CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.
Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .
Report on formal model of SDN routers and their flow rules, incremental verification methods to obtain an efficient tool for checking the correctness of distributed flow rules. Deliverable update: month M40 (final).
SerIoT Architecture & Specifications R2SerIoT End-to-end Architecture & Specifications, detailed report on dynamic SDN-based system architecture, including the SDN-Controller, secure SerIoT router, Analytics and Visual Analytics components and their interactions. Deliverable update: month M24.
IoT Security threats digest and analysisDetailed report, including market analysis in respect future challenges of IoT applications & ecosystems.
SerIoT requirements and guidelines R2Technical report containing the user & system requirements of the IoT ecosystem that SerIoT envisions (based on JIRA & Volere methodology). Deliverable update: month M24.
CBA/CEA analysis of SerIoT solutionsDetailed report analysing in details the cost-related benefits stemming from individual SerIoT components and the framework as a whole. The report will include also end-users findings from the trials performed with end-users involvement such as the OASA large-scale trials.
Survey on existing IoT security and privacy standards and identification of gaps and priorities and strategy to support the different standardization bodiesReporting the targeted contributions to standards by SerIoT.
SerIoT requirements and guidelinesTechnical report containing the user & system requirements of the IoT ecosystem that SerIoT envisions (based on JIRA & Volere methodology). This deliverable aims to be periodically updated throughout the project's lifetime. In particular, the initial version of this deliverable is foreseen to be produced in M12, an updated version will follow in M24, while the final on shall be expected by M30.
Analysis of IoT devices & recommendations for the ad-hoc SerIoT honeypots developments R2Detailed report analysing trends in dynamic honeypots & recommendations for the IoT ecosystem. Deliverable update: month M34.
Analysis of IoT devices & recommendations for the ad-hoc SerIoT honeypots developmentsDetailed report analysing trends in dynamic honeypots & recommendations for the IoT ecosystem. This deliverable aims to be periodically updated throughout the project's lifetime. In particular, the initial version of this deliverable is foreseen to be produced in M24 while an updated version will follow in M30.
Architectural Formal Modelling, Analysis & Synthesis R3Detailed report on formalization of SerIoT architectural models, including behavioural models, security policy architectures for SerIoT use cases, and global security and safety properties. In addition, the report includes a methodology and proposed tool chain for automated security verification and for synthesizing run-time monitors from security policy architectures. Deliverable update: month M40 (final).
Plans for the dissemination and communication of project results R3Deliverable reporting on the plans & the dissemination activities of SerIoT including dissemination & communication material. Deliverable update: month M24.
Use Cases definition and requirements documentDetailed report using formal description through UML for the use cases (stakeholders & actors, requirements, etc.). This deliverable aims to be periodically updated throughout the project's lifetime. In particular, the initial version of this deliverable is foreseen to be produced in M6, two updates will follow in M12 and M24, respectivelly, while the final on shall be expected by M30.
Verification of SDN-Controller and Secure Router DesignReport on formal model of SDN routers and their flow rules, incremental verification methods to obtain an efficient tool for checking the correctness of distributed flow rules. This deliverable aims to be periodically updated throughout the project's lifetime. In particular, the initial version of this deliverable is foreseen to be produced in M12, an updated version will follow in M24, while the final on shall be expected by M36. In particular, the final version will also include an evaluation report of the proposed security and safety verification tools applied to SerIoT use cases.
SerIoT Pilots Installations & Lessons LearnedReport providing in details the IoT platform & network configuration in each trial foreseen in SerIoT. This deliverable aims to be periodically updated throughout the project's lifetime. In particular, the initial version of this deliverable is foreseen to be produced in M32 while an updated version will follow in M38.
Pilots Installation Methodology, Evaluation Plans & Assessment Framework R2The 1st version of this deliverable (M18) will include the methodology, evaluation and assessment plans, while the 2nd one (M26) will include any missing information stemming from the introduction of third parties scenarios, technologies to be benchmarked with SerIoT IoT ecosystem. Deliverable update: month M26.
Contributions to the standardization bodies, consortiums and Alliances R2This report will include the mandates delivery to respective bodies. Deliverable update: month 40.
SerIoT Architecture & SpecificationsSerIoT End-to-end Architecture & Specifications, detailed report on dynamic SDN-based system architecture, including the SDN-Controller, secure SerIoT router, Analytics and Visual Analytics components and their interactions. This deliverable aims to be periodically updated throughout the project's lifetime. In particular, the initial version of this deliverable is foreseen to be produced in M12 while an updated version will follow in M24.
Plans for the dissemination and communication of project results R4Deliverable reporting on the plans & the dissemination activities of SerIoT including dissemination & communication material. Deliverable update: month M40 (final).
Verification of SDN-Controller and Secure Router Design R2Report on formal model of SDN routers and their flow rules, incremental verification methods to obtain an efficient tool for checking the correctness of distributed flow rules. Deliverable update: month M24.
Plans for the dissemination and communication of project resultsDeliverable reporting on the plans & the dissemination activities of SerIoT including dissemination & communication material. This deliverable aims to be periodically updated throughout the project's lifetime. In particular, the initial version of this deliverable is foreseen to be produced in M6, two updates will follow in M12 and M24, respectivelly, while the final on shall be expected by M36.
SerIoT Pilots Installations & Lessons Learned R2Report providing in details the IoT platform & network configuration in each trial foreseen in SerIoT. Deliverable update: month M38.
Use Cases definition and requirements document R4Detailed report using formal description through UML for the use cases (stakeholders & actors, requirements, etc.). Deliverable update: month 34 (final).
Architectural Formal Modelling, Analysis & Synthesis R2Detailed report on formalization of SerIoT architectural models, including behavioural models, security policy architectures for SerIoT use cases, and global security and safety properties. In addition, the report includes a methodology and proposed tool chain for automated security verification and for synthesizing run-time monitors from security policy architectures. Deliverable update: month M24.
Project web siteReporting on the Web site's layout & structure.
Final Security assessment validated by the end usersAssessment report against SerIoT IoT requirements & end-users feedback.
Pilots Installation Methodology, Evaluation Plans & Assessment FrameworkThe 1st version of this deliverable (M18) will include the methodology, evaluation and assessment plans, while the 2nd one (M26) will include any missing information stemming from the introduction of third parties scenarios, technologies to be benchmarked with SerIoT IoT ecosystem.
SerIoT system evaluation & assessmentImpact assessment, end-users experience including industrial stakeholders feedback, performance evaluation of SerIoT IoT ecosystem.
Architectural Formal Modelling, Analysis & SynthesisDetailed report on formalization of SerIoT architectural models, including behavioural models, security policy architectures for SerIoT use cases, and global security and safety properties. In addition, the report includes a methodology and proposed tool chain for automated security verification and for synthesizing run-time monitors from security policy architectures. The final M36 version includes an evaluation of the proposed security and safety verification tool chain applied to SerIoT use cases. This deliverable aims to be periodically updated throughout the project's lifetime. In particular, the initial version of this deliverable is foreseen to be produced in M12 while an updated version will follow in M24.
Use Cases definition and requirements document R3Detailed report using formal description through UML for the use cases (stakeholders & actors, requirements, etc.). Deliverable update: month M24.
Contributions to the standardization bodies, consortiums and AlliancesThis report will include the mandates delivery to respective bodies. This deliverable aims to be periodically updated throughout the project's lifetime. In particular, the initial version of this deliverable is foreseen to be produced in M24 while an updated version will follow in M36.
SerIoT requirements and guidelines R3Technical report containing the user & system requirements of the IoT ecosystem that SerIoT envisions (based on JIRA & Volere methodology). Deliverable update: month 34 (final).
The 1st version (M18) provides information of the overall testing environment. The final version (M26) extends the 1st version by including the outcomes and the results of the period in-between.
Cross-layer applications to support SerIoT application scenariosApplications & HMIs for supporting the SerIoT use cases will be described hereing (e.g. OASA, DT; T-Sys., GRUVENTA, etc. for the Final version) This deliverable aims to be periodically updated throughout the project's lifetime. In particular, the initial version of this deliverable is foreseen to be produced in M18 while the final version will follow in M30.
Application-driven virtual testing environment R2The 1st version (M18) provides information of the overall testing environment. The final version (M26) extends the 1st version by including the outcomes and the results of the period in-between. Deliverable update: month M26 (final).
Secure Demonstrator serviceDeliverable reporting a demonstrator with a robotic control, as proof of concept regarding the use case about a secure connectivity service that includes a public key infrastructure base (see Section 1.3.3.)
Cross-layer applications to support SerIoT application scenarios R2Applications & HMIs for supporting the SerIoT use cases will be described hereing (e.g. OASA, DT/T-Sys., GRUVENTA, etc. for the Final version). Deliverable update: month M34 (final).
Technical report including the s/w components developed to support design-driven security. This deliverable aims to be periodically updated throughout the project's lifetime. In particular, the initial version of this deliverable is foreseen to be produced in M24 while an updated version will follow in M30.
Energy Consumption Monitoring & ReportingReport detailing the design and implementation of Energy Consumption Monitoring and Reporting System, and Code that implements this system, together with an evaluation of the energy gains that can be achieved.
Automated penetration testing R3Report on parameterizable models of the SerIoT IoT platform; Software tool for the automated generation of abstract test cases; methodology for deployment of the tool; implementation of adaptors that bridge the levels of abstraction between the model and the implementation; evaluation criteria for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of the tool. Deliverable update: month M40 (final).
Cross-layer anomaly detection frameworkTechnical report describing the novel algorithms developed in details. This deliverable aims to be periodically updated throughout the project's lifetime. In particular, the initial version of this deliverable is foreseen to be produced in M18 while an updated version will follow in M30.
IoT Decision Support ToolkitTechnical report detailing the (visual) analytics techniques of SerIoT to support self-decision & decision making of IoT operators at mid-terms. This deliverable aims to be periodically updated throughout the project's lifetime. In particular, the initial version of this deliverable is foreseen to be produced in M26 while an updated version will follow in M32.
Extension of the SDN-ControllerThis deliverable will include a generic design and architecture of the privacy framework extension for the SDN-Controller, as well as a software prototype implementation based on the Open-Source ONOS controller, together with the corresponding documentation. This deliverable aims to be periodically updated throughout the project's lifetime. In particular, the initial version of this deliverable is foreseen to be produced in M18 while an updated version will follow in M29.
Design-driven Security Features, Monitors and Validators R2Technical report including the s/w components developed to support design-driven security. Deliverable update: month M34.
Analysis of the signal in space R2This deliverable will first present an overview of the privacy threats in IoT based on signal processing and statistical analysis of the traffic. Then it will describe the new countermeasures developed in the project (design and implementation). Deliverable update: month M34.
Automated penetration testing R2Report on parameterizable models of the SerIoT IoT platform; Software tool for the automated generation of abstract test cases; methodology for deployment of the tool; implementation of adaptors that bridge the levels of abstraction between the model and the implementation; evaluation criteria for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of the tool. Deliverable update: month M24.
Unsupervised IoT-ready engine for threat mitigationTechnical report including the unsupervised algorithms developed to support intelligence escalation strategies of the IoT network ecosystem.
SerIoT SDN Security Framework R2Technical Report describing the SDN security framework and specifying extensions to existing SDN controller. Also includes software that implements the extension to the Open-Source SDN controller ONOS. Deliverable update: month M26.
SerIoT Advanced Cognitive PacketsDescription of Cognitive Packet based algorithms for dynamic traffic tracing and provenance certification for SerIoT, including the specification of interfaces in the SerIoT network. Also includes software detailing the implementation of SerIoT with updatable Openflow and CPs.
SerIoT malicious evidence collection infrastructureTechnical report detailing the datasets collected in SerIoT. This deliverable aims to be periodically updated throughout the project's lifetime. In particular, the initial version of this deliverable is foreseen to be produced in M18 while an updated version will follow in M22.
SerIoT SDN Security FrameworkTechnical Report describing the SDN security framework and specifying extensions to existing SDN controller. Also includes software that implements the extension to the Open-Source SDN controller ONOS. This deliverable aims to be periodically updated throughout the project's lifetime. In particular, the initial version of this deliverable is foreseen to be produced in M18 while an updated version will follow in M26.
SerIoT multi-layer dataset access through WAPI interfaces R2Technical report describing interoperability & API interfaces for supporting new experiments upon SerIoT architecture. Deliverable update: month M37.
SDN-enabled Secure Router R2Technical Report describing the IoT router developed in SerIoT. Deliverable update: month M26.
SDN-enabled Secure RouterTechnical Report describing the IoT router developed in SerIoT. This deliverable aims to be periodically updated throughout the project's lifetime. In particular, the initial version of this deliverable is foreseen to be produced in M18 while an updated version will follow in M26.
SerIoT multi-layer dataset access through WAPI interfacesTechnical report describing interoperability & API interfaces for supporting new experiments upon SerIoT architecture. This deliverable aims to be periodically updated throughout the project's lifetime. In particular, the initial version of this deliverable is foreseen to be produced in M18 while an updated version will follow in M33.
Automated penetration testingReport on parameterizable models of the SerIoT IoT platform; Software tool for the automated generation of abstract test cases; methodology for deployment of the tool; implementation of adaptors that bridge the levels of abstraction between the model and the implementation; evaluation criteria for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of the tool. This deliverable aims to be periodically updated throughout the project's lifetime. In particular, the initial version of this deliverable is foreseen to be produced in M12, an updated version will follow in M24, while the final on shall be expected by M36. In particular, the final version also contains an evaluation report on automated penetration testing applied to SerIoT use cases.
Description of the authentication and identification solutions for IoTThis deliverable will describe the new protocols for authentication/identification solutions that will be developed in the SerIoT project. Apart from the basic identification/authentication solutions (e.g., certificates, biometrics), the deliverable will investigate also the use of intrinsic features at the physical layer, in order to identify even IoT components with limited processing power. The deliverable will include a prototype implementation to be integrated into the SerIoT framework. This deliverable aims to be periodically updated throughout the project's lifetime. In particular, the initial version of this deliverable is foreseen to be produced in M18 while an updated version will follow in M30.
Description of the Policy Based Framework R2This deliverable will describe the architecture of the policy-based framework (PBF) and it will deliver a prototype implementation based on the existing iCore Security Toolkit developed by JRC. Deliverable update: month M24.
Description of the authentication and identification solutions for IoT R2This deliverable will describe the new protocols for authentication/identification solutions that will be developed in the SerIoT project. Apart from the basic identification/authentication solutions (e.g., certificates, biometrics), the deliverable will investigate also the use of intrinsic features at the physical layer, in order to identify even IoT components with limited processing power. The deliverable will include a prototype implementation to be integrated into the SerIoT framework. Deliverable update: month M34.
Cross-layer anomaly detection framework R2Technical report describing the novel algorithms developed in details. Deliverable update: month M34.
Description of the Policy Based FrameworkThis deliverable will describe the architecture of the policy-based framework (PBF) and it will deliver a prototype implementation based on the existing iCore Security Toolkit developed by JRC. This deliverable aims to be periodically updated throughout the project's lifetime. In particular, the initial version of this deliverable is foreseen to be produced in M12 while an updated version will follow in M24.
Extension of the SDN-Controller R2This deliverable will include a generic design and architecture of the privacy framework extension for the SDN-Controller, as well as a software prototype implementation based on the Open-Source ONOS controller, together with the corresponding documentation. Deliverable update: month M34.
IoT Decision Support Toolkit R2Technical report detailing the (visual) analytics techniques of SerIoT to support self-decision & decision making of IoT operators at mid-terms. Deliverable update: month M36.
SerIoT SDN network design for IoTTechnical Report describing the SerIoT SDN design approach & automated mechanisms.
Analysis of the signal in spaceThis deliverable will first present an overview of the privacy threats in IoT based on signal processing and statistical analysis of the traffic. Then it will describe the new countermeasures developed in the project (design and implementation). This deliverable aims to be periodically updated throughout the project's lifetime. In particular, the initial version of this deliverable is foreseen to be produced in M18 while an updated version will follow in M30.
Report describing the project’s data management plans. This deliverable aims to be periodically updated throughout the project's lifetime. In particular, the initial version of this deliverable is foreseen to be produced in M6, an updated version will follow in M24, while the final one will be delivered by the end of the project in M36.
Data Management Plan R3Report describing the project’s data management plans. This deliverable aims to be periodically updated throughout the project's lifetime. Deliverable update: month 40 (final).
Data Management Plan R2Report describing the project’s data management plans. This deliverable aims to be periodically updated throughout the project's lifetime. Deliverable update: month 24.
Gianmarco Baldini, Gary Steri, Raimondo Giuliani
Publié dans:
2018 41st International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP), 2018, Page(s) 1-5, ISBN 978-1-5386-4695-3
Erol Gelenbe, Joanna Domanska, Tadeusz Czachorski, Anastasis Drosou, Dimitrios Tzovaras
Publié dans:
2018 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC), 2018, Page(s) 1-5, ISBN 978-1-5386-3779-1
L.Gonzalez, M.Vaca, R.Lattarulo, I.Calvo, J.Perez, A.Ruiz
Publié dans:
2018 Jornadas de Automática (Automation Days, 6-7 September 2018), Badajoz, Spain., 2018
Actas de las XXXIX Jornadas de Automática, Badajoz, 5-7 de Septiembre de 2018
Joanna Domańska, Mateusz Nowak, Sawomir Nowak, Tadeusz Czachórski
Publié dans:
Computer and Information Sciences - 32nd International Symposium, ISCIS 2018, Held at the 24th IFIP World Computer Congress, WCC 2018, Poznan, Poland, September 20-21, 2018, Proceedings, Numéro 935, 2018, Page(s) 166-173, ISBN 978-3-030-00839-0
Springer International Publishing
L.Gonzalez, M.Vaca, R.Lattarulo, I.Calvo, J.Perez, A.Ruiz
Publié dans:
2018 Jornadas de Automática (Automation Days, 6-7 September 2018), Badajoz, Spain., 2018
Actas de las XXXIX Jornadas de Automática, Badajoz, 5-7 de Septiembre de 2018
Gianmarco Baldini, Raimondo Giuliani, Claudio Gentile, Gary Steri
Publié dans:
2018 9th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS), 2018, Page(s) 1-5, ISBN 978-1-5386-3662-6
Altaf Shaik, Ravishankar Borgaonkar, Shinjo Park, Jean-Pierre Seifert
Publié dans:
Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks - WiSec '19, 2019, Page(s) 221-231, ISBN 9781-450367264
ACM Press
Mateusz Nowak, Slawomir Nowak, Joanna Domanska, Tadeusz Czachorski
Publié dans:
2019 Global IoT Summit (GIoTS), 2019, Page(s) 1-4, ISBN 978-1-7281-2171-0
Mateusz Nowak, Sławomir Nowak, Joanna Domanska
Publié dans:
2019 IEEE International Conference on Fog Computing, 2019
Godlove Suila Kuaban, Piotr Czekalski, Ernest L. Molua, Krzysztof Grochla
Publié dans:
Computer Networks - 26th International Conference, CN 2019, Kamień Śląski, Poland, June 25–27, 2019, Proceedings, Numéro 1039, 2019, Page(s) 18-33, ISBN 978-3-030-21951-2
Springer International Publishing
Gianmarco Baldini, Raimondo Giuliani
Publié dans:
2019 Global IoT Summit (GIoTS), 2019, Page(s) 1-6, ISBN 978-1-7281-2171-0
Gianmarco Baldini, Raimondo Giuliani, Claudio Gentile
Publié dans:
2019 Global IoT Summit (GIoTS), 2019, Page(s) 1-6, ISBN 978-1-7281-2171-0
Gianmarco Baldini, Jose L. Hernandez-Ramos, Gary Steri, Sara N. Matheu
Publié dans:
2019 Global IoT Summit (GIoTS), 2019, Page(s) 1-6, ISBN 978-1-7281-2171-0
Jose L. Hernandez-Ramos, Gianmarco Baldini, Ricardo Neisse, Mays Al-Naday, Martin J. Reed
Publié dans:
2019 Global IoT Summit (GIoTS), 2019, Page(s) 1-6, ISBN 978-1-7281-2171-0
Konstantinos Papachristou, Traianos Theodorou, Stavros Papadopoulos, Aikaterini Protogerou, Anastasios Drosou, Dimitrios Tzovaras
Publié dans:
2019 Global IoT Summit (GIoTS), 2019, Page(s) 1-6, ISBN 978-1-7281-2171-0
Gianmarco Baldini, Raimondo Giuliani, Gary Steri
Publié dans:
Applied Sciences, Numéro 8/11, 2018, Page(s) 2167, ISSN 2076-3417
Salvador Pérez, Dan Garcia-Carrillo, Rafael Marín-López, José L. Hernández-Ramos, Rafael Marín-Pérez, Antonio F. Skarmeta
Publié dans:
Future Generation Computer Systems, Numéro 95, 2019, Page(s) 570-585, ISSN 0167-739X
Elsevier BV
Jun Du, Erol Gelenbe, Chunxiao Jiang, Haijun Zhang, Yong Ren, H. Vincent Poor
Publié dans:
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Numéro 14/6, 2019, Page(s) 1582-1594, ISSN 1556-6013
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Gianmarco Baldini, Irene Amerini, Claudio Gentile
Publié dans:
IEEE Sensors Letters, Numéro 3/7, 2019, Page(s) 1-4, ISSN 2475-1472
Joanna Domanska, Erol Gelenbe, Tadek Czachorski, Anastasis Drosou, Dimitrios Tzovaras
Publié dans:
Security in Computer and Information Sciences - First International ISCIS Security Workshop 2018, Euro-CYBERSEC 2018, London, UK, February 26-27, 2018, Revised Selected Papers, Numéro 821, 2018, Page(s) 101-118, ISBN 978-3-319-95188-1
Springer International Publishing
Dimitris Geneiatakis, Gianmarco Baldini, Igor Nai Fovino, Ioannis Vakalis
Publié dans:
Security in Computer and Information Sciences - First International ISCIS Security Workshop 2018, Euro-CYBERSEC 2018, London, UK, February 26-27, 2018, Revised Selected Papers, Numéro 821, 2018, Page(s) 119-129, ISBN 978-3-319-95188-1
Springer International Publishing
Ovidiu Vermesan, Joël Bacquet
Publié dans:
Next Generation Internet of Things, Numéro 1, 2018, Page(s) 1-352, ISBN 9788-770220071
River Publishers
E.Gelenbe, P.Campegiani, T.Czachórski, S.K.Katsikas, I.Komnios, L.Romano, D.Tzovaras
Publié dans:
Communications in Computer and Information Science book series (CCIS, volume 821), Numéro 821, 2018, ISBN 978-3-319-95189-8
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