Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CASE-CO2 (Carbon Accumulation over Succession to Enhance mitigation of CO2 emissions)
Período documentado: 2018-06-01 hasta 2020-05-31
The overall objective of this project is to improve our knowledge on the process of carbon accumulation over forest expansion in abandoned agricultural lands, in a vast region of Central-North Spain (Castilla y León) that has been severely affected by this process. Specifically, we aim to quantify the C stocks developed as a consequence of forest expansion in abandoned agricultural lands, and shed light on the factors responsible for the process. The project has been developed in the Institute for Sustainable Forestry Management (iuFOR), located in Palencia (Spain), but depending on the University of Valladolid, with a two-month secondment in the School of Geosciences of the University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom).
The researcher and his team have obtained a few interesting preliminary results so far. Their findings suggest that a large carbon pool has developed in the areas affected by forest expansion as a consequence of agricultural land abandonment in Castilla y León, over the last 60-70 years. However, the persistence of this carbon pool over the next decades is threatened as a consequence of the increase in the frequency and intensity of droughts, fires and outbreaks of pest and pathogens driven by climate change, and the and the lack of appropriate management strategies. Moreover, climatic factors (i.e. mean annual rainfall and temperature) are among the most important drivers of C accumulation over the period in which agricultural land abandonment has occurred), which create doubts concerning the capability of these areas to continue sequestering carbon over the next decades.
The researcher could perform some of the Exploitation and Dissemination (ED) activities planned for the project. He developed a Plan for the Exploitation and Communication of Results: Dissemination, Outreach and Public engagement. The results were presented at the V Meeting of the "Working Group in Forest Modelling of the Spanish Society of Forest Sciences" (SECF), held at Solsona (Lleida) in November 2019. The researcher and his supervisor planned to attend to a couple of conferences more, and to organize a Workshop within the Congress of the European Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration (SERE). The researcher has written the drafts of two manuscripts and he will upload de CASE-CO2 dataset to the Open Access repository of the UVa once the two manuscripts were accepted for publication.
With regard to the Communication and Dissemination activities, the researcher gave a seminar in the University of Valladolid within the master DATAFOREST. He also participated in the European Researcher’s Night 2019 in Palencia, Spain.
The results of the project could be crucial in order to update the regional carbon balance, as well as to redefine the long-term greenhouse gases emission reduction strategies of countries such as Spain and Portugal up to 2050. They can be used to design appropriate strategies for the restoration, afforestation and management of abandoned agricultural lands in order to enhance CO2 sequestration, enhancing mitigation and adaptation to climate change. Moreover, over the last few years, a strong public debate has risen in Spain about what to do with the largely depopulated regions inland the country. The results of this study will surely contribute to define suitable management strategies for the forests and other wooded lands developed in abandoned farmland do far.