Periodic Reporting for period 2 - WAMSISE (West Antarctic Margin Signatures of Ice Sheet Evolution)
Berichtszeitraum: 2020-10-31 bis 2021-10-30
The project database considered under work package (WP) 0 has been compiled including all the seismic profiles along the West Antarctic Margin and the logged physical properties of the sites recovered during IODP, DSDP, ODP and ANDRILL. Two IHS Kingdom projects allowed work on the Ross Sea (WP1) and the Antarctic Peninsula (WP4).
Seismic-stratigraphic analyses and core-log-seismic correlations in the Ross Sea (WP1) have resulted on a scientific paper entitled ‘Early and middle Miocene ice sheet dynamics in the Ross Sea: results from integrated core-log-seismic interpretation’. It was published on the Geological Society of America Bulletin in May 2021. Major insight are the regional transition from growth of isolated ice caps to widespread ice sheets occurred through Miocene. A second Ross Sea manuscript has been submitted for publication to Earth and Planetary Science Letters in January 2022. It presents the correlation of the central and western Ross Sea. The early and middle Miocene evolution of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet is conciliated with the West Antarctic Ice Sheet advance and retreat patterns. In addition, the researcher contributed to the paper ‘A Large West Antarctic Ice Sheet Explains Early Neogene Sea-Level Amplitude’ by Marschalek et al. (2021) published in Nature. She is also co-author in three other Ross Sea manuscripts are currently under development.
A manuscript about the ice sheet dynamics on the Pacific Margin of the Antarctic Peninsula from late Miocene (WP4) is currently under-elaboration. In addition, the researcher has participated as co-author on three chapters of the book ‘Antarctic Climate Evolution’ (Ed. Florindo, et al. 2021). These contributions relate with the overall Miocene evolution of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WP1 to WP5).
In addition, the researcher participated in the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 382 (2019). As a result, a paper entitled ‘Miocene to present oceanographic variability in the Scotia Sea and Antarctic ice sheets dynamics: Insight from revised seismic-stratigraphy following IODP Expedition 382’ was published in Earth and Planetary Science Letters in November 2020. This publication updates the age models of the major events in the Scotia Sea from late Miocene and relates them to regional variability of the oceanic circulation pattern associated with the oscillation of the Antarctic ice sheets (WP5). Sortable silt analyses on IODP Expedition 382 samples have been delayed due to COVID-19 lockdowns. They will provide insights on the regional variability of the bottom flows between late Miocene and the present-day. She is also co-author of the IODP Expedition 382 scientific reports, one published paper and four related manuscripts currently under-review.
The researcher completed the training on the software Hampson Russell - Emerge and CAT3D during the secondment at OGS. She attended the Petrophysics Summer School at University of Leicester and a course on Petrel software at Royal Holloway University of London in UK. The researcher has obtained the certificate ‘Focus on Peer Review’ from Nature masterclasses. She has completed the BAS mandatory courses. She also attended the Grand Writing Workshop at BAS as well as the ARICE online training on polar operations.
The researcher has been appointed steering committee member of INSTANT, associate researcher at the Darwin College and more recently honorary associated researcher at the BAS. She has been involved in the leadership of the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists as Executive Committee member (2018-2020). She has led the organization of several outreach activities including authorship of five outreach articles. She has mentored early career participants during 2019 AGU Fall Meeting. She has also been part of the Polar Pen Pal UKPN and the early career researchers and women in science events at ARC. She has reviewed eleven manuscripts for international peer-review journals, including Nature, and assessed fellowship applications for five international calls.