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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Rugged durable small wind turbine for powering telecom towers residential buildings in extreme weather conditions areas

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Final Communication & Dissemination Plan: Summary of activities

Report that summarises the communication and dissemination activities carried out during the 2-year project towards, attracting the interest of our targeted markets/customers in the NJORD turbines.

Interim Communication & Dissemination Plan: Summary of activities

Report that summarises the communication and dissemination activities carried out during the 1st year of the project, attracting the interest of our targeted markets/customers in the NJORD turbines.

Rechte des geistigen Eigentums

Rooftop wind turbine

Antrags-/Publikationsnummer: DM 203314
Datum: 2019-06-19
Antragsteller: ICEWIND EHF

Wind turbine blade

Antrags-/Publikationsnummer: DM 205431
Datum: 2019-09-03
Antragsteller: ICEWIND EHF

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