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Super Variable Vector Combination Energy Saving Hub

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SuperEH (Super Variable Vector Combination Energy Saving Hub)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2018-10-01 al 2020-03-31

SuperEH Energy Hub (EH) covers the need of facilities to reduce energy costs. With electricity prices ramping in Europe, energy efficiency is today at the heart of commercial building management. Buildings are responsible for 40% of the total energy consumption and 36% of CO2 emissions. This has led the European Commission to prioritize the deployment of energy efficiency strategies and develop a regulatory package that combines obligatory compliance with incentives to boost the implementation of energy efficiency measures that will reduce this CO2 emissions.
EH is a turn-key integrated solution that integrates Smart Voltage Optimization with Loads Control and Management advanced Rule Engine, Scheduler, Alerts and Analytics yielding energy savings of 15% to 25%. It is suitable for a broad range of buildings, industrial and commercial facilities such as supermarkets, restaurants, convenience stores, hotels and other food related business and industries. Our technology is suitable for these types of facilities due to the mixture of energy loads typically found. The EH solutions are easy to install, extension devices lifetime, reduction of maintenance costs and improved operational safety. EH is straightforwardly applicable in an existing building; it is installed at main switchboards with no interruption to the facility operation and no change to the existing infrastructure.
Hardware and Software Developments
The project consist development of Hardware (HW) and Software (SW) elements.
HW PCB control module, SW embedded and cloudbased dashboards with monitor control, rule engines, with options suitable for energy saving systems and control technologies.
Development of a new Remote EMS which greatly uplifted PowerSines software capabilities, helping us enter into new R&D areas which were not in the company’s core knowhow.
A patent application filled for SuperVVC power topology. Three (3) hardware circuits assemblies developed to include main load assemble the central processing unit of the EH with embedded SW, a load control circuit and a submetering circuit. We developed a cloud based monitor and control platform that communicates in real-time with the EH and provides remote EMS energy management system that includes Smart Voltage Optimization, Loads Control Management, Advanced Rule Engine, Scheduler, Alerts and Analytics.
As part of its activities to prepare the market landscape to our new products we have brought an experienced new VP Sales for Europe. Together we initiated mapping, search and development of new channel partners in European countries.
Our efforts were focused on market section 1 and 2 according to defined set of parameters: including electricity prices, awareness of the energy-saving solutions, competition, ability to make quick approach to the market and more.
Work was divided to existing territories - where we already have certain activities and partners, and in new territories where the company is not active yet. Main activities with existing and new partners were in Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Benelux, Israel, Sweden, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Romania, Poland and Ukraine, Australia; renewed activities are planned in UK, Denmark, Hungary, Portugal. Additional staff has been added more recently for technical support (1 engineer in Milan, Italy) and sales (Business Development in Aachen, Germany). We reached hundreds of companies and individuals mainly in France, Germany and UK, selecting around 30 per country with the right profile and interested to cooperate with us. We found 2 partners in UK, 4 distributors and 2 finders in France, 2 distributors and 2 finders in Germany.
Our aim is to further develop, scaleup and launch to the international market our new line of products for energy-saving and efficient energy management, the EH (EH). The Energy Saving is achieved by a few layers first layer is achieved based on voltage optimization which reduces the excess voltage that the loads encounter which results in direct energy saving, a second layer as the loads encounter a lower voltage that reduces some of the stress and increases it’s lifespan and reduces malfunctions to the loads. A Third layer of saving is achieved due improved power quality that the loads encounter. Fourth layer of energy saving is achieved based on the software monitor and control, by turning on/off some loads based on rule engines, scheduling, preset alerts, to determine different scenarios of operation. Fifth layer is achieved based on the analysis and review of the data the system is collecting and analyzing this data to make changes.
Our patented VVC (Variable Vector Combination) Voltage Optimization topology was enhanced to a SVVC – Super Variable Vector Combination, registered as a new patent, the main aim is VO while reducing the number of transformers, controlling voltage increments. main advantages are: smaller dimensions, weight and price to achieve similar goals as VVC topology.
A new EH embedded controller for onsite energy consumption monitoring and control: EH adds to our Voltage Optimization technology an innovative loads management and energy sensing embedded controller to create an integrated EH solution. A wide scale of data collection from site (power and multiple sensors) is allowed, using our new cloud based Energy Management Software EMS, advanced energy management and analytics provides an added value for facility and energy mangers, both in understanding and comparing their consumption patterns across multiple sites, as well as smartly and automatically managing their loads according to advanced rules-engine, comparing and grade energy consumption based on energy usage per square meter, per temperature, per degree day, number of people entered
A new integrated Energy Management System (EMS) for smart energy management optimization: current energy management systems mainly monitor and alert upon consumption based on certain set values. Under the EH program we have developed a new cloudbased platform that enables a series of advanced loads management tools, multi-channel monitoring, real time energy saving measurement, proactive alerts and sophisticated situation management platform with rule engines. The result is a turn-key integrated solution of Smart Voltage Optimization with Site-Level Loads Management and Analytics which yields energy savings ranging from 15% to 25%, extension of lifetime of apparatuses, reduction of maintenance costs, and improved operational safety. EH is an excellent tool towards CO2 reduction with the highest ratio of reduced CO2 ton CO2/€ invested available nowadays in this sector.
SuperEH in pilot installation