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The unique modular propulsion system suitable for all small satellites from 1 to 500 kg

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - IFM Micro Thruster (The unique modular propulsion system suitable for all small satellites from 1 to 500 kg)

Período documentado: 2018-07-01 hasta 2019-12-31

Several players are investing in Constellations of Satellites to provide customers services as global imaging in near real time, telephone & internet coverage, monitoring of ships, airplanes, fires etc. Several players are trying to disrupt market by lowering manufacturing costs, but the most difficult component to acquire remains the propulsion system: these satellites, in fact, work without a propulsion system, resulting in high replacement rates (once per year), limited orbit manoeuvres, difficulties in flight formation, passive deorbiting not sufficient to put satellites into graveyard orbits at their end of life.
Enpulsion solves these problems with its unique IFM Micro Thruster - a compact, modular propulsion system suitable for all small satellites ranging 1-500 kg. The thruster offers the highest propellant efficiency, capable of controlling satellites’ position with unprecedented accuracy, perfectly suitable for single CubeSats as well as for big constellations of satellites (>100). The core, proprietary technology is based on a widely tested (13,000+ h) thruster developed for large satellite control in future ESA missions, specifically re-engineered to fit the space and mass constraints of small satellites.
The project goal is to engineer the qualified model (i.e. commercial version) of the IFM Micro Thruster; design and install an ISO-9001 certified production line, and demonstrate and validate the technology with relevant customers. The overall goal is to achieve first commercial sales of the IFM Micro Thruster at the end of Phase 2.
Within the period, Enpulsion has completed the critical design review and acceptance testing for the IFM Micro Thruster. Testing of the subcomponents demonstrated highly accurate performance and meeting of all requirements. The production line has been successfully installed and components for the IFM Micro Thrusters are in production.
The expected outcome of the project is to start full commercialisation of IFM Micro Thruster as a reliable innovation, validated and accepted by the relevant customers. IFM Micro Thruster will represent a disruptive solution in the field of small satellites, not only because of its unequalled efficiency, flexibility, modularity and reliability, but also for his competitive cost. Enpulsion will also contribute to the creation of new highly qualified jobs and boost economic growth for European SMEs in the field of aerospace.
IFM Micro Thruster