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Setting up national qualification and training scheme for craftsmen in the Czech Republic and developing the further offer of training courses in Slovakia, Austria and Bulgaria

Description du projet

Former les professionnels de la construction pour un avenir plus vert

Pour atteindre les objectifs du marché vert européen, dont la neutralité carbone d’ici à 2050, l’Europe doit libérer le potentiel inexploité d’économies d’énergie rentables et rénover son parc immobilier. Le principal défi réside dans la rénovation des bâtiments existants qui souffrent actuellement de compétences inadéquates en matière de construction et d’un manque de procédures appropriées et de contrôle de la qualité. Dans ce contexte, le projet CraftEdu financé par l’UE, qui s’inscrit dans le cadre de l’initiative BUILD UP Skills, vise à mettre en place des programmes nationaux de qualification et de formation en République tchèque. Des cours seront également dispensés en Slovaquie, en Autriche et en Bulgarie. Cela permettra d'améliorer les compétences des professionnels du bâtiment de niveau moyen et supérieur, ainsi que des différents corps de métier, dans l’industrie de la construction durable et efficace sur le plan énergétique.


The Project will commence implementation of the Roadmap established and endorsed under Pillar I Build Up Skills project in the Czech Republic. Specifically, the project will implement measures 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 and 9 of the Roadmap. Moreover, the project will continue (as follow up to BUS StavEdu project) in implementing the Roadmap established and endorsed under Pillar I Build Up Skills project in Slovakia. Specifically, the project will focus on measures 1.2 1.4 1.6 and 2.6 of the Roadmap.

The Project will set up in the Czech Republic the national qualification and training scheme for craftsmen and on-site workers in the field of energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources in buildings. It will also develop the training offer delivered via Slovak national scheme STAVEDU.

Capitalising on the language proximity, the project will facilitate transfer of know-how and experience from the STAVEDU and Train-to-NZEB (H2020 GA no. 649810), as well as Fit-to-NZEB (H2020, GA no. 754059 ) projects between Slovakia and the Czech Republic.

Particularly the project will lead to:
• Development of 7 training programmes for further education and training of craftsmen and on-site workers in the field energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources of buildings.
• Development of on-site training course based on the training course developed by CrossCraft project (IEE project BUS Pillar II);
• Development of training courses for further education and training of craftsmen and on-site workers in the field energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources of buildings;
• Setting up permanent network of trainers delivering the programmes developed under the project;
• Training of trainers for delivery of the programmes;
• Development of e-learning programme for targeted craftsmen and construction professionals in Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia;
• Proposals to governments for incentives boosting demand for highly qualified workers.

Appel à propositions


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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 161 408,75
12000 Praha

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L’entreprise s’est définie comme une PME (petite et moyenne entreprise) au moment de la signature de la convention de subvention.

Česko Praha Hlavní město Praha
Type d’activité
Coût total
€ 161 408,75

Participants (9)