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Social-ECological Interdependencies in TransboundarY water resources systems

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SECurITY (Social-ECological Interdependencies in TransboundarY water resources systems)

Période du rapport: 2021-09-01 au 2022-08-31

More than 286 internationally shared river basins supply 60% of global freshwater. The United Nations and the Council of European Union has highlighted the potential of transboundary water diplomacy. The complex interdependencies between humans and water in these transboundary basins remain poorly understood in the newly proposed discipline of socio-hydrology. Therefore, an assessment of social-ecological interdependencies in transboundary water resources systems is now urgently required for implementing target 6.5 of SDGs and for fulfilling the EU’s commitment on international peace and security.

The overall objective of the project is to develop new understandings of complex human-water systems in large transboundary river basins that help the scientific advancement of the new research field, socio-hydrology and enhance transboundary cooperation. The project had three specific objectives:
Analysing the interdependencies of complex human-water systems of large transboundary river basins through social-ecological system approach.
To explain these systems for two large river basins (the Brahmaputra in South Asia and the Danube in Europe) empirically through dynamic network theory.
To simulate different scenarios of transboundary water resources management based on role-play game, mutual-gain negotiations theory, and participatory decision-making approach.
Considering the importance, the project, ‘Social-ECological Interdependencies in TransboundarY water resources systems’ developed new knowledge of complex human-water interactions of transboundary river basins and to resolve conflicts through cooperation and negotiation. Working with Prof. Lawrence Susskind (a renowned mediator and expert in conflict resolution) at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, I developed my skill on negotiation and transboundary water cooperation. In addition, with the support of Prof. Carlo Giupponi, I enhance my skills on human-nature interaction and social-ecological systems. The project thus developed new knowledge on: addressing complexity of human-nature interactions in transboundary context; network analysis for social ecological systems; consideration of negotiation theory and role-play game in developing transboundary cooperation strategies.

The complex water (transboundary) systems has been analysed through social ecological system (SES) approaches. Based on a comprehensive review, I analysed the SES attributes and methods within the current interdisciplinary water paradigm. I developed the normative theoretical characteristics of SES in terms of its key attributes (i.e. causality, feedback, heterogeneity, nonlinearity, and cross-scale dynamics) incorporated in the transboundary water paradigms. I compared existing methods applied in the interdisciplinary water paradigm and examined how they can complement each other. I also analysed the sustainability of SES at different scales by using recently available innovative methods, tools and approaches. To analyse transboundary river basins, I examined the Transboundary Freshwater Dispute Database (TFDD) in collaborated with Prof. Aron Wolf of Oregon State University. For implementing United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals – SDG 6.5 (implement integrated water resources management (IWRM) through transboundary cooperation at all levels), we identified seven core dimensions (integration; scale; institutions; participation; economic valuation; equity; and, environmental/ecological protection) to allow more objective measurement of transboundary cooperation and IWRM implementation.

I learned network theory and network analysis by using UCINET (Borgatti et al., 2002). I used the following network matrices: degree, betweenness, and eigenvector. Initially I implemented the network analysis for disaster management in the lower part of the Ganges-Brahmaputra river basin. I collected all the hydrologic data via institutional collaboration in the river basin. I conducted hydrological analysis. I organized two workshops via zoom incorporating 40 participants in each event. The participants are the key representatives from the Ganges-Brahmaputra river basins. I conducted stakeholder analysis before the event. The first workshop was organized during May 29, 2020, while the second workshop was conducted in July 08, 2021.

In addition to network analysis and participatory research, I learned the water diplomacy approach through training and teaching at the outgoing host institution (i.e. MIT). Through student supervision, I implemented the water diplomacy in several river basing and water conflict cases e.g. Lebanon (Ahdab and Gain, in review), Groundwater governance in India (Sulser and Gain, in preparation).

At MIT, I extended my expertise on negotiation and conflict resolution through attending training conducted by my supervisor (Prof. Susskind), meeting with Prof. Islam (Tufts University), Dr. Zaerpoor (Boston College) and Dr. Verdini (at MIT). I also taught the course Water Diplomacy at MIT for two semesters, in which I arranged role-play simulation among students.
The project is thus not only scientifically innovative, but also highly policy relevant such as United Nations’ Sustainable Development (SDGs) 6.5 and the EU’s commitment on international peace and security. Thanks to the project SECurITY, I already conducted innovative research, advanced training, the transferrable skills and interdisciplinary experiences at MIT and returned to UNIVE. in two highly qualified institutions both and at UNIVE.the project hawill help me achieve higher levels of professional maturity through These unique experiences will support to achieve my short-(e.g. human-water interactions), medium- (e.g. young investigator) and long-term (permanent position in academia) career goals.