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Closing the loop for urban material flows

CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.

Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .


CDW circular toolkit for local and regional governments

This will collect and present the various instruments tested within the demonstration actions, including tools with accompanying guidance, blueprints for the development of tools, a description of procedures used, and technical reports.

Circularity Upscaling Plan for Høje-Taastrup & Roskilde

Regional upscaling plans will indicate how the measures processes and tools demonstrated on the CDWsoil and OW material streams can be embedded within standard practices and procedures within the city and how they can be upscaled across the city and region This will be accompanied by future CE recommendations identifying a series of further potential areas of CE activity based on the hotspot analysis in each city

CDW: Demonstration Report for Seville

This report will document and describe in detail the measures that were implemented in the CDW demo actions, and provide the results of the evaluation of the measures. It will also provide insights into the scalability and replicability of the measures implemented

Review of accounting methodologies

A (short) report reviewing existing material flow and stocks accounting methodologies used in research and practice. The advantages and disadvantages (in terms of data needs, ease of use, replicability, etc.) of each methodology will be outlined

Bio-waste: Demonstration Report for Mikkeli

This report will document and describe in detail the measures that were implemented in the OW demo actions and provide the results of the evaluation of the measures It will also provide insights into the scalability and replicability of the measures implemented

Circularity Assessment Report for Apeldoorn

A report will be produced based on the methodology developed in task 44 with data also inputted into the online dashboard This will include information on the data sources used and existing policies as well as explaining what the current circularity situation for each city is what are the current circularity pitfalls andbottlenecks

CE recommendations for EU and national policy makers

A set of policy recommendations outlining the key barriers which remain in the development of circular urban and regionaleconomies and potential policy levers and measures which might usefully be applied to help address these barriers

Circularity Assessment for Mikkeli

A report will be produced based on the methodology developed in task 44 with data also inputted into the online dashboard This will include information on the data sources used and existing policies as well as explaining what the current circularity situation for the city is what are the current circularity pitfalls and bottlenecks

CDW: Sector-wide Circularity Assessments

A short report analysing the data and assessing the circularity of their sectors and defining ways to upscale the demonstration actions will be produced For this deliverable cities will use the methodology developed in D43 in order to assess the circularity of their sectors as well as understand how the actions put in place can alter the degree of circularity In practice they will organise workshops to collect and upload the necessary data in the data repository platform D46

Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment (SCA) Methodology

A report describing the developed accounting methodology for assessing the sectorwide methodology This report will provide stepbystep approach for cities on how to and where to collect and upload data to the open source data repository define which data are needed to capture a sector how to develop estimations when data are not available as well as how to analyse the information collected in order to assess the circularity of a specific sector

Circularity Assessment for Porto

A report will be produced based on the methodology developed in task 44 with data also inputted into the online dashboard This will include information on the data sources used and existing policies as well as explaining what the current circularity situation for the city is what are the current circularity pitfalls and bottlenecks

Circularity Upscaling Plan for Mikkeli

Regional upscaling plans will indicate how the measures processes and tools demonstrated on the CDWsoil and OW material streams can be embedded within standard practices and procedures within the city and how they can be upscaled across the city and region This will be accompanied by future CE recommendations identifying a series of further potential areas of CE activity based on the hotspot analysis in each city

Evaluation Plans for each city

Based on the CE indicators developed in task 61 for each measure a list of specific indicators will be established to be monitored over the duration of the demonstration phase This Plan will include a presentation of the specific indicators precise information on the data which needs to be collected who is responsible for doing this how it will be done and when

European guidelines on promoting a circular bio-waste sector for local and regional governments

Guidance for European local and regional authorities on how to promote a circular biowaste sector

CDW: Demonstration Report for Roskilde

This report will document and describe in detail the measures that were implemented in the CDW demo actions and provide the results of the evaluation of the measures It will also provide insights into the scalability and replicability of the measures implemented

Bio-waste: Demonstration Report for Porto

This report will document and describe in detail the measures that were implemented in the OW demo actions and provide the results of the evaluation of the measures It will also provide insights into the scalability and replicability of the measures implemented

CDW: Demonstration Report for Bodø

This report will document and describe in detail the measures that were implemented in the CDW demo actions and provide the results of the evaluation of the measures It will also provide insights into the scalability and replicability of the measures implemented

Circularity Upscaling Plan for Bodø

Regional upscaling plans will indicate how the measures processes and tools demonstrated on the CDWsoil and OW material streams can be embedded within standard practices and procedures within the city and how they can be upscaled across the city and region This will be accompanied by future CE recommendations identifying a series of further potential areas of CE activity based on the hotspot analysis in each city

Circularity Assessment for Bodø

A report will be produced based on the methodology developed in task 44 with data also inputted into the online dashboard This will include information on the data sources used and existing policies as well as explaining what the current circularity situation for the city is what are the current circularity pitfalls and bottlenecks

WP2 Concluding Report

This will present a synthesised overview of the Demonstration Reports together with reflections and conclusions on this work to feed into the European guidelines developed in Task 210

Bio-waste: Demonstration Report for Seville

This report will document and describe in detail the measures that were implemented in the OW demo actions and provide the results of the evaluation of the measures It will also provide insights into the scalability and replicability of the measures implemented

Replication Plans

At least 5 of these will be delivered outlining where how and when specific demonstration measures will be replicated within one of the replication zones recruited in the project

Report on 4 annual circular city workshops

A report on the 4 annual workshops organised on topics related to the relevant project phase either organised as standalone events or integrated into other relevant events

European guidelines on promoting circular construction for local and regional governments

Guidance for European local and regional authorities on how to promote a circular CDWsoil sector including the presentation of a decisionmaking framework for urban transformation where keystakeholders timeframes windows for decisions and needed knowledge inputs are identified

CDW: Demonstration Report for Apeldoorn

This report will document and describe in detail the measures that were implemented in the CDW demo actions and provide the results of the evaluation of the measures It will also provide insights into the scalability and replicability of the measures implemented

WP3 Concluding Report

This will present a synthesised overview of the Demonstration Reports together with reflections and conclusions on this work to feed into the European guidelines developed in Task 210

Project newsletters

At least 7 biannual newsletters presenting project results and highlights

CDW: Stakeholder Engagement Plans

Each city will develop a stakeholder engagement plan based on a template using state-of-the-art theory and guidance for stakeholder identification and engagement. The plan will detail how to involve all relevant stakeholder groups from planning through to evaluation within the demonstration actions

CDW: Demonstration Report for Høje-Taastrup

This report will document and describe in detail the measures that were implemented in the CDW demo actions and provide the results of the evaluation of the measures It will also provide insights into the scalability and replicability of the measures implemented

Flows and stocks accounting database structure

A broad database structure containing all relevant information (variables, quantities, sources, metadata) on the flows and stocks of economic sectors and cities. In essence, this will resemble to a template (both web + excel) where cities’ administrations and actors will use to upload data

Circularity Upscaling Plan for Porto

Regional upscaling plans will indicate how the measures processes and tools demonstrated on the CDWsoil and OW material streams can be embedded within standard practices and procedures within the city and how they can be upscaled across the city and region This will be accompanied by future CE recommendations identifying a series of further potential areas of CE activity based on the hotspot analysis in each city

Bio-waste circular toolkit for local and regional governments

This will collect and present the various instruments tested within the demonstration actions, including tools with accompanying guidance, blueprints for the development of tools, a description of procedures used, and technical reports.

OW: Stakeholder Engagement Plans

Each city will develop a stakeholder engagement plan based on a template using state-of-the-art theory and guidance for stakeholder identification and engagement. The plan will detail how to involve all relevant stakeholder groups from planning through to evaluation within the demonstration actions

CDW: Demonstration Report for Mikkeli

This report will document and describe in detail the measures that were implemented in the CDW demo actions and provide the results of the evaluation of the measures It will also provide insights into the scalability and replicability of the measures implemented

Bio-waste: Demonstration Report for Apeldoorn

This report will document and describe in detail the measures that were implemented in the biowaste demo actions and provide the results of the evaluation of the measures It will also provide insights into the scalability and replicability of the measures implemented

Interim report on the implementation of demo actions

Evaluation data collection will be carried out within the demonstration WPs 23 according to the framework developed in task 62 The Interim Evaluation Report will contain a detailed analysis of the data collected to evaluate the progress towards the CityLoops objectives The report will also include a revised and recalibrated version of the CityLoops evaluation framework and indicator set to be used by replication actions

SCA and UCA Handbooks and Video Tutorials

The reports of this work packages will be converted in more pedagogic handbooks targeted for academic students (and eventually policy makers). A series of video tutorials explaining how to use the data repository and how to interpret the circularity dashboards will be created. These two parts will be part of the educational materials of this project

OW: Optimised Implementation Plans

These are designed to fine-tune and optimise the planned OW demonstration actions by outlining the precise actions, timelines, responsibilities and stakeholder engagement processes for the demonstration phase, based on the preparatory activities in tasks 3.2 -3.4

Circular City Indicator set

A report, as the main deliverable of task 6.1, which presents an adapted framework based on the CE Monitoring Framework from the EU Commission, including a set of uniform indicators to evaluate the actions at the CityLoops demonstration sites

Circularity hotspot analysis methodology

A report explaining the methodology on how cities can combine the stocks and flows from above with some other key indicators (GDP, GVA, number of jobs, GHG emissions, etc.) in order to define which other sectors are the ripest for transformation towards circularity.A separate report will be carried with cities stakeholders, in order to apply this methodology and propose best practices and potential actions for the sectors having the highest circularity potential

Project leaflet and roll-up banner

A promotional project leaflet and roll-up banner to be used at events

Report on 6 demonstrator procurement review workshops

Report on a review workshops organised in each city to assess the impact of the CP activities being implemented in the demonstration project and the outcomes of the CPA on procurement opportunities

Circularity Upscaling Plan for Seville

Regional upscaling plans will indicate how the measures processes and tools demonstrated on the CDWsoil and OW material streams can be embedded within standard practices and procedures within the city and how they can be upscaled across the city and region This will be accompanied by future CE recommendations identifying a series of further potential areas of CE activity based on the hotspot analysis in each city

CDW: Optimised Implementation Plans

These plans are designed to fine-tune and optimise the planned CDW demonstration actions by outlining the precise actions, timelines, responsibilities and stakeholder engagement processes for the demonstration phase, based on the preparatory activities in tasks 2.2 -2.6

CityLoops Evaluation Report

The final evaluation report will be a revised version of D63 updated with data from the final part of the reallife operation of the measures The report will also include presentation of the CityLoops evaluation experiences and calibration against experiences gained by other relevant projects and stakeholders as part of the project replication phase

Construction/demolition procurement guidelines

Guidance on circular procurement options to consider during the procurement cycle of demolition and construction projects based on best practice examples from the Netherlands and around Europe

EU circular procurement interest group Workshop

A report on a circular procurement workshop to be organised at the European level potentially as part of a larger relevant event

Communications and dissemination plan

A project C & D plan outlining the project’s target audience, key messages, communication channels, together with an implementation schedule

Sign-up to the EU CP Interest Group

The demonstration cities will become participants in the CP Interest Group, which is linked to the Procura+ Network (, designed to provide a platform for European exchange. The group will create the capacity to act as an advisory body to the EC on CP

Press pack (introduction video, fact sheets and FAQs

To include a three-minute animated video to introduce the project and its objectives, to be disseminated widely on social media, YouTube and at events and conference by all the partners, and an FAQ

Urban Circularity Assessment (UCA) Method

A report describing the developed accounting methodology for assessing the citywide methodology This report will provide stepbystep approach for cities on how to and where to collect and upload data to the open source data repository define which data are needed to capture a city how to develop estimations when data are not available as well as how to analyse the information collected in order to assess the circularity of a specific city

CP Handbook and recommendations for policy makers

A policymakers CP primer comprising guidance and case studies on how to adjust procurement approaches to help promote circularity as well as specific guidance on the material streams addressed by the project based on lessons learned across all the demonstrator projects This will include a series of recommendations aimed at European and national policy makers to provide suggestions on what regulatory and support measures may help to foster circular procurement implementation

OW: Sector-wide Circularity Assessments

A short report analysing the data and assessing the circularity of their sectors and defining ways to upscale the demonstration actions will be produced For this deliverable cities will use the methodology developed in D43 in order to assess the circularity of their sectors as well as understand how the actions put in place can alter the degree of circularity In practice they will organise workshops to collect and upload the necessary data in the data repository platform D46

CP demonstrator project procurement toolkit

A toolkit, based on the city demonstrator actions, comprising recommendations, and where relevant, support tools, on how to upscale and deepen the implementation of CP at the city scale.

Circularity Upscaling Plan for Apeldoorn

Regional upscaling plans will indicate how the measures processes and tools demonstrated on the CDWsoil and OW material streams can be embedded within standard practices and procedures within the city and how they can be upscaled across the city and region This will be accompanied by future CE recommendations identifying a series of further potential areas of CE activity based on the hotspot analysis in each city

CP scan & recommendations for each demonstration city

A set of circular procurement recommendations for the procurement related stakeholders in each of the demonstration cities designed to support the optimised Implementation Plans D25 D33 scaleup and the development of procurement guidelines within tasks 26 and 34

Business cases for CDW/soil re-/up-cycling

A template for the development of business cases will be developed at the start of the project. Each city will then develop business cases related to the specific demo projects, focused on promoting reuse, recycling and valorisation of CDW and soil.

Circularity Assessment for Seville

A report will be produced based on the methodology developed in task 44 with data also inputted into the online dashboard This will include information on the data sources used and existing policies as well as explaining what the current circularity situation for the city is what are the current circularity pitfalls and bottlenecks

Visual identity

Comprising: logo, web design, and document templates

Open source data repository and circularity dashboards

The open source data repository will be an online platform where cities will be able to upload their data for their sector wide and urban circularity assessments Once uploaded stakeholders will be able to visualise data in different graphs as well as download them in different formats jpg xls etc On top of these pieces information and in collaboration with D61 cities will be able to monitor the circularity of theirs sectors or the entire cities themselves thanks to a dashboard

Project website

A simple project website to present the project, provide regular updates, and access to latest project developments, results and materials, including all public project deliverables


Facilitating circular site preparation; developing the instrument PrCiSi

Auteurs: A G Entrop; L Hagen; A M Kuiper
Publié dans: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Numéro 855, 2021
Éditeur: IOP Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/855/1/012010

Aligning actors in a road renovation project by a co-design process: the road to circularity?

Auteurs: A G Entrop; L Hagen; J P van Leeuwen
Publié dans: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Numéro 1078, 2022
Éditeur: IOP Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/1078/1/012119

Developments to come to a circular construction economy; experiences in facilitating a local soil and sand depot

Auteurs: A G Entrop
Publié dans: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Numéro 855, 2021
Éditeur: IOP Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/855/1/012005

The road to circularity: a framework for and experiences in collecting road data in a circular renovation process

Auteurs: Bram Entrop
Publié dans: Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings, Numéro 38, 2022, Page(s) 275–280
Éditeur: Czech Technical University in Prague
DOI: 10.14311/app.2022.38.0275

From waste to market: Exploring markets, institutions, and innovation ecosystems for waste valorization

Auteurs: Leticia Antunes Nogueira; Bjarne Lindeløv; Julia Olsen
Publié dans: Business Strategy and the Environment, Numéro Volume 32, Numéro 4, 2023, Page(s) 1189-2539, ISSN 0964-4733
Éditeur: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
DOI: 10.1002/bse.3247

ROOTS - Circular policies for changing the biowaste system

Auteurs: Miguel Ángel Suárez; Elisa Gambuzzi; José M. Soriano Disla; Gemma Castejón; Giulio Poggiaroni; James Ling
Publié dans: Open Research Europe, Numéro 3:78, 2021, ISSN 2732-5121
Éditeur: Open Research Europe
DOI: 10.12688/openreseurope.15507.1

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