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Risultati finali
This deliverable will report the synergetic activities carried out and their outcomes
Social Innovation Factsheet n°2Second SIF
Synergies with the SC05-11-2018 clusterThis deliverable will identify and plan potential synergies between the other projects of the SC05-11-2018 portfolio. Opportunities for synergies will be identified either in terms of a common scope of work or in terms of complementarities. Opportunities due to a common scope of work will seek to deliver the impact foreseen in the Description of Action (DoA) in a coordinated way between projects. Opportunities due to complementarities might go beyond to create additional impact not foreseen initially in the DoA. A plan for the synergies will be included in the report.
E-newsletter n°2Second E-newsletter
Fiware4Water communication and dissemination strategy towards a water smart societyThe strategy plan will focus on how Fiware4Water outcomes promotion will be implemented to reach out the targeted groups (water utilities, SMEs, industrials users, local authorities, policy makers and citizen) with clear indications on the planning, materials and channels to be used. It will be co-built with WP1 requirements and WP5 social and economic impacts, targeting the sustainability of the project. It will also plan branding strategy.
Extension of FIWARE for supporting water management and quality monitoring use-casesreport specifying i the data information model for semantically describe the data used for water consumption and quality monitoring ii an specification of an API allowing connection between sensors and systems for water consumption and quality monitoring and the developed reference architecture and finally iii an specification of the northbound API between the reference architecture and the systems for processing store analyse and visualise the collected measurements
Social Innovation factsheet n°1First SIF - SIF answers societal needs gathered by WP1/WP5 from the specific view of Fiware4Water innovative smart water solutions and their impacts on society
E-newsletter n°3Third Enewsletter
Requirements from end-usersD1.2 will describe which are the most effective interfaces at permitting end-users to interact with the different outcomes of the project, including smart sensors, smart services, and the different dashboards thus achieving improved resource management and decision making.
Report on the application of ConCensusIn addition to debating the different approaches to Citizen Engagement and the utility of such measures D53 will describe the ConCensus approach and how and to what extent the concept of ConCensus The Council of Citizen Engagement in Sustainable Urban Strategies httpsdoiorg101016jfutures201806012 is implemented during the course of the project in the SouthWest Water Area in collaboration with relevant municipal entities This process which will also take place subsequently in a number of follower sites including at least 3 Eastern European Cities will be thoroughly described analysed and the results achieved in FIWARE4WATER will be compared to those obtained in previous projects such as POWER httpswwwpowerh2020eu
Fiware4Water dissemination and communication reportMonitoring and assessment level for communication and dissemination activities, following the set of key indicators to assess the success for the communication and dissemination activities and to check whether the project is achieving its expected impact.
Info-pack for internal communication, with tools/proceduresSetting up internal communication tools and procedures, including consortium mailing list, info-pack with internal communication mechanisms, guidelines for meetings agendas, standard templates for deliverables’ reporting and for communication actions to be used by all partners
Requirements from use casesThis report will identify current state of play of the legacy systems, needs and priorities in the Case Studies and communicate these as input to WP2 together with additional requirements, beyond the cases. It will articulate specific use cases for FIWARE-enabled Smart Water Services and Devices based on ‘user stories’ coming from the Utilities (EYDAP, 3S, WNT and SWS). Different use cases will be consolidated into a single ‘use case model’ for each Demo Case.
The Fiware4Water City and Follower City Conference and Joint Declaration Of Intent signedD52 will describe the procedure within FIWAREWATER to establish a horizontal link between both the pilot municipality located in SouthWest England the locations of the other project case studies and follower cities who will be recruited during the course of the project in order to guarantee the correct experience and knowledge exchange between municipalities both in the EU and beyond The report will detail how the project consortium works to replicate within hitherto uninvolved cities who will be invited to observe the progress of the pilot sites and commence the implementation of Fiware4Water in their own municipalities with the support of the project partners In order to further and reinforce this approach a Follower City Conference will be organised in which the participants will be invited to sign a Joint Declaration of Intent The deliverable will not only reflect the actions undertaken but will also analyse the advantages and disadvantages of such events in general and both the sociopolitical and disseminationrelated repercussions implied by the creation of declarations and agreements of this nature The results of similar processes in other European funded projects and nonfunded initiatives will be assessed
Fiware4Water dissemination and communication report (year 3)Update of D67 M1 M15 and D615 M16 M24 for the period M15 M36
Requirements for innovationDescription of the open architecture that can be used by water utilities as well as third parties to develop solutions and applications.
Webinars and elearning materials (year3)Update of D64 M1 M12 and D613 M13M24 for the period M25 M35
Webinars and elearning materials (year2)Update of D64 M1 M12 for the period M13 M24
FIWARE4_Water Demonstrations: Performance, Insights and Lessons Learned - - a technical brief and recommendationsThis will be a technical brief highlighting performance insights and presenting key lessons learned on the use of FIWARE from the demonstration case The brief will present feedback from the operators and discuss transferability for other applications in the water domain as well as further development of FIWARE itself
Fiware4Water dissemination and communication report (year 2)Update of D67 M1 M15 for the period M16 M24
Gap analysis and final requirementsReport on the requirements of the different tasks merged and analysed to identify possible gaps. The objective is to formulate an overall set of requirements.
Specification of system architecture for water consumption and quality monitoringReport on design and implementation of the Reference Architecture for supporting the water consumption and quality monitoring use-case of this project
A Study of the current public perception digital water and other related innovations, and recommendationsD5.1 will constitute a description and analysis of the current public perception of digital water and other related methodologies. It will be the result of both a literature study, the analysis of the results of other related European funded projects both completed and currently in progress and on-site investigation. The report will also offer an evaluation of public perception regarding digitalization in the water sector in Eastern European countries of focus based on desk research and a set of interviews with relevant stakeholders.
Lessons learned and recommendations to the EC for future FIWARE_ smart applicationsreport describing lessons learned while enabling and testing smart water services and devices for the FIWARE platform The report will consider different stages for each demo case i requirements ii procedures sensors and other adaptations iii research developments iv demonstration and v replicability of the smart water services devices Based on that the report will provide recommendations to the EC for future FIWARE enabled smart applications and devices
Social Innovation Factsheet n°3Third SIF
Scientific Quality Assurance PlanThe Plan will define quality management processes and will include mechanisms to review the project deliverables. It will include templates, guidelines and requirements for the partners.
Report on the organisation of challenges with prize money to boost the creativity of the Fiware environment
E-newsletter n°1Regular update of the progress of the project (every 9 months), to be disseminated via the partners'networks
E-bookThe e book will be a layman report on the project with active links to outcomes and case studies to promote different levels of reading for different audiences
Communication kit including a website, social media and leafletsThe project will prepare a logo and branding material, set up a project website (portal), create social media accounts (e.g. Twitter and LinkedIn), prepare project brochures etc. as a communication kit.
Extension of FIWARE ecosystem with Big- Data and AI frameworksReport on Big Data and AI as service frameworks connected with FIWARE consolidated
Webinars and eLearning materialsRegular 2-hour webinars will be organised to disseminate the outcomes of the project (every trimester after M12), and highlight thecase studies - all recorded sessions will be gathered in an eLearning tool available after the project ends.
report describing the procedures sensors adaptations research and developments performed to enable different Water Distribution related applications to the FIWARE platform These applications are devoted to improve general and maintenance operations performance including the optimization of the resources usage D32 will also provide the corresponding demonstrators of those tools
FIWARE-enabled Water Quality SensorsChemistor arrays will be used to monitor pH chloride nitrates and hardness in water They comprise elementary sensors that use carbon nanotubes and organic molecules as active materials The work will be dedicated to the study of the reliability and lifetime of these sensors in operating conditions as a function of the active material employed In particular the potential release of nanomaterials will be studied This step is mandatory in view of bringing the sensors to level 8
FIWARE-enabled applications for Customershomogenised and intuitive visualization environment to offer the different services and tools to water companies and customers using smart meters
FIWARE-enabled applications for Raw Water SupplyThis is a report describing the development of two applications for management of large raw water conveyance systems The first application will be a water quantity routing application providing offline whatif hydraulic scenario assessment for optimal water conveyance using real time data The second will be an online application for early detection of water contamination events in raw water aqueducts Both applications will be described in detail in this deliverable including descriptions of their algorithms and application deployment with an emphasis on FIWAREenabled real time date inputs Indicative results from the case of Athens will also be included to demonstrate their performance A discussion on FIWARE relevance for this application will also be included
FIWARE-enabled applications for Waste Water TreatmentThis is a report describing an application that validates fuses and analyses data from current online water quality sensors offgas sensors and flow sensors combined with actuators for wastewater treatment process optimisation The deliverable will include descriptions of the relevant algorithms and of the applications deployment with an emphasis on FIWAREenabled real time date inputs Indicative results from the case of Amsterdam will also be included to demonstrate the applications performance A discussion on FIWARE relevance for this application will also be included
S. Seshan, D. Vries, M. Zandvoort, A. W. C. van der Helm, J. Poinapen
Pubblicato in:
Smart Water - WaterAge Magazine,, 2022, Pagina/e pages 16-23
Kossieris, P., Pantazis, C., Makropoulos, C.
Pubblicato in:
Advances in Hydroinformatics: SIMHYDRO 2021, SimHydro 6th International Conference, 2021
Kossieris, P., Pantazis, Bellos, V., C., Makropoulos, C.
Pubblicato in:
7th IAHR Europe Congress, 2022
IAHR Europe Congress
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