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CarbON Valorisation in Energy-efficient Green fuels


Report on LCA for CONVERGE

This deliverable aims to provide a complete report on the environmental aspects of CONVERGE technology The environmental indicators of the proposed technology calculated using LCA methodology will be compared to other methanol processes for biodiesel productionThe deliverable refers to Task 55

Evaluation of impact and social benefits of CONVERGE project

This deliverable aims to evaluate the impact and the social benefits of the CONVERGE project Different sustainability criteria and KPIs will be defined and evaluated to render the assessment comparable with other competing technologiesThe deliverable refers to Task 56

CO2 valorisation report including a LCA, negative emission certification and market study of the co-generated negative CO2 emissions

The report describes the valorization of the green CO2 recovered by CONVERGE as carbon offset through BECCS based negative emissions the related life cycle analysis and the best practice in third party certification of negative emissionsMoreover the report delivers the results of a market study including a pricing analysis of negative CO2 emissions This deliverable is related to the activity of Task 66

Public available report on test campaign to reach optimized operating window for CCT and BITS

Together with a confidential report on the final test results from the CCT and BITS reactor a public report will be written to explain the impact of these results

Public Report presenting the results from the SER-EHC test campaign

The main non confidential results from the final 500 hours test campaign showing the performance of the SEREHC integration at the IFEHyNor Hydrogen Technology Center will be reported

Report on the technical specification for the CONVEGE unit

A report is available where the technical specifications for the CONVERGE project are described together with the operating conditions and expected performance of each component. This deliverable is related to the activity of Task 5.1

Public report summarizing the developed fluidics, transport and kinetics model for 3 representative tar compounds and 3 commercial catalyst materials (alumino-silicates, zeolites, etc.)
Methodology for region specific supply chain

The report provides the methodology for region specific supply chain to ensure the provision of a renewable, consistent and regular supply of feedstock, to demonstrate high environmental performance and sustainability and to avoid any land competition with food/feed industrial supply chain or with previous land use with higher carbon sink capability or naturalistic values. The deliverable refers to Task 6.1.

Public report on the development of new improved catalytic materials

A general description of the materials developed (sorbent and catalytic materials), their function and their main performance in relevant CONVERGE operating conditions will be reported.

Report on Case Scenarios Supply Chains

The report describes agro-forestry case scenarios biomass supply chains for each of four distinct geographical regions: North Sea, Mediterranean, Central European and Scandinavian. For each geographical region at least two possible scenarios of secondary biomass recovery are identified and then compared in order to select the optimized solution. The deliverable refers to Task 6.2.

Public report presenting the experimental results of 1-tube membrane reactor tests

A public report on the membrane development with the experimental results of the single tube membranes will be prepared

Report on Market Opportunities biodiesel value chain

The report provides the results of the activity carried on in the Task 64 benefits and market opportunities that CONVERGEs innovative key units provide to the biodiesel value chain in terms of investment and operative costs for a cost competitive biodiesel production assessment of different market perspectives and potentials creation of networks of relevant stakeholders

Report on Business Cases coupled to Supply Chains

The report describes how business cases approach enables to examine and quantify the most profitable case scenarios biomass supply chains identified through a multicriteria analysis MCA for distinct geographical regions North Sea Mediterranean Central European and Scandinavian Therefore it illustrates the benefits related to CONVERGEs contribution to the valorization in supply chains and defines the potential opportunities to maximize the prots of all stakeholders This deliverable is related to the activity of Task 63

Other uses of the developed technologies

The report summarises the analysis of the potential valorization of the five specific technologies developed within CONVERGE in different industry segments such as traditional biomass processing streams the iron and steel industry cement refineries and biomass to aviation fuel routes and of the combinations of the technologies with the sectorsMoreover the report describes a deeper investigation of the costbenefit analysis for a technology combinations short list ranked by key performance indicators in order to understand the benefit compared to base cases for the particular applications The deliverable refers to Task 65

Public report presenting the results from the multi-tube methanol membrane reactor tests

A public version of the multi tube methanol membrane testing will be written

Site visits

A workshop is organized at the experimental facility to show the progress of the technology and communicate the achivements

Dissemination actions update (website, social media, videos)

A report descrinbing all the actions taken and the update planning for the upcoming period is available


Catalytic hydrogenation, hydrocracking and isomerization reactions of biomass tar model compound mixture over Ni-modified zeolite catalysts in packed bed reactor

Autorzy: Andrii Kostyniuk, David Bajec, Blaž Likozar
Opublikowane w: Renewable Energy, Numer 167, 2021, Strona(/y) 409-424, ISSN 0960-1481
Wydawca: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2020.11.098

A detailed MILP formulation for the optimal design of advanced biofuel supply chains

Autorzy: Luca Moretti, Mario Milani, Giovanni Gustavo Lozza, Giampaolo Manzolini
Opublikowane w: Renewable Energy, Numer Vol 171, 2021, Strona(/y) 159-175, ISSN 0960-1481
Wydawca: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2021.02.043

Hydrocracking, hydrogenation and isomerization of model biomass tar in a packed bed reactor over bimetallic NiMo zeolite catalysts: Tailoring structure/acidity

Autorzy: Andrii Kostyniuk, David Bajec, Blaž Likozar
Opublikowane w: Applied Catalysis A, General, 2021, Strona(/y) 118004, ISSN 0926-860X
Wydawca: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.apcata.2021.118004

Supply chain optimization and GHG emissions in biofuel production from forestry residues in Sweden

Autorzy: Flavia Basile; Lorenzo Pilotti; Marco Ugolini; Giovanni Lozza; Giampaolo Manzolini
Opublikowane w: Renewable Energy, Numer 196, 2022, Strona(/y) 405-421, ISSN 0960-1481
Wydawca: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2022.06.095

Catalytic Cracking of Biomass-Derived Hydrocarbon Tars or Model Compounds To Form Biobased Benzene, Toluene, and Xylene Isomer Mixtures

Autorzy: Andrii Kostyniuk, Miha Grilc, Blaž Likozar
Opublikowane w: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Numer 58/19, 2019, Strona(/y) 7690-7705, ISSN 0888-5885
Wydawca: American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b01219

Catalytic hydrocracking reactions of tetralin as aromatic biomass tar model compound to benzene/toluene/xylenes (BTX) over zeolites under ambient pressure conditions

Autorzy: Andrii Kostyniuk, David Bajec, Blaž Likozar
Opublikowane w: Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2021, Strona(/y) 130-143, ISSN 1226-086X
Wydawca: Korean Society of Industrial Engineering Chemistry
DOI: 10.1016/j.jiec.2021.01.010

From Secondary Biomass to Bio-Methanol through CONVERGE Technology: An Environmental Analysis

Autorzy: Galusnyak, S.C.; Petrescu, L.; Chisalita, D.A.; Cormos, C.-C.; Ugolini, M.
Opublikowane w: Energies, Numer 16 (6), 2023, Strona(/y) 2726, ISSN 1996-1073
Wydawca: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en16062726

Novel Methodology to Assess Advanced Biofuel Production at Regional Level. Case Study for Cereals Straw Supply Chains

Autorzy: Marco Ugolini; Lucia Recchia; Giulio Guandalini; Giampaolo Manzolini
Opublikowane w: Energies; Volume 15; Numer 19; Pages: 7197, Numer 3, 2022, ISSN 1996-1073
Wydawca: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.4091322

SER and SEWGS for CO2 capture: preliminary experimental results

Autorzy: Antonio De Paula Oliveira
Opublikowane w: Proceedings of the International workshop on CO2 capture and utilization, 2021
Wydawca: Conference proceedings available on the projects website

Converge technology for efficiency methanol production with negative CO2 emissions: energy andenvironmental analysis

Autorzy: Letitia Petrescu
Opublikowane w: Proceedings of the International workshop on CO2 capture and utilization, 2021
Wydawca: Conference proceedings available on the projects website

Modelling and Simulation of Methanol and Biodiesel Production Processes using Innovative Technologies

Autorzy: Letitia Petrescu, Stefan C. Galusnyak, Dora A. Chisalita, Calin C. Cormos
Opublikowane w: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS, Numer 80, 2020, Strona(/y) 181-186
Wydawca: CET
DOI: 10.3303/cet2080031

Modelling and Simulation of Methanol Production and Conversion into Various Chemical Intermediates and Products

Autorzy: Letitia Petrescu, Stefan-Cristian Galusnyak, Dora-Andreea Chisalita, Calin-Cristian Cormos
Opublikowane w: 30th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Numer 48, 2020, Strona(/y) 553-558, ISBN 9780128233771
Wydawca: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-12-823377-1.50093-8

European regions suitability for advanced biofuel production. Cases scenarios for residual biomass supply chains

Autorzy: Ugolini, M.; Recchia, L.; Migliorini, N.; Manzolini, G.; Guandalini, G.; Milani, M.
Opublikowane w: 28th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings, Numer 1, 2020
Wydawca: ETA-Florence Renewable Energie
DOI: 10.5071/28theubce2020-1bo.1.3

Green methanol synthesis for biodiesel production

Autorzy: Marija Saric
Opublikowane w: Proceedings of the International workshop on CO2 capture and utilization, 2021
Wydawca: Conference proceedings available on the projects website

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