Periodic Reporting for period 3 - DONORS (Who gives life? Understanding, explaining and predicting donor behaviour)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2022-02-01 do 2023-07-31
Main aim of DONORS: Propose and test a life course model of prosociality, including (changes in) individual determinants, network characteristics and societal contexts to understand and predict donor motivations and behaviour.
This main aim is broken down in the following objectives:
• First, examine which individual and social network characteristics determine donor motivations and behaviour over the life course (WP1)
• Second, study to what extent and which genes contribute to explaining variation in prosociality and donor behaviour (WP2)
• Third, explain variation in individual donor behaviour across societal contexts (WP3)
The Corona pandemic forced us, following the government measures, to work from home as much as possible and in two lockdown periods also to engage in homeschooling our children. Hence, less research output was generated than expected. After schools were reopening, the usual research activities have been taken up again. Travel and conference participation were reduced or online, personal contacts with colleagues and team members has been brought back to a minimum. Now, half way through the project, the situation is still keeping us from working at the office, traveling to conferences and building up our network. This has asked a lot of flexibility from the research team and required additional commitment. As PI of DONORS, I am incredibly happy and proud of my team that the project proceeds well, generates important results and research output, conform to the research plan.
Main results:
• Advanced theoretical models of prosocial behavior, described and outlined in more detail in the Major Achievement section and the referred pre-registrations and preprints.
• Empirical tests of these models, also described and outlined in the Major Achievement section.
• Dissemination and translation to the scientific community and other important stakeholders, including donors, policy makers, blood bank professionals, industry and the general public. For details please see the Dissemination and outputs section.
Until the end of the project, we intend to increase our output in terms of publications for WP1-3, following the DoA, initiate a genetics consortium on prosocial behavior, consolidate existing collaborations and invest in building a professional network for the two PhD candidates and postdoc in order to stimulate their academic development and future career opportunities.