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Auctions for Renewable Energy Support II

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Case study reports on planned auctions

This report comprises 46 case studies on auction schemes which are in the planning phase detailing their design and assessing their expected performance where possible It is related to task 22

Research paper on auction results and RES financing

This research paper is based on the results of tasks 51 and 52 It will be submitted to a peerreviewed scientific journal by month 32

Executive summary of project results

In order to ensure a wider accessibility and circulation of the projects main findings the results outlined in key deliverable will be summarised in 37 standalone short documents aimed at presenting the project to a nonspecialised audience Each summary will be 2 pages long and will include an infographic section These policy briefs will be focused on the application of the project outcomes and will suggest concrete recommendations to policymakers and industry stakeholders It is part of task 103

Final dissemination report

This report recaps the projects dissemination activities in the second reporting period It is part of task 101

Project Identity Package

This deliverable is related to task 10.2 and includes a logo, font, colour palette, as well as templates for deliverables. The project identity will be graphically connected with the previous AURES project in order to ensure recognizability, but will be updated and refreshed.

Policy briefs on case cooperations

These policy briefs Detail the results from the case cooperations with policy makers as described in task 23 Each consortium partner REKK DTU Ecofys TU Wien drafts the brief for their respective cooperation case

Guidance document on cross-border auctions

This final document of WP6 summarises the findings and provides concise and concrete guidance to policy makers regarding cross-border auctions. It is part of task 6.5.

Synthesis report tasks 2.1 and 2.2

This report provides an overview and identifies overarching issues and lessons learnt from all case studies in WP3. It is based on the individual case studies presented in D2.1 and D2.2.

Report on qualitative scenarios

This report is linked to task 7.2. It describes and analyses qualitative scenarios for future energy systems and outlines the consequences for auctions.

Report on country-specific and European case studies

This report is linked to tasks 6.3 and 6.4. It covers the case studies carried out on cross-border auctions on country and European level

Report on design options for cross-border auctions

This report addresses auctions in which two more countries are involved and lists and explains relevant design options. It is the result of work carried out in task 7.1.

Policy brief on the model-based assessment of phasing out RES support

This report is thematically related to the topics covered in tasks 72 and 73 but takes a quantitative modelling perspective It is thus covered under task 84

Report on technology biases in technology-neutral auctions

The content of this report is linked to task 7.1, but covers the topic from a modelling perspective and is thus part of task 8.1.

Report on multi-technology auctions

This report is linked to task 7.1. It covers theoretical and empirical aspects of multi-technology auctions.

Report on design elements affecting financing

This report contains the findings of task 6.1 and provides inputs to task 6.3 which will develop auction designs that are compatible with financing.

Report on auction design recommendations compatible with financing

This report provides concise auction design recommendations for policy makers, based on the results of WP5.

Technical report on modelling of RES auctions

This report is related to all tasks of WP8 It describes the technical details of all modelling works carried out in this WP

Report on survey results and cash flow simulations: Risk landscape in the EU in relation to auctions

This report is linked to task 5.2. It will present the results of the empirical assessment carried out regarding auctions designs and their effects on Stakeholders and risk assessment.

Interim Dissemination Report

This report is linked to task 10.1 and will recap the dissemination activities over the first reporting period.

Recommendations on the future of auctions

This report provides concise policy recommendations regarding auctions in changing energy systems of the future It is related to task 73

Report - Effects of auctions on RES value chains

This report is the result of tasks 4.1 and 4.2 and provides a theoretical as well as an empirical view of the effects of auctions on RES value chains.

Summary report

The results obtained throughout the project such as lessons learnt identified best practices evaluations of policy packages under specific criteria and market conditions will be embedded into a larger context taking into account developments in the policy environment Energy Community harmonisation and crossborder cooperation among Member States and technological progress cost reductions of RES smart markets blockchain etc All project results shall be consolidated into this final report It is the output of both tasks 91 and 92 Policy recommendations will be developed from this The report will also provide major input to the final conference

Two peer-reviewed papers on the quantitative analysis of auction results

Two peer-reviewed papers shall be submitted to scientific Journals. The first paper will be submitted by month 18, the second paper by month 33. Both papers are part of task 3.2 and deal with the quantitative analysis of auction results as shown in the auction database.

Report - Effects of auctions on technological innovation

This report results from task 4.3. It includes policy recommendations on how auctions can be designed to be aligned with policymakers’ objectives regarding technological innovation.

Case study reports on existing auctions

This report comprises 12 case studies on the design and performance of past and ongoing auction schemes. It is linked to task 2.1.

Briefing paper (effects of auctions on RES communities; measures to protect RES communities)

This is a combined deliverable from the outputs of task 2.1 and 4.1, focussing on the effect auctions have on RES communities and on measures to protect RES communities.

Three to seven ad-hoc policy briefings

Based on the Information collected for the online database particularly interesting cases of auction implementation will be covered in more detail in adhoc policy briefings This serves to provide timely and concise Information to Stakeholders The briefings are the output of task 33

Report on auction-theoretical aspects

This report covers the auction-theoretical basis of cross-border auctions. It is linked to task 7.2.

Research paper on multi-technology auctions

This research paper will be submitted to a scientific peer-reviewed journal by month 16. It is linked to task 7.1 and covers auctions in which two or more technologies compete against each other.

Policy brief on the model-based assessment of financing aspects of RES auctions

The content of this report is linked to WP5 However it focusses on the modelling perspective and is thus part of task 85

Policy brief on cross-border and European RES auctions

This report is connected to the topics covered in WP6 ie crossborder auctions However it focuses on a modelling perspective and is thus the output of tasks 82 and 83

Webinar series

At least 9 webinars will be offered throughout the project related to various WPs The series is part of task 104 To minimise costs and maximise outreach the webinars will be hosted by the webinar platform Leonardo Energy as an AURES II series WP11 will contribute to the dissemination of the webinars especially through the website and social media The complete series of webinars will be collected in a final deliverable at the end of the project Webinars foreseen in the series include Auction Database and first results of quantitative analysis Modelling of crossborder and European RES auctions Guidance on crossborder auctions in Europe Technologybasket and technologyneutral auctions Monitoring of auction implementation existing and planned auction schemes Effects of auctions on RES value chains communities and technological innovation Final results on auctions impact on financing and auction design recommendations The future of auctions Summary webinar all project results

Expert talk with EC on modelling cross-border auctions

This workshop/expert talk with the EC is part of task 10.4. It will be held in Brussels and will deal with modelling issues regarding cross-border auctions. Regarding it's content, it is thus related to both WP6 and WP8.

Expert talk - Beyond auctions? Scenarios for renewables in a changing electricity system

This Workshop/expert talk is covered under task 10.4. It's content is linked to task 7.2 where the need for and design of auctions in a variety of qualitative future scenarios are discussed. It is foreseen to take place in Brussels.

Workshop - Final results on auction financing, and auction design recommendations

This workshop is part of task 104 but its content is related to WP5 with a focus on task 53 It will be held in Brussels and presents the final results regarding financing

Regional Workshop 3

This is one of at least 6 regional workshops which are part of task 10.4 and will be held in order to communicate project results and involve relevant stakeholders. Tentative locations for this series of workshops are Copenhagen, Berlin, Vienna, Madrid, London, and Budapest.

Final Conference

The final conference presents project results and contributions from external speakers to an audience of stakeholders The conference will be held in Brussels and is part of task 104

Workshop - Beyond auctions? Routes to market and auction designs under a changing electricity system

This Workshop is part of task 104 but its content is related to WP7 Based on the qualitiative scenarios developed in task 72 task 73 will develop policy recommendations for future auctions in changing electricity systems This work will be informed by this stakeholder workshop

Regional Workshop 2

This is one of at least 6 regional workshops which are part of task 10.4 and will be held in order to communicate project results and involve relevant stakeholders. Tentative locations for this series of workshops are Copenhagen, Berlin, Vienna, Madrid, London, and Budapest.


The website forms part of task 10.3 and will contain background Information about the project, all public reports in a downloadable format, as well as an auction database. The interested public will be able to contact the consortium and/or sign up for the project newsletter via the website.

Validation workshop on auction design elements and financing

This workshop is part of task 10.4, but it's content is linked to task 6.1. Discussion with policy and industry stakeholders will be used to validate and adjust the consortium's assumptions and analytical framework at an early stage in WP6 to ensure valid and relevant results.

Regional Workshop 5

This is one of at least 6 regional Workshops part of task 10.4 which will be held in order to communicate project results and involve relevant stakeholders. Tentative locations for this series of workshops are Copenhagen, Berlin, Vienna, Madrid, London, and Budapest.

Workshop to validate results and develop feasible auction design recommendations

This Workshop/expert talk will be held in Brussels. It is part of task 10.4. The content is related to task 5.3 on auction design and it's effects on RES financing. The discussion will be used to validate results of the empirical analysis of the previous tasks and to start developing policy recommendations.

Regional Workshop 4

This is one of at least 6 regional workshops covered under task 10.4 which will be held in order to communicate project results and involve relevant stakeholders. Tentative locations for this series of workshops are Copenhagen, Berlin, Vienna, Madrid, London, and Budapest.

Workshop on cross-border auction cooperation cases

This Workshop is covered under task 10.4, but it's content is linked to task 6.3. Draft results of case studies regarding cross-border cooperation will be presented to interested Stakeholders and the European Commission. Comments from this workshop will be incorporated in the task's final report.

Regional Workshop 6

This is one of at least 6 regional workshops which are part of task 104 and will be held in order to communicate project results and involve relevant stakeholders Tentative locations for this series of workshops are Copenhagen Berlin Vienna Madrid London and Budapest

Workshop - Effects of auctions on RES value chains, communities, and technological innovation

This workshop/expert talk is part of task 10.4. It presents and discusses results of WP4 with stakeholders in Brussels.

EC workshop on larger context of project results

This workshopexpert talk will be held in Brussels and is part of task 104 Ist content is related to task 91 The workshop will be used to discuss results obtained throughout the project such as lessons learnt identified best practices evaluations of policy packages under specific criteria and market conditions and how they can be embedded into a larger context taking into account developments in the policy environment Energy Community harmonisation and crossborder cooperation among Member States and technological progress cost reductions of RES smart markets blockchain etc

Regional Workshop 1

This is one of at least 6 regional workshops which are part of task 10.4 and will be held in order to communicate project results and involve relevant stakeholders. Tentative locations for this series of workshops are Copenhagen, Berlin, Vienna, Madrid, London, and Budapest.

Updates of auctions database

The auctions database which goes online in month 15 is updated every 6 months. This results in 3 updates throughout the project, once in month 21, then month 27, and finally month 33. The updates are part of task 3.1.

Auction Database

This free online database will provide a holistic overview of the already conducted auctions in the EU comprising the results in terms of prices and volumes, as well as the implemented design elements and realisation rates. It is part of task 3.1 and will go online in month 15, with an update foreseen every 6 months.


Auctions for Renewable Energy Support II - First insights and results of the Horizon2020 project AURES II

Autoren: Vasilios Anatolitis, Pablo del Río, Ana Amazo, Maria Bartek-Lesi, Felix von Blücher, Barbara Breitschopf, Robert Brückmann, Mak Dukan, Karl-Martin Ehrhart, Oscar Fitch-Roy, Jasper Geipel, Ann-Katrin Hanke, Moïra Jimeno, Christoph Kiefer, Lena Kitzing, Mats Marquardt, Craig Menzies, Gustav Resch, Agustin Roth, Laszlo Szabo, Fabian Wigand, Jenny Winkler and Bridget Woodm
Veröffentlicht in: Papeles de Energía, Ausgabe Nº13, June 2021, 2021, Seite(n) 13-39, ISSN 2445-2726
Herausgeber: Funcas

An assessment of the design of the new renewable electricity auctions in Spain under an international perspective

Autoren: Pablo del Río
Veröffentlicht in: Papeles de Energía, Ausgabe Nº13, June 2021, 2021, Seite(n) 69-102, ISSN 2445-2726
Herausgeber: Funcas

Design and results of recent renewable energy auctions in Europe

Autoren: László Szabó, Mária Bartek-Lesi, Alfa Diallo, Bettina Dézsi, Vasilios Anatolitis and Pablo del Río
Veröffentlicht in: Papeles de Energía, Ausgabe Nº13, June 2021, 2021, Seite(n) 41-67, ISSN 2445-2726
Herausgeber: Funcas

The price of actor diversity: Measuring project developers’ willingness to accept risks in renewable energy auctions

Autoren: Elizabeth Côté, Mak Đukan, Cristian Pons-Seres de Brauwer, Rolf Wüstenhagen
Veröffentlicht in: Energy Policy, Ausgabe 163, 2022, Seite(n) 112835, ISSN 0301-4215
Herausgeber: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2022.112835

The impact of auctions on financing conditions and cost of capital for wind energy projects

Autoren: Mak Đukan, Lena Kitzing
Veröffentlicht in: Energy Policy, Ausgabe 152, 2021, Seite(n) 112197, ISSN 0301-4215
Herausgeber: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2021.112197

Which policy instruments promote innovation in renewable electricity technologies? A critical review of the literature with a focus on auctions

Autoren: Pablo del Río, Christoph P. Kiefer
Veröffentlicht in: Energy Research & Social Science, Ausgabe 89, 2022, Seite(n) 102501, ISSN 2214-6296
Herausgeber: Elsevier Limited
DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2022.102501

How to design efficient renewable energy auctions? Empirical insights from Europe

Autoren: Vasilios Anatolitis, Alina Azanbayev, Ann-Katrin Fleck
Veröffentlicht in: Energy Policy, Ausgabe Volume 166, 2022, Seite(n) 112982, ISSN 0301-4215
Herausgeber: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2022.112982

Financing conditions of renewable energy projects – results from an EU wide survey

Autoren: Robert Brückmann, Agustin Roth, Moïra Jimeno, Jörn Banasiak, Mak Đukan, Lena Kitzing, Vasilios Anatolitis
Veröffentlicht in: Open Research Europe, Ausgabe 1, 2021, Seite(n) 136, ISSN 2732-5121
Herausgeber: F1000Research
DOI: 10.12688/openreseurope.13969.1

Analysing patterns and trends in auctions for renewable electricity

Autoren: P. del Río, C.P. Kiefer
Veröffentlicht in: Energy for Sustainable Development, Ausgabe 62, 2021, Seite(n) 195-213, ISSN 0973-0826
Herausgeber: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.esd.2021.03.002

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