Periodic Reporting for period 2 - AlgaeCeuticals (Development of microalgae-based natural UV Sunscreens and Proteins as cosmeceuticals and nutraceuticals)
Berichtszeitraum: 2020-01-01 bis 2023-06-30
Overall objectives
Optimization and upscale for mass production of microalgae
Omics resources for microalgae
Examination of bioactivity of biomolecules and extracts
Identification, fractionation and characterization of high-value-added enzymes
Formulation and development of new algae-based cosmetic products.
Feasibility studies concerning the integration of algal extracts in cosmetic productsThe AlgaeCeuticals project took advantage of the native algae strains producing high-added value products through the application of novel omics technologies (genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, enzymomics and metabolomics) as well as algae culture technologies and the production of novel products. AlgaeCeuticals screened and characterized algae biodiversity, developed and optimized algae culture systems, developed omics resources for algae, and also developed downstream processing strategies and novel products like food which include microalgae biomass, and cosmetics which included microalgae extracts. For this reason and in order to achieve its objectives 4 academic and research centers from Greece (CERTH/INAB; AUA), Spain (CTNC, Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación) and Italy (FEM) collaborated for five years and a half with three industrial R&D partners from Greece (Fresh Formula), Spain (Bionos Biotech ND;) and Croatia (Particula Group).
Development of growth protocol for microalgae on lab and industrial scale
Isolation of MAAs and microalgae extracts for cosmetics use
Production of different foods having as an ingredient the microalgae
Development of cosmetics having as ingredients microalgae extracts
Compatibility and toxicity tests were performed on the cosmetics to prove their suitability for human use
The main results achieved are the development of the methodology for algae production, the isolation of biomolecules the development of omics resources he production of cosmetics and food products
Also several dissemination activities took place like researchers night, workshops, summer schools, participation in conferences, publications in news and in scientific journals
Progress beyond the state of the art. We can now isolate them in lab and industrial scale and produce novel products we now know how to develop food products due to the CTNC work carried out here. In terms of exploitability the MAAs and the enzymes produced from microalgae are highly exploitable and already the industrial partner of the project Fresh Formula has developed cosmetics products. Furthermore, the food products produced here could be of great economic importance and be exploited by the food sector.
The development of strategic objectives of EU Blue Growth and of European Marine Biotechnology will only be achieved through a coordinated implementation in a joint effort with active support and involvement from all relevant stakeholders. The research, training, and mobility envisaged in this project, will open future career opportunities and enhance human resources. This will be a major step forward in improving the participants’ attractiveness, collaboration, knowledge transfer and research performance. The project offered researchers of all ages and levels valuable scientific experience via secondments in academia and industry and vise versa, thus boosting research personnel career prospects, developing cutting-edge research skills and experiencing life in different work environments.
• The project created an invaluable and exploitable link between the industry and academia. The academic partners had the opportunity to work in close collaboration and to form a complementary and competitive team that promote knowledge and excellence to industrial partners by providing new skills. The project offered the opportunity to industrial partners to expand R&D activities and adapt new protocols for in-depth investigation of the mechanisms underlying molecular phenomena. In addition, academic partners will help the industrial partners in establishing pilot-scale bioreactor and extraction facilities. This knowledge provided further opportunities for the development of new products and services in the future and will foster research skills and capabilities. Through the project, new collaborations have been established and a new Marie Curie Rise submitted and accepted for funding. The benefits of the transfer of knowledge are mutual since academic partners will be trained and gain access in large-scale modern facilities for conducting
Developing new and lasting research collaborations, achieving transfer of knowledge between participating organizations and contributing to improving research and innovation potential at the European and global levels
• Contribution of the project to the improvement of the research and innovation potential within Europe and/or worldwide.
• Development of new and lasting research collaborations resulting from the intersectoral and/or international secondments and the networking activities implemented
• This blend of expertise from academia and industry in the project, contributes significant to the mechanisms for bridging intersectoral gaps between industry and academics.
• Contribution of the project to the improvement of the research and innovation potential within Europe and/or worldwide.
• In the context of a global economic downturn, European countries are now facing complex and difficult challenges such as the sustainable supply of food and energy, climate change and environmental degradation, human health and aging populations. The project made an important contribution towards meeting these societal challenges and in supporting economic recovery and growth in Europe by delivering new knowledge, products and services. Any economically feasible production of microalgae derived compounds requires efficient technologies for production, selective recovery and manufacture of finalized products.