Periodic Reporting for period 3 - Repair3D (Recycling and Repurposing of Plastic Waste for Advanced 3D Printing Applications)
Reporting period: 2022-01-01 to 2023-05-31
In this way, the combination of AM, polymer processing and recycling technologies could constitute a new paradigm of a distributed recycling process, easily implemented at local scale in collaboration with the industrial sector and collection facilities, in order to create competitive, highly customisable products at lower production costs, in a flexible digital environment that fully unravels the potential of eco-design and allows for integration of smart intrinsic self-sensing, self-repairing and recycling options.
The project aims to address all aspects and stages of thermoplastic and CF reinforced thermoplastic 3D printing material development from recycled resources, starting with the selection of suitable waste streams, strategies for material repair, compatibilization and upgrade towards AM processing, compatibility between different thermoplastic matrices and the reinforcing fibres and nanoparticles, comparative assessment of various AM thermoplastic processing technologies and closed-loop material optimisation in terms of processability and performance.
Due to unforeseen delays caused by the COVID-19 outbreak, an extension of the project was requested through an official Amendment, for four (4) months. The deliverables that were due the end of the project, were extended accordingly.
- Meeting the EU's circular economy and environmental targets while demonstrating a clear benefit, i.e. more efficient or economic than the state of the art in order to enable market uptake in the short to medium term.
- Create new technologies and business opportunities for the recycling industry across Europe, especially in the area of composites and plastics where the challenge is high.
- Demonstrate a potential reduction in landfill waste volume by > 50%.
- Reduction of the carbon footprint of the corresponding products by > 30% (based on a full Life Cycle Assessment).
Repair3D has joined the Plastics Circularity Multiplier Cluster, an initiative which seeks to improve value chain collaboration and create cross cooperation between EU Projects. Repair3D is one of the innovation projects, who have joined this initiative which aims at showcasing the synergies of EU-funded projects in the field of plastic circularity and coordinating communication and dissemination activities. The initiative aims to complement existing resources set up by the EU institutions, designed to generate an ecosystem of EU investments in circular economy and innovation.