Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ShellSideJet (Automated System for Total Fouling Removal of Heat Exchangers)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2019-03-01 al 2020-02-29
ShellSideJet is an innovative cleaning technology carefully engineered for fouling removal, enabling an unmatched 98% fouling removal. This keeps heat exchangers free from fouling; enabling considerable financial savings for the refinery operators. ShellSideJet is poised to have a tremendous impact in both economic and environmental terms. It will enable the oil refining industry to reduce operational costs by while reducing CO2 emissions by per year.
During the ShellSideJet project, we target to enhance our current system’s automation capabilities, allowing our operators to deploy ShellSideJet in a robotic mode. The project is broken down into the following technical and commercial objectives:
- To optimize the system’s mechanical design
- To refine the system’s remote control graphical user interface
- To validate the final product in an industrial environment
- To perform market replication activities through customer trials
- To perform pre-launch operations
- To communicate the ShellSideJet system to the industry
- To finalise our commercialisation plan
1. Validated the final product in industrial environment
2. Produced application guidelines
3. Performed customer trials
4. Performed pre-launch operations
5. Communicated to the industry about ShellSideJet
6. Increased further protection of the technology
In an attempt to enhance the safety levels of the water blast cleaning personnel, a number of automated bundle blasting systems have emerged. These systems are remotely operated so that the personnel can stay at a safe distance from the water jet. These systems are highly expensive, and they are still limited with respect to fouling removal.
Available water blasting systems can only remove fouling from the external part of the bundle leaving the internal part of the shell uncleaned achieving a maximum of 50% clean. In contrast with state-of- the-art systems that blast water from the outside of the bundle, ShellSideJet is able to clean deep inside the exchanger.
During ShellSideJet, we target to enhance our current system’s automation capabilities, allowing our operators to deploy ShellJeTT in a robotic mode. ShellSideJet is poised to have a tremendous impact in both economic and environmental terms; it will enable the oil refining industry to reduce operational costs by $2.46bn per year while reducing CO2 emissions by thousands of tonnes per year. Over a 5-year period after ShellSideJet's market launch we aim to increase our revenue and generate jobs. In Period 2, we have successfully validated ShellSideJet and demonstrated the system to industry.