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New products and technologies
Novel packaging tackles food waste with... food waste
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Industrial Technologies icon
Food and Natural Resources icon

18 Grudnia 2020

New products and technologies
New Sensors Aim To Increase The Value Of Urban Biowaste
Climate Change and Environment icon
Society icon
Food and Natural Resources icon

20 Listopada 2020

New products and technologies
Can New Technologies Help Europe Get A Taste For Insects?
Climate Change and Environment icon
Industrial Technologies icon
Food and Natural Resources icon

20 Maja 2020

New products and technologies
Release the sugars! A valuable building block for making products from food waste
Climate Change and Environment icon
Industrial Technologies icon
Food and Natural Resources icon

14 Maja 2020

New products and technologies
“From WWTP to biofactories” – how wastewater treatment is changing
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Industrial Technologies icon
Food and Natural Resources icon

7 Maja 2020

New products and technologies
“From WWTP to biofactories” - how Aqualia is transforming wastewater treatment
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Industrial Technologies icon
Food and Natural Resources icon

5 Maja 2020

Policy making and guidelines
Madrid on the way to ‘getting organic waste right’
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Food and Natural Resources icon

17 Stycznia 2020

Policy making and guidelines
Albano Laziale - a reference for waste management in Europe
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Society icon
Food and Natural Resources icon

9 Grudnia 2019

Policy making and guidelines
Kozani starts journey to become a circular bio-based city
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Industrial Technologies icon
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Food and Natural Resources icon

16 Lipca 2019

Policy making and guidelines
A glimpse into the future of biowaste management
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Industrial Technologies icon
Society icon
Food and Natural Resources icon

27 Czerwca 2019

Policy making and guidelines
Learning from a circular economy pioneer
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Industrial Technologies icon
Society icon
Food and Natural Resources icon

27 Czerwca 2019

New products and technologies
Why bother with biowaste?
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Industrial Technologies icon
Society icon
Food and Natural Resources icon

27 Czerwca 2019

New products and technologies
European consortium will promote the recycling of urban biowaste for a circular economy
Climate Change and Environment icon
Industrial Technologies icon
Society icon
Food and Natural Resources icon

27 Czerwca 2019

New products and technologies
European consortium will promote the recycling of urban biowaste for a circular economy
Climate Change and Environment icon
Industrial Technologies icon
Society icon
Food and Natural Resources icon

26 Czerwca 2019