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Robust kit to convert diesel vehicles to Natural Gas and Biogas for extended life and reduced contaminants emission

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - BLUESKY (Robust kit to convert diesel vehicles to Natural Gas and Biogas for extended life and reducedcontaminants emission)

Période du rapport: 2018-03-01 au 2018-06-30

BLUESKY seeks to implement an optimal solution to prevent pollution and energy costs regarding heavy duty trucks and buses. Most of these vehicles are powered with diesel fuel entailing high emissions of GHG. NOx and fine particles and have been classified as carcinogenic by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in 2012. Beyond this, owners of fleets, trucks and buses, which annual average kilometers is 100,000 need to face high costs at the time of refueling, spending a large part of their budget on this.
BLUESKY kit allows HD engines to swap from diesel fuel to natural gas (NG) thanks to its kit, this way permitting big savings in fuel and preventing pollution due to NG decreases dramatically the GHG footprint, improving the global quality of life.
CRMT aims at the developing of conversion kits to transform heavy-duty diesel-powered buses and trucks into Natural Gas able to simultaneously drastically reduce the emissions as well as provoking huge savings in fuels, optimizing, testing and validating the BLUESKY technology (CRT 5+ and catalyst system), and building up robust commercialization strategy.
BLUESKY has been developed and tested over time with excellent results. In 2010, we started a R&D project to develop the first prototype of our CRMT5+ kit, validated in 2011. The R&D project is on-going, and the latest catalyst prototype can reduce NOx contaminants up to 10 times compared to diesel engines. In 2016, CRMT5+ evolved to BLUESKY to provide a complete solution for diesel-gas conversion for HD vehicles being installed in several public transport companies all over EU. In 2017, we have been developing a measuring device to monitor the amount of NOx and NH3 in the exhaust gases. We are currently in the process of patenting this new device and aim to submit the application of this new patent by end of 2017.
CRMT aims with BLUESKY at the CRMT 5+ adaptation and catalyst system optimization to look for a highly efficient exhaust gas system covering the vast majority of the HD trucks and buses from the biggest EU manufacturers (Daimler, MAN, Iveco, DAF, Volvo/Renault), with real scale trials and a strong commercialization and dissemination strategy. As stated before BLUESKY kit will provide huge benefits to society, decreasing harmful exhaust gases and bringing the possibility to HD bus and truck owners to reduce cost on fuel (40%).