Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Re-Leaf (Environment-coupled metabolic models for engineering high-temperature and drought REsistantLEAF metabolism.)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2018-08-02 al 2020-08-01
There is great interest in engineering more drought-resistant crop species by introducing CAM into C3 plants. However, one of the open questions is whether full CAM or alternative water saving modes would be more productive in the environments typically experienced by C3 crops.
The model predicted that vacuolar storage capacity in the leaf is a major determinant of the extent of the CAM. We identified a novel metabolic route for fixation of carbon dioxide at night that differs from the canonical CAM cycle. This alternative water saving pathway involves an additional carbon dioxide fixing enzyme termed ICDH. We furthermore demonstrate that introducing this metabolic cycle does not significantly increase the total cost of producing the metabolic machinery of the cell. Simulations across a wide range of environmental parameters show that the water saving potential of CAM strongly depends on the environment and that the additional water saving effect of carbon fixation by ICDH can reach up to 4% for the conditions tested. Insights generated from these modelling studies address the urgent need to develop water-use efficient crop species that maintain high productivity in large range of current and future environments.
The generated insight into plant leaf metabolism in different environments might lead to patentable and commercially exploitable results if research results were to be implemented by academic or industry partners who are attempting to engineer CAM photosynthesis in C3 plants.