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Bringing down costs of BIPV multifunctional solutions and processes along the value chain, enabling widespread nZEBs implementation


Augmented reality (AR) to support BIPV implementation and cost-reduction since the pre-design stage

An innovative approach using existing Augmented Reality AR for predesign stage to support BIPV costreduction will be investigated within WP6 A report with the possibility and advantages in terms of impact to push BIPV expected results and costscost savings since the early decision stage of this approach will be presented in this deliverable This approach should speed up the decision process of the investor Work related to Task 62

Parametrization, optimization and automation during design stage in order to optimize the BIPV cost-to-power ratio (predesign)

Based on its existing numerical optimization software, Xtreme, Optimal computing will adapt its existing interface to allow the software BIMSolar to configure the optimizer, set design variables, set the objectives and launch the optimization procedure. This deliverable will focus on the predesign phase. Work related to Task 6.2.

BIM-based BIPV modelling and analysis platform for ensuring interoperability and cost reduction along design, manufacturing and installation phases (predesign)

Based on its existing commercial BIMsolar® BIPV platform, EnerBIM will develop a specific BIPVBOOST plugin, aiming at providing specific KPIs and webservices to the BIPV process to pilot cost reductions all along the value chain. This plugin should be web based (platform to platform) and developed following EnerBIM’s AGILE methodology. From first prototype, alpha and beta testing phases to pre-commercial version (webservices, second prototype). Tasks 6.1 and 6.2.

Digitalization and simulation of special BIPV technologies

EnerBIM will integrate and develop the most adequate Product Information Manager related to BIM innovation and user friendly interfaces to specify and manage special BIPV technologies such as bifacial modules colored glazing systems and multifunctional cladding element developed within the BIPVBOOST project Adequate physical modeling and calculation will be integrated in close relation to RD and experimentation Task 63

Collaborative online platform to reduce BIPV costs through an integrated process.

This deliverable will report about the proof of concept of the innovation in BIM interoperability and data mining techniques in real time implemented in the collaborative web-based platform that are able to provide together next web based generation of collaborative platform with synthetic and contextual vision of BIPV costs (costs challenging design) instead of traditional iterative process (design to cost). It is expected that at least 30% of gains should be generated from BIM within the actual BIPV processes.Task 6.2.

Report on onsite visits and training at demonstration sites

Report on the visits held at the project demonstration sites and onsite training to targeted sectors All the demos will be involved and a specialized exchange on best practices for design construction operationmaintenance processes for BIPV will take place Task 913

Potential contribution of BIPV systems to nearly Zero Energy Buildings and methodology for project outputs assessment

The potential contribution of BIPV solutions in meeting nZEB related requirements will be estimated and a related methodology to quantify the contribution of project outputs towards these targets will be developed. The analysis will be conducted for different applications, building types and locations. Work related to task 1.4.

Parametrization, optimization and automation during design stage in order to optimize the BIPV cost-to-power ratio (whole process)

Based on its existing numerical optimization software Xtreme Optimal computing will adapt its existing interface to allow the software BIMSolar to configure the optimizer set design variables set the objectives and launch the optimization procedure This deliverable will focus on the whole BIPV process Task 62

Report on testing sequences for each BIPV product

This report will provide the testing sequences to be performed for each BIPV product developed and optimized within BIPVBOOST project, in particular the module performance under partial shading and with non-uniform light absorption (due for example to glass treatment or interface coloring) and specific durability related effects will be considered and assessed. This report will provide also input to international standardization bodies to further develop existing standards for BIPV. Work performed in Task 5.3.

Update on BIPV market and stakeholder analysis

Summary report on market and stakeholder analysis and trends including market potential/challenges and expected desirable benefits for different stakeholders. Update on the work previously done by former European projects (e.g. PVSITES). The deliverable gathers the work performed in Task 9.1.

Cost-reduction roadmap for the European BIPV sector

Identification of cost reduction areas for the EU BIPV sector and definition of cost reduction roadmap. Quantified yearly objectives will be determined for each source of cost and steps along the BIPV value chain. Work performed in Task 1.2.

Report on the design and simulation of PV and energy performance of each demonstration installation

The deliverable will include the results of the dimensioning and modeling of BIPV systems at every demo site the architectural design of BIPV demonstration installations and the final design of each demo The aim is to achieve the optimal conditions for the demonstration of viability performance reliability and costeffectiveness of project results The work will be performed in Task 82

Collection of building typologies and identification of possibilities with optimal market share

This report will collect different archetypal BIPV showcases (e.g. selection of archetypes) representative of the European building stock. Based on an extensive review of architectural and urban BIPV references, the deliverable will establish a census of some best practices of BIPV implementation into real architectural projects. The goal of this analysis is to analyze the main potentials of the building stock to “host” BIPV and the evolving/success opportunities for market attractiveness in the horizon 2020 to 2030. The document will identify the main market possibilities and potentials, in terms of building typologies and building skin application for BIPV, in order to also provide valuable technical inputs for the development of successful BIPV technologies for the next decades. The deliverable is related to Task 1.3.

Online BIM platform to reduce BIPV costs through a collaborative process

This deliverable will reflect the precommercial version of the SaaS Software as a Service platform aimed at connecting every BIPV stakeholder profile within the integrated BIM and BIPV process The innovation demonstrated in BIM interoperability data mining and community management will support cost reduction and risk mitigation The focus is put on concept design where the critical choices must be made with a high level of flexibility between the building design and the setup of BIPV materials Synthetic vision for costs and performance of BIPV solutions together with connection to Virtual andor Augmented Reality will be the major improvement of the digital process Task 62

Public report summarizing lessons learnt, approaches, actions, results and experiences. Oriented towards a diverse stakeholder audience

Public version of deliverable D810 reporting on lessons learnt approaches actions results and experiences from the project and specially on the demonstration activities Oriented towards a diverse stakeholder audience Related to Task 86

Report on novel crates development and cost analysis assessing the reduction of their contribution to direct costs of glass-glass BIPV products from 6% to 4%

Report on novel crates development and cost analysis assessing the reduction of their contribution to direct costs of glass-glass BIPV products from 6.1% to 4%. Several strategies will be applied including reduction of raw material, higher standardization and double stacking systems, as described in Task 4.4.

Report on annual events held, e Newsletters and social media campaign achievements (update 3)

Last update of the deliverable It will additionally include the preparation of a project video in month 40 It will also report on the webinars held at least three in order to present the project products to main target groups Tasks 97 to 912

BIM-based BIPV modelling and analysis platform for ensuring interoperability, decision support and cost reduction along design, manufacturing and installation phases (second prototype)

Second prototype of the BIPVBOOST plugin for BIMsolar software aiming at providing specific KPIs and webservices to the BIPV process to pilot cost reductions all along the value chain This plugin should be web based platform to platform and developed following EnerBIMs AGILE methodology From first prototype alpha and beta testing phases to precommercial version webservices second prototype Tasks 61 and 62

Report on annual events, eNewsletters and social media campaign achievements (update 2)

Updated report on the project related dissemination in major relevant conferences and other events by project partners. Report on e-Newsletters launched and social media campaign achievements. To be updated in month 48. Tasks 9.7 to 9.11.

Dissemination and communication plan (update 1)

First update of the plan, which sets the most appropriate strategies for dissemination and communication, in line with the strategies for exploitation of results. It will be updated in months 48, including lessons learnt. The deliverable is related to Tasks 9.6 to 9.11.

Results of the installation and commissioning process. Lessons learnt during the process and related guidelines

Report on the results of the installation and commissioning process It will include the lessons learnt during the process and related guidelines as a public deliverable which can be useful for other projects and BIPV stakeholders along the value chain The work is related to Task 85

Definition of monitoring plans for Kubik building and outdoor mock-ups and test benches

The deliverable will gather the definition of monitoring plans and data acquisition systems for Kubik building and outdoor mockups and test benches for the different products A monitoring methodology will also be included in this report A first distribution of products versus testing sites was done at proposal stage The specific testing objectives and procedures samples sizes etc will be defined at this stage This work will serve not only to ensure the supervision of the BIPV components and the monitoring of the quality of energy production but also to feed the numerical models developed in the BIPVBOOST project and used in the modeling tools The work corresponds to Task 54

Report on annual events, e-Newsletters and social media campaign achievements

Project related dissemination in major relevant conferences and other events by project partners. Report on e-Newsletters launched and social media campaign achievements. To be updated in months 24, 36 and 48. Tasks 9.7 to 9.11.

Report on the project developments of specific performance-based laboratory testing procedures for BIPV products

This technical report will present the developed multidisciplinary approaches to validate and qualify the operational performances of BIPV products with regard to some identified technical requirements The deliverable will identify some limitstates of performance for reference building skin scenarios eg for electrical performance mechanical safety and fire reaction of BIPV in operation conditions useful to support advances on testing procedures and normative The focus will be on the proposed technologies and systems developed within BIPVBOOST project Work related to Task 52

Update on regulatory framework for BIPV

Analysis on regulatory framework for BIPV in order to provide the most significant information for the project developments and, especially, their implementation in the project demo sites. Previous work already performed by PVSITES project will be used as a basis and updated to the current situation. The update will specially focus in the countries hosting BIPV demonstration activities (Spain, Italy and Belgium). Work performed in Task 9.2.

Report on simulation at building skin level

Analysis of PV and building energy performance of the project products considering different building typologies climates and local grid archetypes BIMSolar and EnergyPlus software tools will be used The work will be performed in task 45

Report on standardization, performance risks and identification of related gaps for a performance-based qualification in BIPV

This deliverable, in a form of a report, will present the main gaps in the existing standards for a performance-based qualification of BIPV products. Such gaps will be identified from the analysis and the comparison among electro technical approaches (mainly prescriptive and product -specific) and construction requirements for building components (mainly performance based). The aim of this activity will be to provide possible approaches for extensions/developments of qualification procedures as well as normative that should be done in following tasks in order to guarantee quality, safety and reliability of BIPV product as both electrical and building elements. Work performed in Task 5.1.

Dissemination and communication plan (update 2)

Last update of the dissemination and communication plan gathering final conclusions and recommendations for activities beyond the project end The deliverable is related to Tasks 96 to 911

Report on annual events, e-Newsletters and social media campaign achievements (update 1)

Updated report on the project related dissemination in major relevant conferences and other events by project partners. Report on e-Newsletters launched and social media campaign achievements. To be updated in months 36 and 48. Tasks 9.7 to 9.11.

Information modelling/management for BIPV cost-reduction. Digital adoption plan and guideline for a data-driven BIPV process and optimization strategies

This report will present the BIPV process and the main information workflows. Grounding on this, a digital BIM-based approach for BIPV will be defined and the main information management (IM) strategies in order to reduce the costs along the BIPV process will be described. IM strategies and key-performance indicators will be proposed to support an integrated process focused on BIPV cost control/reduction along the value chain within the project. Moreover, the deliverable will present a guideline for the implementation strategies of a data-driven BIPV process with proper LOD levels within the project. Tasks 6.1. and 6.2.

Monitoring guidelines and specific measurement & validation plan for each demonstration site

Common activities and technical requirements that must be completed and met to successfully achieve the monitoring and assessment tasks at building and BIPV system level. Specific actions that need to be conducted in each pilot site, which will be designed according to key parameters (BIPV technologies implemented, location of the BIPV implementation, type of architectural integration, etc.). The deliverable is related to Task 8.3.

Cost competitiveness status of BIPV solutions in Europe

Analysis of the cost competitiveness status of BIPV solutions in Europe which can provide the partners with a detailed vision of the current situation. A wide variety of BIPV products will be included, and the study will be used as a basis for the definition of optimized cost-reduction roadmaps. The deliverable is related to Task 1.1.

Project website

Development of a multipurpose project website for widespread communication, but also as share-point for the consortium. The first version will be available by month 4, but it will be actively updated throughout project development. Task 9.7.

Products catalogue available online

Products catalogue available online containing all the technical information available on the project products The online catalogue will be part of the project website and it will be the basis for at least three related webinars Task 912

Flexible tabber stringer for back-contact solar cells available according to specifications

Prototype of flexible tabber stringer for back-contact solar cells available at Onys and manufactured according to specifications defined in D2.1. The assessment of performance of this equipment will be reported in D2.5. Work corresponding to Task 2.3.

Façade and roof prototypes for indoor and outdoor testing

Prototypes of all façade and roof systems from WP4 for indoor and outdoor testing available. Sample needs will be defined by D5.3 (indoor testing) and D5.5 (outdoor testing). The manufacturing work will be performed in Task 4.6.

Flexible tabber stringer, lay-up, string interconnection and electroluminescence available according to specifications

Flexible tabber stringer, lay-up, string interconnection and electroluminescence equipment available and manufactured according to the specifications defined in Task 2.1. The work corresponds to Tasks 2.2, 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6.

Prototypes manufacturing for each demo site

Prototypes manufactured by each technology provider for each demonstration site available for integration in the demos. This includes BIPV modules, roof and façade systems and building optimization framework. The work will be performed within Task 8.4.

Low cost coloured glass-glass BIPV modules samples based on powdered paints. Cost reduction from 21 to 66 €/m2 in comparison with ceramic frit paints

Fully operational low cost coloured glass-glass BIPV modules samples based on powdered paints available. Cost reduction from 21 to 66 €/m2 in comparison with ceramic frit paints. Task 3.1.

Low cost a-Si patterned glass-glass BIPV modules samples. Cost parity with digitally printed glass

Fully operational, low cost a-Si patterned glass-glass BIPV modules samples available. Cost parity with digitally printed glass will be demonstrated. Task 3.2.

Functional samples of multifunctional BIPV façade cladding system with integrated insulation complying with specifications

Functional samples of multifunctional BIPV façade cladding system with integrated insulation complying with specifications and a cost target of 250 €/m2 (of which 112 €/m2 will correspond to glass-glass modules) available. C-Si and CIGS technologies will be studied, together with Onyx 2+2 laminates for lightweight properties. Task 4.1.

Glass-glass modules samples for indoor/outdoor testing activities

Manufacturing of all glassglass modules samples for indooroutdoor testing activities completed The characteristics and number of samples will be defined by D53 and D55 The manufacturing work corresponds to Task 35

Low cost bifacial cell modules for integration in balustrades. Overcost < 100€/m2 regarding non-PV equivalent products

Low cost bifacial cell modules for integration in balustrades samples available. The overcost with respect to non-PV equivalent products will be lower than 100€/m2. Task 3.3.

Functional samples of cost effective roof and façade systems complying with specifications

Functional samples of cost effective CIGS on metal roof systems complying with specifications: lightweight, modular production, easy mounting and dismounting. Cost values of 170 €/m2 by end 2020. Work related to Task 4.2.

Low cost back-contact cell modules for walkable floors and curtain wall integration at 275 €/m2 as target.

Low cost back-contact cell modules for walkable floors and curtain wall integration samples available. Cost target is 275 €/m2. The work corresponds to task 3.4.

Functional samples of cost effective glass façade systems complying with specifications

Functional samples of cost effective glass façade systems available and complying with specifications: ultra-easy plug&play mounting process, large module sizes, low weight. Cost target: 180 €/m2. Deliverable corresponding to task 4.3.



Auteurs: P. Macé, E. Bosch
Publié dans: Proceedings of the 37th EUPVSEC, 2020
Éditeur: European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition
DOI: 10.4229/eupvsec20202020-7eo.3.6

Performance Assessment of BIPV Systems: Research on BIPV Characterization Methods

Auteurs: P. Bonomo, F. Parolini, F. Frontini, M. Caccivio, G. Bellenda, J.M. Vega de Seoane, D. Valencia-Caballero, S. Boddaert
Publié dans: Proceedings of the 37th EUPVSEC, 2020, ISBN 3-936338-73-6
Éditeur: European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition
DOI: 10.4229/eupvsec20202020-6do.12.2


Auteurs: BIPVBOOST consortium
Publié dans: Proceedings of the 36th EUPVSEC, 2019
Éditeur: European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition
DOI: 10.4229/eupvsec20192019-7dv.2.36

BIM – A booster for Energy Transition and BIPV Adoption

Auteurs: Philippe Alamy, Van Khai Nguyen, Maider Machado, Pablo Alonso
Publié dans: Proceedings of the 36th EUPVSEC, 2019
Éditeur: European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition
DOI: 10.4229/eupvsec20192019-6do.8.6

Performance Assessment of BIPV Systems: From Current Normative Framework to Next Developments

Auteurs: P. Bonomo, F. Parolini, F. Frontini, E. Saretta, M. Caccivio, G. Bellenda, J.M. Vega de Seoane, D. Valencia, M. Machado, S. Boddaert
Publié dans: Proceedings of the 36th EUPVSEC, 2019
Éditeur: European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition
DOI: 10.4229/eupvsec20192019-6bv.4.6

A practical handbook for solar buildings’ stakeholders

Auteurs: P. Corti, P. Bonomo, F. Frontini, P. Macé, E. Bosch
Publié dans: 2020


Auteurs: Becquerel Institute
Publié dans: Numéro 1, 2021
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5901929

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