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Industrial Cooling through Hybrid system based on Solar Heat

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - HyCool (Industrial Cooling through Hybrid system based on Solar Heat)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2019-11-01 al 2022-10-31

HyCool Project Mission is increasing the current use of Solar Heat in Industry Processes, and to do so the project proposes the coupling of a new Fresnel CSP Solar thermal collectors (FCSP) system with specially build Hybrid Heat Pumps (HHP) (a “two-in one” combination of adsorption and compressor based heat pumps) for a wider output temperature range (Solar Heating & Cooling –SHC-), and a wide range of design and operational configurations to increase the potential implementation of the proposed Solar Heat in industrial environments.
In short, main advantages of HyCool System are:
• Higher flexibility: the combination of two systems permits HHPs to accept both electricity and/or heat from solar systems as driving force, thereby creating a strong synergistic effect which shall be used to provide cooling generation, while the solid sorbent (the “core component” of the adsorption heat pump) can be adapted to specific working environments.
• Higher efficiency: HHPs driven with solar and waste heat and embedded in a real site thermal/electrical industrial processes can achieve twice the COP values of conventional heat pumps.
The works for the component optimization and final design of the full-scale modular solar hybrid heat pump, its manufacturing and commissioning have been done in the first period. Basically the numerical modelling of the hybrid heat pump, in order to optimize its performance by proper modularity and optimized control logics, the first design of an optimized hybrid heat pump for solar industrial applications, the experimental testing, under lab-controlled conditions, of a hybrid heat pump module, in order to draw a performance map and the final hybrid heat pump full-scale design review, according to the outcomes of the experimental testing campaign.
Modelling and definition of system components, energy flows and storage capacities had to be executed during this period with the objective to define the layout of the entire system, like energy sources, steam consumers, cooling loads and storage capacities and how these components are physically linked to each other. The visualization of the system integration and Hybrid Heat Pump had to start at M5.
Some other tasks have been performed during the period like the development of characterization protocol for adsorber materials with the objective to be able to correctly estimate the performance of an adsorber material, the thermal diffusivity, heat capacity, adsorption behaviour, vapour transport properties and heat of adsorption has to be known at different temperatures and pressures.
The general work progress has been accomplished almost at 100% except the visualization of the system integration and Hybrid Heat Pump and the executive projects at 2 demo sites (pending the solar field details). The following table is devoted to present the progress towards the fulfilment of the project objectives. For each of the objectives identified in the Description of Action (DoA), we present the status on how they are being tackled technically and by which WP.
Table 1: Project objectives and status in the period (M1-M18)
Objective WP Status
Obtaining a valid configuration for the two pilots (GIV and DEBO)-WP2-WP3-WP5-(100%)
First design of the modular heat pump-WP3-(100%)
Hydraulic schematic and specification of each demonstration site-WP5-(100%)
Requirements and indicators of solar Hybrid System-WP2-(100%)
Key Performance Indicators (KPI)-WP2-(100%)
Final design of the full-scale modular solar hybrid heat pump-WP3-(100%)
HHP manufacturing-WP3-(100%)
Modelling and definition of system components, energy flows and storage capacities-WP5-(100%)
Visualization of the system integration and Hybrid Heat Pump-WP5-(85%). Ending the system integration
Development of characterization protocol for adsorber materials-WP4-(100%)
Executive projects at 2 demo sites-WP6-(85%). Ending solar field details

To evaluate the Hycool expected results, Key Performance Indicators (KPI) methodology has been proposed and detailed in D.2.5 ‘Key Performance Indicators and the Process Levels’. This deliverable collects, organises and classifies the KPI that may be used for Hycool processes applications. The listed KPI are proposed from literature and from the experience of the partners in charge of the development of the system within Hycool project. As a result, close monitoring of the achievements of the already identified KPI needs to be carried out to demonstrate the potential of Hycool technology when the systems installed are running:
Considering the STO 2 described, the expected results could be synthetized as an energy consumption reduction compared with conventional heat pumps systems by up to 75 %, HHP electrical COP of 6, an efficiency increase up to 25% (taking into account also the auxiliaries of the whole system) and a operational GHG emissions reduction up to 90%.
The different KPIs to be proposed will deal with the following aspects: Energy characteristics (absolute values for powers, storage capacities, etc.), Energy efficiency (instantaneous and integrated energy yield, for the whole system, for each module), Cost efficiency (e.g. investment, maintenance costs, ROI conditions), Spatial efficiency (compactness, spatial constraints), Impact on comfort (conditions of use and maintenance, thermal impact characterization), Environmental impact (life cycle considerations, share of renewable energy) and Robustness, reliability, autonomy. At machine level, these KPIs will comprise: COP, EER, cooling power density, cost per power unit of cooling, life-cycle targets.
The action will result in solutions which demonstrate that solar heat can be a reliable energy source for industrial processes, therefore bringing significant prospects for the market uptake of this renewable energy source and for the decarbonisation of industrial processes.
Advancement of Innovation Capacity: Innovation Capacity is the ability for organizations to commercialize new ideas, products and services and includes technical, management, and resource aspects.
EU Competitiveness, Growth and Job Creation: The industrial market is nearly untouched despite the fact that 45% of total industrial process heat is in the low to medium temperature range. Lists of the industries and processes most applicable for solar heat are well documented and is why the project targets first demonstrations in the chemical and food industries. There is no question of the potential of this market. It is billions of euros and hundreds of thousands of jobs.
Benefits to Society: The flexibility of the HyCool solution, storage and ICT control system are in line with demand response concepts and emerging trends in the smart grid. This makes industrials more likely and more ready to participate in such programs and that is key to a more reliable distribution and transmission grid overall. On the consumer side, consumers express preference for sustainable buildings and sustainable products.
Kick-off meeting, Barcelona, May 2018