Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SafePASS (Next generation of life Saving appliances and systems for saFE and swift evacuation operations on high capacity PASSenger ships in extreme scenarios and conditions)
Période du rapport: 2021-03-01 au 2022-12-31
1. Develop a comprehensive post-incident approach from ALARM to RESCUE including fire and flooding scenarios; 2. Design and develop next generation life-saving appliances for large capacity passenger ships; 3. Design and develop advanced evacuation support tools and methods that will radically improve evacuation operations while enhancing situation awareness on board; 4. Introduce an advanced platform which addresses the safety needs of passengers during complex evacuation processes by identifying, designating and sustaining a Location-based Dynamic Evacuation Route that adapts according to current and evolving circumstances and guides passengers, while facilitating crew coordination; 5. Provide social- and behavioural-driven solutions compatible with international legislation, standards & regulations and recommendations for future adoption; 6. Validate and demonstrate SafePASS developments on industrially relevant environment.
Different technologies and tools, enabling dynamic systems to guide individuals and groups have been implemented and tested: A Smart Lifejacket, a Smart Wristband, a Passenger Mobile Application, and an Augmented Reality (AR) Rescue Application (for crew and passengers). Adequately integrated in the safety system of modern cruise ships such tools can track and guide people from their actual location within the ship to the assembly stations and embarkation areas, taking into account continuously updated vessel’s conditions, e.g. congested escape routes or routes blocked by water ingress or fire/smoke.
Furthermore, SafePASS has implemented and tested technologies and tools for improved crowd control and management, enhanced situational awareness, and dynamic guidance systems. In more detail:
-The Common Operational Picture (COP) Holographic COP for intuitive control and management of the evacuation process.
-The Core Platform enabling real-time information exchange, data management and security.
-The Dynamic Exit Signs that continuously update and display the optimum evacuation route.
-The Crowd Simulation Tool calculating the fastest and safest evacuation route based on the actual conditions on board.
Novel Personal Survival Equipment (PSE) and two types of novel LSA models have been designed and tested (the Hard and Soft Shell), as well as novel LSA access arrangements, passages and ship architectural structures which ensure the safe and fast embarkation of passengers and safe abandonment of the ship for all demographic groups and in extreme weather conditions. In addition, an AR LSA Training and Maintenance Application has been developed to train crew members on the operation and maintenance of lifeboats.
A Risk Modelling tool has been implemented that evaluates and mitigate the risks related to major maritime accidents and the evacuation process. Risk Mitigation and Control Measures (RCMs) and their respective Risk Control Options (RCOs) have been defined. A Regulatory, Ethics and GDPR Framework has been defined and recommendations to IMO and potential amendments of IMO regulatory framework have been produced to ensure that SafePASS solutions are viable and suitable for use in the shipboard environment. A "Community of Practices" has been set up that was actively engaged through workshops and surveys in the definition of the SafePASS Social License to Operate (SLO) and the Implementation Roadmap to ensure acceptability and sustainability of project results. Finally, SafePASS prototypes have been developed and tested in individual validation campaigns, while the integrated SafePASS system has been validated via evacuation simulations and during the pilot demonstration, which took place onboard RCCL cruise ship, at CdA shipyard. In total 13 Key Exploitable Results (KERs) have been identified, reaching a TRL level from 5 to 7, and high-impact dissemination and communication activities have been conducted.