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Multidisciplinary and multi-context demonstration of EGS exploration and Exploitation Techniques and potentials

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - MEET (Multidisciplinary and multi-context demonstration of EGS exploration and Exploitation Techniques and potentials)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2021-05-01 al 2022-10-31

Europe is sleeping over a giant yet largely unused source of renewable energy: geothermal energy which can produce both heat and electricity. A part of this resource, namely Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS), is a new approach which generates great hopes in the world. The basic concept of the approach is to exploit the heat which is trapped in any geological settings with several configurations for rock composition, tectonic setting and stress field. In order to overcome several achievements and progresses, the EU project MEET, or Multidisciplinary and multi-context demonstration of EGS exploration and Exploitation, has started on May 2018 and finished on October 2022.
The main objective of MEET is to capitalize on the exploitation of the widest range of fluid temperature in existing geothermal plants and oil wells. The aim is to demonstrate the lower cost of small-scale production of electricity and heat in wider areas with various geological environments (sedimentary, granitic, metamorphic, volcanic), to support a large increase of geothermal-based production sites in Europe in a near future. The Technical Readiness Level of MEET is ranging from 5 to 7 as a tangible demonstration project.
In sedimentary reservoirs, MEET demo-sites were located in the Paris and Aquitaine basins (France). The Condorcet High School (Arcachon) is now operating and delivered 850 MWth of geothermal heat. 230 tons of CO2 are saved per year. For electricity production, two small-scale Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) units (20kW) have been tested in Chaunoy and in Cazaux from existing oil facilities. A technical economic study for fully converting an oil site into a geothermal site was achieved.
In fractured granite reservoirs, MEET demo-sites were located in Upper Rhine Graben (France) and Cornwall (UK).
On the Soultz-sous-Forêts power plant (France), MEET demonstrated the possibility to decrease reinjection temperature down to 40°C. The supply of this extra-heat to various industrial end-users has been studied. A mobile ORC was installed to test the conversion of the additional calories into electricity.
For enhancing the geothermal flow in a granitic site, strategy for performing a chemical stimulation was outlined. After some characterisations, adapted organic acid have been safely injected at EDEN geothermal site in a 5km deep wells with no environmental impact. Numerical modelling showed an improvement of up to 20% of the permeability.
For metamorphic rocks, MEET demo-sites were located in the Ardenne area (Belgium) and in the Göttingen area (Germany) for investigating the geothermal potential of poorly explored areas from basement rocks of Europe. Based on all the geoscientific knowledge and gathered data, geological conceptual models have been set up and used to investigate geothermal potential reservoirs and possible stimulation strategies in these areas.
For Göttingen University Campus demo-site, MEET also worked on the integration of geothermal energy in the energy system of the campus. A new scheme has been set up for future replacement of fossil fuels. Sensitivity study on resources characteristics has been performed to investigate the minimum conditions leading to a profitable project.
For volcanic rocks, two small mobile ORC units (40 kW) run in Iceland. After an on-site corrosion study, 254SMO has been chosen as the material for the ORC heat exchangers.
A decision-making tool for optimal usage of geothermal energy in various geological conditions has been developed. It combines multiple aspects of geothermal projects and provides background for their comprehensive assessment. In parallel, a web-based map tool has been developed to support the localization of future deep geothermal projects.
A Winter School was organized remotely. 37 scientific papers were published in peer-reviewed open access journals including a special issue in Geosciences (21 articles).
Reservoir productivity for thermal and electric power generation in granitic rocks
Reinjection at low temperature into a granite reservoir is very challenging and was never tested directly on an operating site. Scaling analyses did not show any evidence of silica precipitation which could be a major concern in these environments. Also insights on metallurgies to be used have been defined. The lowering of reinjection temperature at 40°C could represent about 30 MWth, a sensitivity analysis of the levelized cost of heat for different thermal applications gave positive economic results by comparing with a heat solution based on gas with 40€/MWh.
During exchanges with local stakeholders, it appears that this valorization of “low temperature” heat for local heating projects is an important driver for social acceptability.
The successful chemical stimulation operated with EDEN (≈ 20% gain) will allow to create a functioning deep single well heat exchanger (1000 kWh) for heating plants housed.
Thermal power and low temperature-based electric power in sedimentary basin
Mature oil well produce more hot water (up to 90°C) than oil so and the heat contained in the geothermal water can be used. A first successful demonstration project in Condorcet high school has been conducted, replacing up to 90% of current energy needs of this high school and therefore avoid emitting CO2. This successful story has open new opportunities for Vermilion in France and in The Netherlands. They are also promoting these results through direct B2B exchanges (oil&gas operators, country representatives).
EGS technology for non-granitic basement rocks
New and sound data sets from analogue field sites allow in combination with lab measurements of rock samples and new sophisticated numerical modelling approaches to improve existing or to develop new innovative EGS reservoir models for more efficient exploitation strategies. This has helped the Göttingen University campus to define its own substitute energy project to go from gas heating to geothermal one. In Belgium, work done on the former Havelange gas well has open future geothermal opportunities.
Demonstrate electric and thermal power generation in different geological settings
The capability for running an ORC system using a small water flow and low temperature water represents a differentiating factor of ENOGIA's technology. Materials used in contact with the geothermal water have been adapted during the project depending on the geofluid environments. There were some successful contractual discussions with a Turkish operator for installing an ORC unit in basement-like rocks. Already 5 mini-ORC have been installed in Asian geothermal fields by ENOGIA. MEET is a real steppingstone in the implementation of this technology.
Mapping of EGS sites
Open access decision-making tool for deploying EGS in promising areas in Europe is available for further upgrades and research. It can be used by investors and developers for pre-screening new geothermal projects. Production of accessible maps of most attractive locations for future EGS projects is available for investors for promoting the penetration of EGS in Europe.
The core methodological concept, the general scientific content of the web-based GIS and the catalogue of relevant geothermal criteria were elaborated and finalized.
MEET consortium
MEET demo-sites