Periodic Reporting for period 1 - HydroPLAST (A hydrophilic polymer material)
Berichtszeitraum: 2018-06-01 bis 2018-09-30
Despite the long-lasting use of current available thermoplastics in biomedical applications, there is an important struggle with its hydrophobicity for many years. Hydrophobicity means repealing water and preference to contact with air/gas or other hydrophobic particles/substances, e.g. proteins or bacterial cell walls. These features are a challenging issue and represent an important drawback in the development of adequate surfaces for specific applications, such as medical and diagnostic devices. In order to obtain devices hydrophilicity, the state-of-the-art procedures include surface treatment/modification with several methodologies. This additional step in the production process increases the final production cost besides all the safety related issues involved.
On this background it is relevant to introduce highly hydrophilic thermoplastics to overcome the most critical drawbacks of thermoplastic-based devices for biomedical applications.
The feasibility study has had the purpose of proving the feasibility of the Tensistat material, both the business case and the relevance for the primary segments.
Activities in the feasibility study:
• Assessed the application segments for Tensistat, in terms of relevance, technical viability and business potential.
• Optimized the properties of the Tensistat material.
• Made an actionable business plan aiming at in-house high-volume production in Europe.
• Planned the Phase 2 project, including written commitments with test-users.
The feasibility study has been a success and have provided the basis for confidently moving forward with the commercialisation of Tensistat.