CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.
Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .
Report on evaluation of potential of FCH technologies to become an integral part of emerging new energy market concept for DSOTSO operation including the feedback to European policy makers
Mid-term Summary of Project resultsA midterm summary report of the project results will be generated and made available to the stakeholders and general public These reports will be redacted to protect the confidential information and the intellectual property of commercial value for the partners
Mid-term report on dissemination actions and updated dissemination planA midterm report on dissemination activities that have taken place will be produced and the dissemination plan will be updated
Final Summary Project resultsA final summary report of the project results will be generated and made available to the stakeholders and general public This report will be redacted to protect the confidential information and the intellectual property of commercial value for the partners
Marketing material related to stacks developed in the projectReport summarize all marketing materials related top stacks developed in the project
Project leafletPromotional material will be produced for the diffusion of the project in the form of leaftlets with the description of the project and the results
Final report on dissemination actionsFinal report on the dissemination activities that have taken place will be produced at the end of the project
Report on beyond the project improvements and scale-up simulationsReport includes analysis that will investigate and compare different layouts and operating conditions for future plants considering the diverse applications defined according to the exploitation activities in WP8 The impact of specific improvements on general plant performances will be evaluated allowing for a uniform comparison on an economic basis and providing recommendations for future design and operation strategies Advanced layouts or changes in components key technological features will be included
Report on validation of FCPP2G interface.Report on integration tests which will define full interface specifications as well as performing a final performance evaluation of the whole system To validate the FCPP2G interface design and technology in a relevant environment for overall operation flexibility it will be tested in selected environment
The main tool for dissemination and coordination of the project will be the project website A website will be created at the beginning of the project and will be updated throughout the project with all the information relevant to the public news public reports etc A private consortium only part of the website will be created for the exchange of files and information among the partners
To present the project results, this public workshop will be made for stakeholders and the different industries and sectors that can have interest in the project. A workshop will be held to present the final project results obtained from the work developed in all the work packages, including the showcase of the 100 kW prototype. The report on the workshops including its objectives, attendance list, summary of the findings and feedback obtained will be prepared.
Crespi E, Guandalini G, Nieto Cantero G, Campanari S
Publié dans:
Energies, Numéro 15 (13), 2022, Page(s) 4801, ISSN 1996-1073
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Elena Crespi; Giulio Guandalini; Sönke Gößling; Stefano Campanari
Publié dans:
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Numéro 46 (24), 2021, Page(s) 13190-13205, ISSN 0360-3199
Pergamon Press Ltd.
M. Tejada, G. Nieto and B. Sarmiento
Publié dans:
European Hydrogen Energy Conference, 2022
European Hydrogen Energy Conference
Elena Crespi, Giulio Guandalini, Stefano Campanari
Publié dans:
E3S Web of Conferences, Numéro 238, 2021, ISSN 2267-1242
EDP Sciences
Elena Crespi*, Giulio Guandalini, Jorg Coolegem,
Marianela Martín, Sönke Gößling, Peter Beckhaus,
Jure Petkovšek, Silvain Buche, Stefano Campanari.
Publié dans:
EFCF 2019: Low-Temp. FUEL CELLS, ELECTROLYSERS & H2 Processing, 2019, ISBN 978-3-905592-24-5
European Fuel Cell Forum AG
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