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Modelling and Measurement of Thermal Phenomena in Metal Cutting

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - MoMenT (Modelling and Measurement of Thermal Phenomena in Metal Cutting)

Reporting period: 2018-07-01 to 2020-06-30

This research project aims to develop a reliable instrument for quantitative evaluation of thermal phenomena for cutting tool products and R&D solutions.

The overall objectives:
1 Complete the functionality of the industry-oriented framework model;
2 Complement the framework model with a set of satellite modules for solution of industrially relevant applications in tooling;
3 Utilize the developed approach and experimental solutions around it for credible monitoring of cutting temperature and thus convert R&D effort into a product - Smart Sensors.

Conclusions of the action.
To achieve the planned overall objectives, the following specific scientific objectives were completed:
Created an add-on module of adequate thermal resistance (TR) in realistic tool assemblies and thus the framework model was closed (TR).
Created satellite module for measurement of temperature and its distribution in a cutting tool (SM1).
Created satellite module for quantitative measure of effects of different tool coatings and tool materials (SM2).
Created satellite module for monitoring of momentary cutting temperature through Infrared camera (SM3).
Created satellite module for quantification of effects of different cooling strategies (SM4).
July 2018, Data management plan preparation and integration into Seco Tools’ environment.

August 2018, Purchase of licenses for Optimisation toolbox (MATLAB), Livelink to MATLAB (Comsol Multiphysics), Heat transfer module (Comsol Multiphysics); Design and manufacturing of samples for thermal resistance experiments on LFA machine (This is needed to complete Satellite module “Thermal resistance”, performed within WP1 of the work plan).

September - October 2018, Design and manufacturing of thermocouples equipped tool holders for longitudinal turning for TPUN and TNMA geometries (Satellite module “Temperature distribution” (SM1), WP1 of the work plan).

November - December 2018, Experiment plan implementation. This plan included two types of insert geometries (TNMA, TPUN) as well as two sorts of inserts with different percentage of cobalt.

January - February 2019, Establishing of FE models for manufactured thermocouples equipped tools. Testing and sensitivity analysis. (Action performed within WP2). Tool temperature distribution modelling on the base of experimental data previously collected. Training on operation with IR camera available at Seco Tools. Machine Learning course attending (Stanford online).

March 2019, Experiments preparation on Cooling Strategies (SM 4, WP2 of Work plan) in Lund University (purchase of nozzles for cooling media, experimental setup design).

April 2019 - May 2019, Lund University secondment. This activity covers two points: (i) Operation with LFA apparatus, (ii) Cooling strategies investigations. The first one is needed to create reliable database with temperature dependent properties for different sorts of cemented carbide and thermal resistances existing in tool assemblies. The second one is for implementation of the Satellite module “Cooling investigations” (WP2). The satellite modules “Thermal resistance” (WP1), “Temperature distribution” (WP1) and “Cooling investigations” (WP2) were completed.

June 2019, Scientific paper preparation and submission to International Journal of Machine Tool and Manufacture.

July 2019, Vacation

August 2019, Revision of the paper following the reviewers’ comments. Because colleagues from Lund University were unable to manufacture a tool with printed thermocouples as was planned by September 2019, the plan was corrected. The correction of the plan consisted of registering temperatures in the cutting zone with the help of a high-speed infrared camera and a specially adapted toolholder instead of printed thermocouples.

September 2019, New design of adapted toolholder with resistive thermal sensor and WiFi interface.

October 2019, Manufacturing of adapted toolholder with resistive thermal sensor and WiFi interface

November 2019, FE model correction for adapted toolholder with resistive thermal sensor and WiFi interface. Testing and sensitivity analysis.

December 2019, Preparation of inserts with different types of coatings. It was done within Satellite module “Coating investigation” (WP2).

January 2020, Experiments for coating investigations with the help of new toolholder equipped by resistive thermal sensor and IR camera. Implementation of Satellite module “Smart sensor” (WP1) and Satellite module “Coating investigation” (WP2).

February - March 2020, Experimental data processing. The satellite modules “Smart sensor” and “Coating investigation” were completed.

April 2020, A method for determining an average temperature at a cutting edge of a cutting tool during machining process is proposed. The method includes the specially designed toolholder equipped with thermal sensors and original software.

May 2020, June 2020, Result summary and patent preparation because the method was considered as patentable.

The results and their exploitation and dissemination.

September 2018, Public presentation of the project to the whole R&D department as Seco Tools (Fagersta).
October 2018, Public presentation in Seco office in Chalmers University (Gothenburg).
December 2018, Internal presentation at Seco (Fagersta).
October 2019, Presentation of the project for Prof. Helmi Attia (Seco research collaborator from McGill University, Canada) and Rami El Sayed (Seco Tools, R&D Coating and Surfaces) (Stockholm).
March 2019, Internal seminar at Seco (Fagersta).
September 2019, Scientific paper published in International Journal of Machine Tool and Manufacture (impact factor 8.019) (
April 2020, Internal Webinar showcasing the results from the project to Seco group global R&D.
June 2020, WEB-presentations for McGill University (Canada)
Seco Tools specifically chose the four particular modules (SM1-SM4) because it considers them economically most attractive. SM1 and SM3 can be commercialized to SECO Tools customers, while SM2 and SM4 will contribute to “internal know-how” and hence provides a competitive edge for the company. The solutions will be limited to turning
operations because stationary tooling gives increased ease and reliability to measure input data for the inverse problem. Within turning, the main application areas addressed are machining of difficult-to-cut materials. Seco Tools has a global priority in developing machining oslutions for ISO S (Ti-, Ni-alloys) and ISO M (Stainless steels) material groups, as the temperature-driven damage and failure of tooling are most commonly observed there.

To further exploit the scientific results that have been obtained through this funded fellowship (through Marie-Curie Actions), Seco Tools has now decided to employ the awardee of this fellowship (Dr. Vyacheslav Kryzhanivskyy) who has now started his position as a R&D specialist as of 01st July 2020.

The results that bear the potential for the commercialization and IP protection will be continuously collected and evaluated by the participants (at SECO Tools and Lund University where applicable). Together with Seco Tools staff, I will work on the protection of own developments and generated ideas by filing patents whenever possible.
MOMENT project work flow