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Putting regions on track for carbon neutrality by 2050

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - C-Track 50 (Putting regions on track for carbon neutrality by 2050)

Reporting period: 2019-09-01 to 2021-08-31

In the 2050 EU Energy Strategy, the EU has set a long-term goal for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 80-95% when compared to 1990 levels. Specific targets for reducing GHG emissions by 20% and 40% in 2020 and 2030 respectively have also been set. Recognising the vital role that regional and local authorities have in meeting EU energy targets, the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (CoM) initiative has been launched. Inspired by the work undertaken at a local/regional level within the framework of the CoM and the EU long-term vision, C-Track 50 envisages to contribute to the 2050 EU Energy Strategy by mobilizing loca/regional actors. Considering the adverse impacts of climate change on cities, working with local authorities to effectively tackle these challenges demonstrates the project’s importance for society. The overall objectives are to mobilize and guide public authorities in defining long-term energy policy priorities, promote multi-level governance and support regional and local authorities in developing, financing and implementing ambitious integrated sustainable energy and climate policy action plans in order to achieve climate resilience and carbon neutrality by 2050.
Below, an overview of the main results achieved is provided per Work Package:
WP 1: Capacity building on sustainable energy planning
This activity focuses on strengthening the partners’ know how, through workshops where they share their experiences and best practices, based on a mapping of their needs and strengths. During the course of the project, the partners worked in groups, aiming to support their peers’ needs. Also, a guidebook to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 has been produced in 11 languages.
WP2: Formulating recommendations on national energy policy priorities for 2050 and fostering multi-level cooperation and governance
A report summarising the energy planning process at each country level while ensuring multi-level governance between the engaged authorities was been produced. Based on the review of the energy planning process at the national level, existing multi-level governance processes were assessed to identify the most effective approach at a country level that could intensify collaboration. The best applicable model in each country was explored, with an emphasis on developing recommendations on how to customise / improve this to enhance multi-level governance collaboration and facilitate energy and climate resilient planning at a national level. A series of roundtables were organized at each country level, to discuss suggested recommendations to promote multi-level governance in energy planning and ambitious low carbon objectives. These roundtables were attended by more than 350 key energy and climate stakeholders from national / regional authorities, municipalities, as well as other national institutes.
WP3: Formulating Regional/Local Energy and Climate Policy Plans for 2050 through multi-level governance
Local and regional authorities were selected in each participating country to be supported by C-Track 50, through an open call process. Roundtables for local and regional authorities were organised to strengthen the collaboration between participants and help formulate local and regional policy priorities. Regional and local priorities for 2050 were formulated and categorised per sector (public, residential, commercial, transport), including interim targets. In parallel, project partners actively supported selected local authorities in developing 107 Energy and Climate Policy Plans for 2050, and 11 new regional integrated energy and climate plans / policy recommendations.
WP4: Facilitating access to funding for implementing sustainable energy actions and projects
The municipalities selected following an open call process were supported besides the development of their long term energy and climate action plans, in securing financing for priority projects in their territories. A briefing note on the available financial instruments at the EU and national level for all project countries has been also developed. 134.85 million euro proposals have been approved within project duration.
WP5: Dissemination and exploitation of the projects results
Development of the dissemination and exploitation strategy of the project has been achieved. MoUs have been signed with 10 beneficiary partners, while training workshops, webinars and final conference have been implemented.
WP6: Communication activities
The website ( is available in 10 EU languages besides English. In line with the communication strategy developed, project partners have invested on social media, published 506 publications (in the partners’ website, in third party media, in project’s website, press releases and TV/radio broadcasts), and have participated in numerous external events (72) to promote C-Track 50.
WP7: Project Management
Within WP7, the overall financial and administrative coordination of the C-Track 50 project has been successfully carried out. This WP also ensured the effective monitoring, quality control and coordination amongst work package leaders, task leaders and all partners, through project meetings, risk management and mitigation activities, decision making and risk management process.
C-Track 50 focuses on the development of long term energy and climate plans at the local and regional level, so that the supported authorities become pioneers at the EU level towards carbon neutrality. Among the different approaches adopted so as to engage these local authorities, technical support is also provided to them in order that they develop funding proposals for their priority projects.
107 long term energy and climate plans for local authorities have been developed, of which 44 approved by municipal councils. Letters from local authorities acknowledging the provision of technical support for all the rest of the plans, as well as the submission of financing proposals, has all been acquired. The cumulative investments triggered by the proposals submitted and approved within the project duration were 134.85 million euro, while another 296 million euro proposals are still under evaluation. In terms of the final energy savings achieved, considering only the approved plans' impact, 2,680 GWh of energy savings and renewable energy has been triggered by the project’s activities.
As for the lessons learnt:
- MLG practices are applied to a certain extent, but much more action is needed in this direction;
- Local authorities are still largely based on grants and national funds for the implementation of their plans;
- Carbon neutrality target is politically challenging for a number of local authorities, especially depending on the national targets and policies. Extensive capacity building and awareness raising is thus needed.
29 Greek Mayors Committing to CoM targets during the Info day in Greece, co-organised with CoMO
Patrick Biard (AURA EE) presenting Multi Level Governance challenges in EUSEW19 policy session
Project Consortium Team
C-Track 50 in EUSEW19 policy session "Local authorities as drivers to address climate change"
C-Track 50 side event in COP24