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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

RESIlience enhancement and risk control platform for communication infraSTructure Operators

Descripción del proyecto

Solución innovadora para la protección de infraestructuras de comunicaciones

Las comunicaciones son vulnerables a ataques criminales, fenómenos meteorológicos extremos y catástrofes naturales. Por ello, es necesario dotar a las infraestructuras de comunicaciones de una capacidad de recuperación más inteligente. Para hacer frente a estos retos, el equipo del proyecto RESISTO, financiado con fondos europeos, propone la puesta en marcha de una plataforma innovadora que promueva el conocimiento holístico de la situación y la mejora de la resiliencia. Esta plataforma se basa en un proceso integrado de gestión y mejora del análisis de riesgos y resiliencia, que abarca la preparación, la prevención, la detección y otros ámbitos pertinentes. Además, la solución aprovecha el modelo de seguridad definida por «software», incorporando una serie de componentes de seguridad cibernética/física de vanguardia (cadena de bloques y análisis holístico de audio y vídeo) y servicios (marco de divulgación responsable). Este planteamiento global pretende salvaguardar las infraestructuras de comunicaciones frente a las amenazas combinadas ciberfísicas y las catástrofes naturales.


Communications play a fundamental role in the economic and social well-being of the citizens and on operations of most of the CIs. Thus they are a primary target for criminals having a multiplier effect on the power of attacks and providing enormous resonance and gains. Also extreme weather events and natural disasters represents a challenge due to their increase in frequency and intensity requiring smarter resilience of the Communication CIs, which are extremely vulnerable due to the ever-increasing complexity of the architecture also in light of the evolution towards 5G, the extensive use of programmable platforms and exponential growth of connected devices. The fact that most enterprises still manage physical and cyber security independently represents a further challenge.
RESISTO platform is an innovative solution for Communication CIs holistic situation awareness and enhanced resilience (aligned with ECSO objectives). Based on an Integrated Risk and Resilience analysis management and improvement process availing all resilience cycle phases (prepare, prevent, detect, absorb, etc.) and technical resilience capabilities (sense, model, infer, act, adopt), RESISTO implements an innovative Decision Support System to protect communication infrastructures from combined cyber-physical threats exploiting the Software Defined Security model on a suite of state of the art cyber/physical security components (Blockchain, Machine Learning, IoT security, Airborne threat detection, holistic audio-video analytics) and services (Responsible Disclosure Framework) for detection and reaction in presence of attacks or natural disasters.
Through RESISTO Communications Operators, will be able to implement a set of mitigation actions and countermeasures that significantly reduce the impact of negative events in terms of performance losses, social consequences, and cascading effects in particular by bouncing efficiently back to original and forward to operational states of operation.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Convocatoria de subcontratación


Régimen de financiación

IA - Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 1 311 321,03
00195 Roma

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Centro (IT) Lazio Roma
Tipo de actividad
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coste total
€ 1 873 316,14

Participantes (20)