Periodic Reporting for period 2 - FLOURISH (IdentiFication of brain deveLopmental gene co-expression netwOrks to Understand RIsk for SchizopHrenia)
Période du rapport: 2020-11-08 au 2021-11-07
A methodological objective of FLOURISH was to develop rigorous models of gene networks derived from postmortem brain materials of neurotypical individuals. A further methodological challenge was obtaining gene networks comparable across time points in the lifespan and across brain regions, despite the biological differences existing between early and advanced ages and between brain regions. Then, FLOURISH aimed to identify schizophrenia risk gene networks and assess their changes from fetal life along the lifespan to translate early and later risk into brain function. To understand how gene networks translate into brain changes across the lifespan, FLOURISH collected genetic and neuroimaging data in a young cohort of individuals between 15 and 25 years old and in a cohort of adult participants (aged 30 to 50 years).
FLOURISH successfully generated well-matched networks carefully controlled for confounding variables which revealed a preeminent role of the perinatal and juvenile dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in aggregating risk for schizophrenia dispersed across many genes. Genes co-expressed with schizophrenia risk genes, not detected in previous genetic studies, were identified and could be used as novel targets for drug development. Within functional magnetic resonance imaging data collected in Bari, Italy, FLOURISH identified connectivity patterns characteristic of young ages that appear overly mature in individuals at risk to develop schizophrenia. These results have been communicated in several scientific meetings and in a workshop targeted at families of patients with schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders.
To assess gene network changes along the lifespan, Dr. Pergola analyzed the LIBD repository of postmortem brain mRNA sequencing data from the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and caudate nucleus of 562 individuals deceased between fetal and older adult age with a novel pipeline ensuring age-specific networks comparable with each other. Results revealed the centrality of early prefrontal cortical schizophrenia risk gene networks and have been submitted for a presentation at several major conferences in the field of pyschiatric neuroscience. Genetic risk for schizophrenia has also been related to dopaminergic function (Braun et al, 2021 Nature Communications 12(1), 3478) and to treatment response in patients with the disorder (Rampino et al, 2021 European Psychiatry 64(1), pp. e39).
To generate neuroimaging and genetic data, FLOURISH recruited 205 participants in Bari, Italy (47 neurotypical adults, 111 neurotypical young individuals, 12 young individuals at high familial risk for schizophrenia, and 35 young individuals at high clinical risk for schizophrenia). We hypothesized that risk for schizophrenia is related with early manifestation of adult connectivity patterns by assessing differences in brain connectivity between the young and adult neurotypical groups; brain connectivity patterns showing an effect of age were tested for differences between young neurotypical and young at-risk participants. Results supporting the hypothesis have been submitted for a presentation at several international meetings. Part of the neuroimaging work has been used for a study of structural brain developmental trajectories (Wierenga et al, 2020 Human Brain Mapping doi: 10.1002/hbm.25204). Clinical risk for psychosis has also been investigated independently of genetic risk, supporting the idea that early life environment plays a role in psychosis (Antonucci et al., 2021 BMC Psychology 9(1), 47).
Compounding these results, the neuroimaging study revealed that the functional connectivity of the prefrontal cortex with the same regions examined in the postmortem study differed between neurotypical age groups; participants at risk for schizophrenia presented connectivity patterns characteristic of adult life and not of young adulthood, thus suggesting altered functional connectivity lifespan trajectories.
The overall impact of FLOURISH consists of providing models of how genetic risk for schizophrenia is intertwined with the biology of brain development. By addressing both heritable components of the disease and early neuroimaging markers, this project provides a window into schizophrenia that represented an intuition before the project and is now supported by evidence. A relevant aspect of the project is the communication of results to the families of patients via dedicated events in Bari, Italy. This communication constitutes a form of bilateral exchange between scientists and families affected by the burden of schizophrenia that is very much needed for families to see the progress made in research and for researchers to learn from first-hand experience of the disorder.