure that its research programme exactly fits the demand of end-users, and engages stakeholders and scientists in problem-oriented knowledge generation through a set of targeted learning mechanisms (WP3). CLEARING HOUSE then develops user-targeted outputs to support cities, planners, business and civil society in implementing UF-NBS. Inter alia, decision support tools such as an online application, a global benchmarking tool and guidelines will provide knowledge on the design, governance and management of UF-NBS, and on sustainable business models relating to them (WP4). Target group specific communication and dissemination activities complement the project. These include Sino-European science-policy symposia (WP5) targeting senior decision-makers, activities targeting businesses and civil society organisations, and measures reaching out to citizens including school children (WP5).

Appel à propositions


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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 237 812,50
80100 Joensuu

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Manner-Suomi Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi Pohjois-Karjala
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 1 237 812,50

Participants (25)