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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Quantum Internet Alliance

Descrizione del progetto

Prossima fermata: l’Internet quantistico

Per prepararsi al futuro dell’Internet quantistico, il progetto QIA (Quantum Internet Alliance), finanziato dall’UE, svilupperà un progetto per questa formidabile sfida. L’alleanza, che riunisce molti dei principali istituti europei di ricerca quantistica, mira a fornire soluzioni uniche per un Internet quantistico paneuropeo basato sull’entanglement, che opererà in parallelo all’Internet attuale. Spingendo più in là le frontiere della tecnologia, l’alleanza cercherà di rendere possibile l’impossibile e di passare alla costruzione di un prototipo europeo di Internet quantistico basato sul Blueprint sviluppato in questo progetto. Un Internet quantistico promette di sbloccare funzionalità oggi impossibili su Internet, come la sicurezza dell’accesso ai computer quantistici nel cloud, in modo da poter eseguire calcoli sensibili in tutta sicurezza.


The future Quantum Internet will provide radically new internet applications by enabling quantum communication between any two points on Earth. The Quantum Internet Alliance (QIA) targets a Blueprint for a pan-European Quantum Internet by ground-breaking technological advances, culminating in the first experimental demonstration of a fully integrated network stack running on a multi-node quantum network.

QIA will push the frontier of technology in both end nodes (trapped ion qubits, diamond NV qubits, neutral atom qubits) and quantum repeaters (rare-earth-based memories, atomic gases, quantum dots) and demonstrate the first integration of both subsystems. We will achieve entanglement and teleportation across three and four remote quantum network nodes, thereby making the leap from simple point-to-point connections to the first multi-node networks. We will demonstrate the key enabling capabilities for memory-based quantum repeaters, resulting in proof-of-principle demonstrations of elementary long-distance repeater links in the real-world, including the longest such link worldwide.

Hand in hand with hardware development, we will realize a software stack that will provide fast, reactive control and allow arbitrary high-level applications to be realized in platform-independent software. QIA's industry partners examine real world use cases of application protocols and their hardware requirements. We will validate the full stack on a small Quantum Internet by performing an elementary secure delegated quantum computation in the cloud. We will validate the design of the Blueprint architecture by a large-scale simulation of a pan-European Quantum Internet using real world fibre data. Through synergy of leading industrial, academic and RTO partners, QIA's Blueprint will provide a targeted roadmap for the main Flagship phase and set the stage for a world-leading European Quantum Internet industry.

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Bando secondario


Meccanismo di finanziamento

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 2 622 650,66
2628 CN Delft
Paesi Bassi

Mostra sulla mappa

West-Nederland Zuid-Holland Delft en Westland
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 2 622 650,66

Partecipanti (24)