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Trigeneration systems based on heat pumps with natural refrigerants and multiple renewable sources.

Description du projet

Réduire les coûts énergétiques grâce aux fluides frigorigènes naturels

La lutte contre le réchauffement climatique nous contraint à trouver des solutions pour réduire les coûts de chauffage, de climatisation et d’électricité dans les villes. Le projet TRI-HP, financé par l’UE, proposera des solutions sur mesure pour les habitations collectives en Europe. Les systèmes Trigeneration utilisent des pompes à chaleur avec des réfrigérants naturels et une large gamme de ressources renouvelables. La consommation d’énergie est optimisée grâce à des commandes innovantes et à trois sources de chaleur: soleil, sol et air. L’objectif du projet est de réduire les coûts jusqu’à 15 % par rapport aux technologies de pompe à chaleur existantes et de diminuer de 75 % les émissions de gaz à effet de serre des chaudières à gaz et des refroidisseurs d’air.


The overall goal of the TRI-HP project is the development and demonstration of flexible energy-efficient and affordable trigeneration systems. The systems will be based on electrically driven natural refrigerant heat pumps coupled with renewable electricity generators (PV), using cold (ice slurry), heat and electricity storages to provide heating, cooling and electricity to multi-family residential buildings with a self-consumed renewable share of 80%. TRI-HP systems will include advanced controls, managing electricity, heat and cold in a way that optimizes the performance of the system and increases its reliability via failure self-detection. The flexibility will be achieved by allowing for three heat sources: solar (with ice/water as storage medium), ground and ambient air. The innovations proposed will reduce the system cost by at least 10-15% compared to current heat pump technologies with equivalent energetic performances. Two natural refrigerants with very low global warming potential, propane and carbon dioxide, will be used as working fluids for adapted system architectures that specifically target the different heating and cooling demands across Europe. The newly-developed systems will find application in both new and refurbished multi-family buildings, allowing to cover the major part of Europe’s building stock. The new systems reduce GHG emissions by 75% compared to gas boilers and air chillers. The TRI-HP project will provide the most appropriate knowledge and technical solutions in order to cope with stakeholder’s needs, building demand characteristics, local regulations and social barriers. Two system concepts will be developed for two different combinations of heat sources, i) dual ground/air source and ii) solar with ice-slurry as intermediate storage. These two concepts combined with the two heat pump types developed (CO2 and propane) will lead to three complete systems (CO2-ice, propane-ice and propane-dual) that will be tested in the laboratory.

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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 120 055,09
8640 Rapperswil

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Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera Ostschweiz St. Gallen
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 1 120 055,09

Participants (11)