Periodic Reporting for period 3 - 4C (Climate-Carbon Interactions in the Current Century)
Reporting period: 2022-06-01 to 2023-11-30
1) 4C made a major improvement in our understanding of the global carbon cycle over the recent past, producing novel atmospheric, oceanic and terrestrial observational constraints of the carbon cycle to assess and improve carbon cycle models’ simulations of the current land and ocean carbon sinks.
2) 4C developed new Earth System Models capability to predict the evolution of global carbon cycle variability over the coming decade, predicting the annual growth rate of atmospheric CO2 and the strength of the land and ocean carbon sinks, accounting for the natural variability of the climate, in the context of the Paris Agreement.
3) 4C developed new emergent constrains on the land and ocean carbon fluxes to improve our understanding of climate-carbon feedbacks over the 21st century. 4C also developed new adaptive scenarios that allow to diagnose future greenhouse gases emissions compatible with a given climate target such as the 1.5°C limit as set in the Paris Agreement.
4) 4C ensured the usability of the knowledge generated by scientific research and engage in bilateral interactions among scientists and policymakers, while also fostering the understanding of the findings for the broad society.
We developed new Earth System Models (ESMs) frameworks to predict the near-term evolution of the carbon cycle. We first used these ESMs to understand and quantify the potential predictability of the land and ocean carbon sinks. Next, we validated our modelling systems by quantifying their ability to predict the recent past once the observed state of the climate is assimilated into initial conditions. Finally, we used these models to perform actual predictions of the near future of the global carbon cycle.
We developed novel emergent constraints for the land carbon cycle, based on soil moisture observation, and on observed soil turnover time to constrain future changes in the land carbon cycle. We also developed novel emergent constraints for the ocean carbon cycle, using observed sea surface salinity or density of Arctic Ocean surface waters, to constrain projections of the ocean carbon cycle. We developed new adaptive scenarios for ESMs, allowing to diagnose the range of future CO2 (and non-CO2) global emissions that would be consistent with a global warming of 1.5°C or 2°C.
We disseminate our results via direct interaction with policy makers and IPCC, the development of a new science-user platform (ScienceBrief), targeted policy briefs and carbon outlooks, short videos, press releases, and continuous activity on social media.
4C developed state-of-the-art ESMs decadal predictions over the coming decade, where models are driven by current and future near-term trajectories of CO2 and other greenhouse gases emissions, also accounting for the natural variability of the global carbon cycle driven by the variability of the climate system.
4C developed novel emergent constraints and weighting methods to reduce uncertainty in future projections of the transient climate response to CO2 emissions, carbon cycle feedbacks and climate.
4C produced original adaptive scenarios and modelling framework to drive Earth System Models ESMs in a configuration where future emissions are refined to keep warming aligned with a predefined target (ex 1.5°C), providing our best estimates of the remaining carbon budgets consistent with the Paris Agreement ambitions, accounting for the major Earth system feedbacks.
In summary, 4C made major advances in our understanding of the key processes regulating the interactions and feedbacks between the carbon cycle and the physical climate system, using observational constraints and improved process understanding to provide, for the first time, near-term predictions and long-term projections of the coupled climate-carbon system under ambitious mitigation scenarios. 4C supported two central elements of the UNFCCC Paris Agreement: the global stocktake to track progress towards the long-term goal and the mitigation effort to achieve a long-term goal of keeping the increase in global average temperature to well below 2°C.