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Advanced Design Tools for Ocean Energy Systems Innovation, Development and Deployment

Description du projet

Tracer la voie de l’innovation dans le domaine de l’énergie océanique

L’UE est actuellement confrontée à l’un de ses plus grands défis: la recherche et le développement de nouvelles sources efficaces d’énergie propre, abordable et durable. Ce défi constitue un aspect crucial de la lutte de l’UE contre le changement climatique. Malgré le potentiel qu’elle recèle, l’énergie océanique en est encore à ses balbutiements, faute de technologies matures. Dans ce contexte, le projet DTOceanPlus, financé par l’UE, entend faciliter la transition des technologies innovantes et des avancées des systèmes d’énergie océanique vers la phase de commercialisation. Il développera un ensemble crucial d’outils de conception en libre accès afin d’aider les utilisateurs à sélectionner, développer, déployer et évaluer les systèmes d’énergie océanique. La mise en œuvre de ces outils permettra de réduire les coûts et les efforts tout en améliorant les résultats.


Ocean Energy can play an important role in addressing one of the EU’s biggest challenges: providing clean, affordable and sustainable energy. However, ocean energy technologies are not yet mature enough to overcome all challenges related to performance, reliability, survivability, and resulting cost of energy.
DTOceanPlus will accelerate the commercialisation of the Ocean Energy sector by developing and demonstrating an open source suite of design tools for the selection, development, deployment and assessment of ocean energy systems (including sub-systems, energy capture devices and arrays). This will align innovation and development processes with those used in mature engineering sectors.
- Technology concept selection will be facilitated by a Structured Innovation tool.
- Technology development will be enabled by a Stage-Gate tool.
- Technology deployment will be supported by a 2nd generation of the FP7 DTOcean tools.
This suite of design tools will reduce the technical and financial risks of the technology to achieve the deployment of cost-competitive wave and tidal arrays. DTOceanPlus will underpin a rapid reduction in the Levelised Cost of Energy offered by facilitating improvement in the reliability, performance and survivability of ocean energy systems and analysing the impact of design on energy yield, O&M and the environment, thus making the sector more attractive for private investment.
These objectives and impacts will be achieved through the implementation of 9 work packages covering user engagement, tool development, demonstration of tools against real projects (thus outputting a suite of tools at TRL 6), analysis of supply chains and potential markets, exploitation, dissemination and education.
The DTOceanPlus consortium has been formed to include representatives of all key user and stakeholder groups. It includes all core partners from the FP7 DTOcean project along with the developers of Europe’s leading ocean energy sub-systems, devices and arrays.

Appel à propositions


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Régime de financement

IA - Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 948 197,75

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Noreste País Vasco Gipuzkoa
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 1 199 447,75

Participants (20)