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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Real-time Earthquake Risk Reduction for a Resilient Europe

Descripción del proyecto

Un estudio sistémico de las amenazas sísmicas

A pesar de la enorme cantidad de desarrollos tecnológicos que aportan un mayor conocimiento sobre la cohesión sísmica, los terremotos suponen todo un reto para científicos de ámbitos como el estudio de la Tierra, la ingeniería, la informática o los estudios sociales. Dentro de poco, los terremotos se analizarán desde el punto de vista de un riesgo dinámico. El proyecto RISE, financiado con fondos europeos, percibe el riesgo dinámico como un fenómeno relacionado con las variaciones en el suelo, las características físicas de una zona y la densidad de población. Sin embargo, hay otros factores —como los cambios a lo largo del tiempo o la cercanía a la actividad sísmica— que también están incluidos en el concepto de riesgo dinámico. El proyecto propone una amplia gama de acciones sincronizadas: prevención, información de datos, evaluación rápida de daños, recuperación y restauración. En el estudio participarán científicos de muchas disciplinas (ingeniería, informática, geología y sociología) y de trece países distintos.


The key concept and vision of RISE is to promote a paradigm shift in how earthquake risk is perceived and managed. We believe that by taking advantage of advances in scientific understanding, and dramatically changing technological capabilities, earthquake hazard and risk will soon be appreciated not as a constant in time, but as an evolving, integrated and dynamic risk. In our concept, dynamic risk depends on location, changing with soil conditions, topography, structural type, occupancy and use and even location within a structure. However, dynamic risk also includes changes with time, for example increasing when a seismic sequence is active nearby and due to an improved dynamic geophysical understanding of faulting and earthquake processes. RISE proposes a series of coordinated activities in the domains of Operational Earthquake Forecasting, Earthquake Early Warning, Rapid Loss Assessment and Recovery and Rebuilding Efforts. Our approach is multi-disciplinary, involving earth-scientists, engineering-scientists, computer scientists, and social scientists. It is multi-scale in space and time, and addresses these scales in a highly systemic and consistent way. RISE joins with EPOS Integrated Core Service and several of the Thematic Core Services (TCS), with ARISTOTLE and the Copernicus Emergency Management Service. Integration will also include responsible national agencies in Italy, Turkey, Iceland, Israel and Switzerland and with selected industry partners. To maximise the impact of RISE, we have assembled an interdisciplinary team of truly outstanding researchers and practitioners, 37 PIs from 24 institutions (including 5 contributing partners from outside of Europe), in 13 countries, with documented experience on the topics of the project developed in previous FP6, FP7, and H2020 projects.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Convocatoria de subcontratación


Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 1 755 000,00
Raemistrasse 101
8092 Zuerich

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Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera Zürich Zürich
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 2 115 000,00

Participantes (27)