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Tracers for targeting nerves in the autonomic nervous system

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - AUTO NERVE (Tracers for targeting nerves in the autonomic nervous system)

Période du rapport: 2018-09-01 au 2020-02-29

Tracers that enable imaging of nerve structures have the potential to support nerve sparing surgical procedures and with that reduce the surgical side effects. Hence, an enabling fluorescence-guided surgery technique that can specifically stain nerves will help reduce the morbidity rate and related follow up costs in patient in need of nerve sparing. This means that the quality of life of these patients can be improved directly. The ability to visualize peripheral nerves also opens up new commercial avenues for companies involved in the surgical market.
The aim of the AUTO NERVE ERC-PoC project was to convert a lead compound able to selectively stain nerves based on expression of the S100 protein (linked to ILLUMINATING NERVES ERC-StG) into a nerve-staining compound suited for further clinical translation. Different peptide sequences and dye variations were combined define the structure-activity relation of the lead compounds, and to improve its affinity and formulation. Compatibility with clinical good manufacturing practice (GMP) production requirements, in combination with in vitro and ex vivo evaluations has provided a solid basis for further assessment as within an immunohistochemical application.