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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Development, Operation, and Quality Assurance of Trustworthy Smart IoT Systems

Descripción del proyecto

Innovador marco DevOps para sistemas del internet de las cosas inteligentes y fiables

Los sistemas del internet de las cosas (IdC) desempeñan un papel crucial en diversos ámbitos de aplicación digital, como la sanidad electrónica, las ciudades inteligentes, los sistemas de transporte inteligentes y la fabricación inteligente. Sin embargo, garantizar la creación y el funcionamiento de sistemas del IdC inteligentes y fiables es de suma importancia. El movimiento DevOps promueve la adopción de las mejores prácticas y herramientas de ingeniería de «software» para garantizar la calidad del servicio. Sin embargo, a pesar de que la industria del «software» ha adoptado DevOps, sigue faltando un apoyo integral de DevOps para sistemas del IdC inteligentes y fiables. El equipo del proyecto ENACT, financiado con fondos europeos, pretende mejorar los métodos DevOps actuales para facilitar el desarrollo de sistemas del IdC inteligentes. En el proyecto se introducirán mecanismos pioneros para garantizar la calidad y la fiabilidad, como la gestión de conflictos de accionamiento y las pruebas y entregas continuas en todo el IdC.


To unleash the full potential of IoT, realizing the digital society and flourishing innovations in application domains such as eHealth, smart city, intelligent transport systems, and smart manufacturing, it is critical to facilitate the creation and operation of trustworthy Smart IoT Systems. Since smart IoT systems typically operate in a changing and often unpredictable environment, the ability of these systems to continuously evolve and adapt to their new environment is decisive to ensure and increase their trustworthiness, quality and user experience. The DevOps movement advocates a set of software engineering best practices and tools, to ensure Quality of Service whilst continuously evolving complex systems and foster agility, rapid innovation cycles, and ease of use . Therefore, DevOps has been widely adopted in the software industry . However, there is no complete DevOps support for trustworthy smart IoT systems today.
The main technical goal of ENACT is to develop novel IoT platform enablers to:
i) Enable DevOps in the realm of trustworthy smart IoT systems, and enrich it with novel concepts for end-to-end security and privacy, resilience and robustness strengthening trustworthiness, taking into account the challenges related to “collaborative” actuation and actuation conflicts.
ii) Facilitate the smooth integration of these to leverage DevOps for existing and new IoT platforms and approaches (e.g. FIWARE, SOFIA, and TelluCloud).

This will be accomplished by evolving current DevOps methods and techniques to support the agile development and operation of smart IoT systems, and provide a set of novel mechanisms to ensure quality assurance and trustworthiness, such as actuation conflict handling, continuous testing and delivery across IoT, edge and cloud spaces and end to end security and privacy management. Through this ENACT will provide a DevOps framework for smart IoT Systems

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 1 184 756,25
7034 Trondheim

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Norge Trøndelag Trøndelag
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 1 184 756,25

Participantes (17)