Periodic Reporting for period 1 - NanoMop (Smart Cholesterol-Mopping Polymer Nanoparticles in Niemann-Pick Disease Type C)
Berichtszeitraum: 2018-04-01 bis 2020-03-31
Cyclodextrins (CDs) have recently gained considerable attention as a potential therapeutic intervention in the treatment of NPC disease.
Moving from the current understanding of the role that CDs play in the treatment of NPC, in this project was investigated the activity of a novel class of polymer nanoparticles (‘NanoMops’) with cholesterol-mopping activity.
Such a system is a potential therapeutic approach for brain delivery of CDs in the treatment of the rare genetic disease as well as in the treatment of other neurodegenerative disorders exhibiting impaired cholesterol metabolism such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s diseases.
Scientific objectives
• Design of a pH-cleavable chemistry strategy to obtain polymers that while assembling under physiological pH could degrade and disassemble at the slightly acidic pH of the lysosome
• Synthesis of cyclodextrin derivatives (CDs) to be incorporated onto the polymers through such pH-cleavable linkage
• Synthesis of bis-functional poly-ε-caprolactone polymers (PCL) of different lengths through a novel microwave-assisted procedure developed during the project
• Conjugation of the CD onto the PCL in order to obtain CD-appended polymers (CD-PCL)
The results of this first block, as per WP1, have already been published in a scientific paper A. Puglisi, et al, Biomacromolecules 2019, 20, 4001−4007
• Study of the self-assembling properties of the different CD-PCL polymers and selection of the best candidate in terms of stability of the CD-based polymersome microparticles (CD-PMs).
• Study of the hydrolysis behavior of the CD-PMs at different pHs
The results of this first block, as per WP2, have already been published in a scientific paper A. Puglisi, et al, Biomacromolecules 2019, 20, 4001−4007
• Cytotoxicity investigation of the CD-PMs
• Cellular uptake of CD-PMs
• BBB-crossing on models for CD-PMs
• Cholesterol-mopping activity for CD-PMs
Some of the results of this first block, as per WP3, have already been published in a scientific paper A. Puglisi, et al, Biomacromolecules 2019, 20, 4001−4007
Besides, a perspective article to set the project in the context of the current state-of-the-art about the importance of cyclodextrin-cased macromolecular systems as cholesterol-mopping therapeutic agents in Niemann-Pick Disease Type C was published:
o A. Puglisi, et al, Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2019, 40, 1800557
As yet the results of this project do not translate into a new drug but they have been looked with great interest by the scientific community as an innovative approach for cholesterol-associated diseases. This will probably lead to innovation in the field.