Periodic Reporting for period 1 - OmniBot (OmniBot: Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing Bot platform)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2018-05-01 do 2018-10-31
The OmniBot solution advances state of the art Artificial Intelligence technologies and Natural Language understanding (NLU) and facilitates building conversational interfaces into any chatbot application that uses voice and text. Our advanced chatbots and voice enabled virtual assistants are easily trained with just a few training examples and an easy to use GUI based dialog flow Bot-Builder. Also, Bot skills or tasks can be quickly trained and shared for re-use and customization. Every Bot comes with human supervised machine live-learning capabilities, ensuring that the Bot learns and improves its contextual understanding very quickly. This Human-in-the-Loop machine learning functionality represents an important state-of-the-art innovation.
OmniBot’s innovation addresses European business challenges, as it creates a new technology concept that will help European businesses resolve difficulties relating to digitization, customer satisfaction, competitiveness and growth. The feasibility study as part of the Phase 1 project helped to validate the viability of OmniBot technology and the market acceptance and future market potential of our solution. Phase 2 project promises a rapidly achieving production capacity and commercialization of the OmniBot solution in our target markets.