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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

CEN standard Certified Experts EU-wide qualification and training scheme based on EPBD mandated CEN standards


CEN-CE Leaflet

The leaflet will present the project objectives, partnership and expected results (in English). It will be mainly distributed in electronic version and will be printed for distributed at relevant events.

CEN-CE Final report

The fianl report, as a public deliverable, will summarise the project, explain the chosen concept and approach, explain what has been achieved and outline future plans, identify best practices and the lesson learnt to share this information with market stakeholders. The deliverable could also serve as a marketing tool. Confidential information will not included in the report. This 'CEN-CE Final Publishable Report' will be presented in a high quality format in line with the project's corporate design in M30.

Project Web Site

The public web site will be the project’s main gateway to the outside world, providing detailed information on objectives, partners, methodologies, results, publications, news, events and links to CEN-CE related activities.

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