CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.
Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .
To Be Completed
Market & business ecosystem analysisAnalysis of current approaches and solutions addressing HARMONY challenges and estimation of the potential market for HARMONY technologies and services. Analysis of the current stakeholders’ business models, their relationships, their roles and their evolution in the “to be” HARMONY ecosystem. It includes the Exploitation Handbook, explaining the guidelines document and a set of templates for product idea definition, innovation management including market and competition analysis, business planning including financial indicators and business cases adoption and extension. A review of standardisation activities and recommendations will be included.
Communication kitIt will describe and present the project brand identity and material, the leaflet, posters roll-up, newsletters, videos, website and social media accounts. It will be issued at different dates, according to the project needs and communication planning.
Applications of the freight tactical simulator and forecastingPresents the results of the simulation of the cocreated policies and scenarios by using the freight tactical simulator
Brief final exploitation planPreliminary public version of the Final Exploitation plan to be disseminated at the HARMONY final project conference planned for M42
Harmony roadmaps for the transition periodTo Be Completed
Spatial and transport planning scenarios simulation resultsReport presenting the results of the cocreated scenarios simulation for the trailblazing and aspiring metropolitan areas
The HARMONY area’s orchestration, engagement plan and data collection guidelinesReport presenting the plan and the guidelines for the set-up of the co-creation labs, AVs and drones demonstration requirements and set-up (refers to T9.1).
Data collection tools for passenger and freight surveysThis report will present the tools and the methodologies applied to develop the smartphone based and on-line questionnaire passenger and freight surveys. It will also provide the sampling methodology for each case study area. The GDPR standards and the data privacy agreements required for the data collection will also be provided.
The HARMONY MS support for TEN-T corridors analysisThe report presents how the outcomes of a metropolitanlevel model could feed EUwide level models focusing on TENT corridors and the other way around
Transport and Spatial Data Warehouse Final VersionReports on the final TSDW version including the final version of its input and output interfaces data management mechanisms hardware and software infrastructure privacy enhancing technologies and TSDW population
HARMONY areas engagement activities and demonstrations – First versionReport that presents and evaluates the results of the engagement activities and demonstrations, across with any potential political or governance barriers faced. It covers all tasks apart from T9.8.
Stakeholder requirements and scenarios for regional spatial and transport planningA report explaining the methods used to organise the workshop in M5 and the methods used to collect stakeholder requirements, barriers and opportunities. It also analyses and presents the findings and the co-created scenarios designed during the workshop.
Secondary data from the HARMONY areasList presenting secondary data the areas have provided for HARMONY purposes, along with data protection description. The actual data will be delivered. It covers all tasks apart from T9.8.
Assessment and transferability of the HARMONY MSThe report presents evaluates the process of using and applying the MS while it also explains how the results and the forecasts could be transferred and replicated for other areas without the need to apply the MS
Applications of the passenger tactical and operational simulators and forecasting- M36Presents results of the simulation of policies and scenarios using the passenger tactical simulator
Policy adaptation and standardization recommendations - Final versionComparative analysis and development of suggestions and indications for adaption and further standardization report
Stakeholders requirements for regional spatial and transport planning - Final versionThis report includes the analysis of the online questionnaires and polls and their design approaches that will be set up throughout the project to update the stakeholders requirements
Transport and Spatial Data Warehouse 1st PrototypeThis deliverable will report on the 1st prototype of the TSDW, including the state-of-the-art data handling methodologies.
HARMONY areas engagement activities - Second versionReport that presents and evaluates the results of the crossmetropolitan activities and experience exchange It covers all tasks apart from T98
Review of new forms of mobility, freight distribution and their business models; gaps identification in KPIs and SUMPsD1.1 covers T1.1 and T1.2. It presents the knowledge bank including review of the new mobility services, technologies, business models and critically assesses the existing project appraisal, KPIs and SUMP guidelines to identify gaps and the validity of the process steps. Baseline scenarios for multimodal regional spatial and transport planning, and new mobility services are provided.
Applications of the operational simulator and forecastingThe results of the application of the operational simulator in the pilot sites
Evaluation of the HARMONY metropolitan areas engagement and demonstration activities - FinalReport presenting evaluating and comparing the activities that took place in each area elaborating on the findings the barriers and opportunities faced Refers to T98
HARMONY data: statistical and spatiotemporal analysesReport presenting the analysis of the primary passenger and freight data AVs and drones routes and noise mapping
A technical report with the detailed design of HARMONY’s transport and spatial data warehouse.
Multimodal land networksA set of land multi-modal networks for selective metropolitan areas participating in the project (CO). A report is also delivered available to the public (PU) presenting the models developed or modified.
An update of D103 It will present the types of data the project has produced up to M29 and procedures for making them open and accessible to any interested parties outside the consortium
Data management plan - Version 3, FinalIt will outline the types of data the project has produced as a whole and the procedures for making them open and accessible to any interested parties outside the consortium
Data management plan – Version 1It presents an initial outline of the types of data the project will collect and initial procedures for making them open and accessible to any interested parties outside the consortium.
Kamargianni Maria, Chaniotakis Emmanouil, Yfantis Lampros, Pappelis Dimitris,
University College London (UCL), MaaSLab, Energy Institute (UK)
Fermi Francesca, Martino Angelo,
TRT Trasporti e Territorio (Italy),
Lopane Fulvio D., Batty Michael,
University College London (UCL), CASA (UK)
de Bok Michiel, Tavasszy Loránt,
Delft University of Technology (the Netherlands)
Tsirimpa Athena,
MobyX Softwar
Publié dans:
Fulvio D. Lopane, Eleni Kalantzi, Richard Milton, Michael Batty
Publié dans:
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 2023
Lampros Yfantis
Publié dans:
ITS Journal, 2022
Route One Publishing LTD
Dylan Johnson, Emmanouil Chaniotakis
Publié dans:
Michiel de Bok, Lóránt Tavasszy, Ali Nadi, Sebastiaan Thoen, Sofia Giasoumi, Jos Streng
Publié dans:
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on City Logistics Bordeaux, France and online 19 – 21 June 2023, 2023, Page(s) 395-403
Institute of City Logistics (editors: Eiichi Taniguchi and Russell G. Thompson)
Lampros Yfantis; Simon Stebbins; Ilias Gerostathopoulos; Tamara Djukic; Jordi Casas; David Garcia; Maria Kamargianni; Manos Chaniotakis
Publié dans:
IEEE, 2021, ISBN 978-1-7281-8995-6
Eleni Charoniti, Tariq van Rooijen, Bram Kin, Hans Quak
Publié dans:
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on City Logistics Bordeaux, France and online 19 – 21 June 2023, 2023, Page(s) 512-520
Institute of City Logistics (editors: Eiichi Taniguchi and Russell G. Thompson)
Francesca Fermi, Francesco Chirico, Loredana Zani, Ioannis Tsouros, Athena Tsirimpa, and Maria Kamargianni
Publié dans:
Michiel de Bok, Sofia Giasoumi, Lóránt Tavasszy, Sebastiaan Thoen, Ali Nadi, Jos Streng
Publié dans:
Michiel de Bok, Lóránt Tavasszy, Ali Nadi, Sebastiaan Thoen, Sofia Giasoumi, Jos Streng
Publié dans:
Francesca Fermi, Francesco Chirico, Loredana Zani, Ioannis Tsouros, Athena Tsirimpa, and Maria Kamargianni
Publié dans:
Kamargianni M., C. Georgouli, L. P. Tronca, E. Chaniotakis
Publié dans:
Cities, 2022, ISSN 0264-2751
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Michiel de Bok, Lóránt Tavasszy, Ioanna Kourounioti, Sebastiaan Thoen, Larissa Eggers, Victor Mayland Nielsen, Jos Streng
Publié dans:
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2021, ISSN 2169-4052
SAGE Journals
Zhang Y., M. Kamargianni
Publié dans:
Transport Reviews Journal, 2022, ISSN 0144-1647
Taylor & Francis
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