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Policy recommendations for improved public acceptance of bio-based products and processes at the local and regional level. The results will be papered in a way that they can feed into relevant EU policy processes, such as the monitoring and evaluation of the EU Bioeconomy Strategy and of the Circular Economy Action Plan.
Framework and good practices for multi-stakeholder and cross-sector interconnectionsAnalysis and mapping of the strategies to support the growth of bio-economy at regional, national and European level.
Proceedings from the European, national and regional co-creation events and policy debates 1First report on the European co-creation events
Executive summary of the project’s final reportPreparation and distribution of an executive summary of the final report
Recommendations on bio-economy sectors’ most profitable cooperation possibilitiesRecommendations in order to create new value chains and better target existing value chains.
Proceedings from the European, national and regional co-creation events and policy debates 3Report on the national and regional co-creation events
Results from the focus group validation workshopReport on the focus group co-creation workshop that will be organised with 15 selected members from the Advisory Board.
Four Electronic newslettersReport on the dispatch of the four Electronic newsletters
Report on the synergies and exchange of experience established with other initiativesIdentification and liaise with existing networks working towards encouraging higher brand owners’ involvement in and commitment to the bioeconomy, increasing the marketability of bio-based products.
Cooperation challenges among consumers, brand owners and bio-based industryFrame the challenges for the different actors in bioeconomy regarding the level of interaction and cooperation among Consumers, Brands and Bio-Based Industries.
Project’s StationaryVisual identity and brand framework of the project.
BIOBRIDGES Action Plan for raising consumers’ awarenessAction plan providing guidelines and recommendations for raising consumers’ awareness of sustainability and opportunities of BBPs.
Good practices and procedures for future bio-based cross-sector partnershipsBased on WP2 and on the results of the activities of WP5, this deliverable will present lessons learnt following the analysis and interactions among the stakeholders at all levels (European, national and regional).
Proceedings from the European, national and regional co-creation events and policy debates 2Second report on the European co-creation events
Report on the first version of the BIOBRIDGES platform
Serious game – First VersionFirst version of one serious game to support the co-creation process
Promo videos – First VersionPromo videos to attract inform and engage the stakeholders
Promotional visual material – Final versionFinal batch of materials to promote the benefits BBPs for traditional industries-
Promotional visual material – First VersionFirst batch of materials to promote the benefits BBPs for traditional industries-
Project websiteLaunch of project website
Serious game – Final versionFinal version of one serious game to support the co-creation process
Promo videos – Final versionPromo videos to attract inform and engage the stakeholders
Report on the BIOBRIDGES PLATFORM design: WHAT, WHO and HOW – Final versionFinal report on the BIOBRIDGES platform
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