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European eXtreme Data and Computing Initiative - 2

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Report on the first international workshop

D5.1 Report on the first international workshop M18 Analysis of the international actions and trends and elaboration of a shared shaping strategy.

Second Report on joint brainstorming sessions among scientific and industrial users communities

D3.3 Second Report on joint brainstorming sessions among scientific and M34 industrial users communities Preparation and report of the results of a survey among scientific/industrial communities addressing common issues and challenges related to AI, HPC, and HPDA. The report will be complemented by feedback obtained on at least one physical conference (if at least one suitable conference is organized.

Second report on the organisation of WP3 workshops

D3.5 Second report on the organisation of WP3 workshops M34 Report on the organisation of a virtual workshop to which experts will be invited to talk and discuss about AI and HPC convergence. The report will be complemented by feedback obtained on at least one physical conference (if at least one suitable conference is organized).

Report on coordination of the technology research action in Europe

D2.4 Report on coordination of the technology research action in Europe M27 Analysis of the FET-HPC project results and actions and recommendation for increasing their impacts

Second report on EXDCI-2 technical workshop

D4.7 Second report on EXDCI-2 technical workshop M26 Synthesis of the second project meeting and its main conclusion

D4.2 Mathematics and machine learning report

D4.2 Mathematics and machine learning report M30 Resume of the actions done in T-4.2 and set of recommendations on mathematics and machine learning for future research topics and actions

D6.1 First report on Dissemination Activities

D 6.1 First report on Dissemination Activities M15 Report on completed dissemination and outreach activities in the first year of the project

First report on the organisation of WP3 workshops during HPC Summit Week 2019

D3.4 First report on the organisation of WP3 workshops during HPC Summit M15 Week 2019 Report on the different workshops organised by WP3 during the 2019 edition of the European HPC Summit Week

Assessment on the ecosystem report

D4.4 Assessment on the ecosystem report M24 Analysis of the KPI for HPC ecosystem development and of the progresses made. Methodology specification for legacy code and software modernisation report

Report on trends and potential synergies between electronics, photonics and HPC

D2.2 Report on trends and potential synergies between electronics, M24 photonics and HPC Relevant photonics and nanoelectronics technologies for HPC and suggestions to increase the interaction between the ecosystems

Transversal vision report

D4.1 Transversal vision report M12 Synthesis of the transversal vision built through the think tank

Report on Big Data, embedded and edge computing and HPC synergies

D2.3 Report on Big Data, embedded and edge computing and HPC synergies M30 Relevant HPC technologies for Big Data, embedded and edge computing and recommendations for addressing these linked markets

Second report on Dissemination Activities

D 6.2 Second report on Dissemination Activities M30 Report on completed dissemination and outreach activities in the second year of the project

Roadmap of HPC applications and usages

D3.1 Roadmap of HPC applications and usages M24 Report on the updated roadmap of HPC applications and usages including deep assessment of emerging application and usage fields

HPC Outreach report

HPC Outreach report M24 Survey of the current situation, areas of best practice and roadmap to take outreach activities forward

Assessment for legacy code and software modernisation report

D4.5 Assessment for legacy code and software modernisation report M24 Description of the capital of software (being) developed in the EU ecosystem and set of recommendations to help the development of the next generation of software

First Report on joint brainstorming sessions among scientific and industrial users communities

D3.2 First Report on joint brainstorming sessions among scientific and M15 industrial users communities First report on joint transverse brainstorming sessions among scientific communities addressing common issues and challenges including scalable meshing tools, couplers and solvers, disruptive numerical methods, mini apps development, smart in-situ/in-transit analysis/processing coupled with AI, fault tolerance, programming languages including DSLs, etc

Report on the second international workshop

D5.2 Report on the second international workshop M34 Analysis of the international actions and trends and progress report on the shared shaping strategy

First report on EXDCI-2 technical workshop

D4.6 First report on EXDCI-2 technical workshop M14 Synthesis of the first project meeting and its main conclusion

Feedback on new experimentation to unlock R&I project

D2.5 Feedback on new experimentation to unlock R&I project M34 Report on activities to spin-off the results of the selected HPC project

HPC-HPDA technology roadmap

D2.1 HPC-HPDA technology roadmap M21 Research directions for the HPC-HPDA domain

Presence of Europe in HPC-HPDA standardisation and recommendations to promote European technologies

D5.3 Presence of Europe in HPC-HPDA standardisation and recommendations to M24 promote European technologies Analysis of the relevant HPC standard initiatives, European presence and recommendations to increase European influence


Future HPC Technologies

Autoren: Lavignon, Jean-François
Veröffentlicht in: 2020, Seite(n) 34
Herausgeber: EXDCI-2
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4106742

European Technology Research Projects

Autoren: Lavignon, Jean-François
Veröffentlicht in: 2020, Seite(n) 32
Herausgeber: EXDCI-2
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4106755

Strategic Research Agenda 4

Autoren: Michael Malms (IBM & ETP4HPC) Marcin Ostasz (ETP4HPC) Maike Gilliot (TERATEC & ETP4HPC) Pascale Bernier-Bruna (Atos & ETP4HPC) Laurent Cargemel (Atos) Estela Suarez (Juelich Supercomputing Centre) Herbert Cornelius (Megware) Marc Duranton (CEA & HiPEAC) Benny Koren (Mellanox) Pascale Rosse-Laurent (Atos) María S. Pérez-Hernández (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid & BDVA) Manolis Marazakis (
Veröffentlicht in: 2020, Seite(n) 106
Herausgeber: Antoine Maiffret

A blueprint for the new Strategic Research Agenda for High Performance Computing

Autoren: Gabriel Antoniu, INRIA (BDVA) Marc Asch, U-PICARDIE (BDEC-2) Peter Bauer, ECMWF Costas Bekas, IBM Pascale Bernier-Bruna, ETP4HPC Francois Bodin, IRISA Laurent Cargemel, Atos Paul Carpenter, BSC Marc Duranton, CEA (HiPEAC) Maike Gilliot, ETP4HPC Hans-Christian Hoppe, INTEL Jens Krueger, ITWM-FRAUNHOFER Julian Kunkel, University of Reading Erwin Laure, KTH Jean-Francois Lavignon, TECHNOLOGY-STRATEGY
Veröffentlicht in: 2018
Herausgeber: ETP4HPC

The Scientific Case for Computing in Europe 2018-2026

Autoren: Jean-Claude André, Marina Bécoulet, Sacha Brun, Luke Drury, Claudia Filippi, Zoltan Fodor, Laura Grigori, Heiner Igel, Frank Jenko, Sylvie Joussaume, Dimitri Komatitsch, Petros Koumoutsakos, Núria López, Ignacio Pagonabarra, Mike Payne, Matej Praprotnik, Luciano Rezzolla, Claudio Zannoni and Erik Lindahl.
Veröffentlicht in: 2018
Herausgeber: Insight Publishers

ETP4HPC Strategic Research Agenda (SRA)

Autoren: Laurent Cargemel (Atos) Estela Suarez (Juelich Supercomputing Centre) Herbert Cornelius (Megware) Marc Duranton (CEA & HiPEAC) Benny Koren (Mellanox) Pascale Rosse-Laurent (Atos) María S. Pérez-Hernández (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid & BDVA) Manolis Marazakis (FORTH-ICS) Guy Lonsdale (Scapos) Paul Carpenter (BSC) Gabriel Antoniu (Inria & BDVA)I Sai Narasimhamurthy (Seagate) André
Veröffentlicht in: 2020, Seite(n) 105
Herausgeber: Antoine Maiffret

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